Accumulator |
The Accumulator class is a data type for computing the running
mean, sample standard deviation, and sample variance of a stream of real
AcyclicLP |
The AcyclicLP class represents a data type for solving the
single-source longest paths problem in edge-weighted directed
acyclic graphs (DAGs).
AcyclicSP |
The AcyclicSP class represents a data type for solving the
single-source shortest paths problem in edge-weighted directed acyclic
graphs (DAGs).
AdjMatrixEdgeWeightedDigraph |
The AdjMatrixEdgeWeightedDigraph class represents an edge-weighted
digraph of vertices named 0 through V - 1, where each
directed edge is of type DirectedEdge and has a real-valued weight.
AllowFilter |
The AllowFilter class provides a client for reading in an allowlist
of words from a file; then, reading in a sequence of words from standard input,
printing out each word that appears in the file.
Allowlist |
The Allowlist class provides a client for reading in
a set of integers from a file; reading in a sequence of integers
from standard input; and printing to standard output those
integers not in the allowlist.
Alphabet |
AmericanFlag |
The AmericanFlag class provides static methods for sorting an
array of extended ASCII strings or integers in-place using
American flag sort.
AmericanFlagX |
The AmericanFlagX class provides static methods for sorting an
array of extended ASCII strings or integers in-place using
American Flag sort.
Arbitrage |
The Arbitrage class provides a client that finds an arbitrage
opportunity in a currency exchange table by constructing a
complete-digraph representation of the exchange table and then finding
a negative cycle in the digraph.
AssignmentProblem |
The AssignmentProblem class represents a data type for computing
an optimal solution to an n-by-n assignment problem.
Average |
The Average class provides a client for reading in a sequence
of real numbers and printing out their average.
AVLTreeST<Key extends Comparable<Key>,Value> |
The AVLTreeST class represents an ordered symbol table of
generic key-value pairs.
Bag<Item> |
The Bag class represents a bag (or multiset) of
generic items.
BellmanFordSP |
The BellmanFordSP class represents a data type for solving the
single-source shortest paths problem in edge-weighted digraphs with
no negative cycles.
BinaryDump |
The BinaryDump class provides a client for displaying the contents
of a binary file in binary.
BinaryIn |
The BinaryIn data type provides methods for reading
in bits from a binary input stream.
BinaryInsertion |
The BinaryInsertion class provides a static method for sorting an
array using an optimized binary insertion sort with half exchanges.
BinaryOut |
The BinaryOut data type provides a basic capability for
converting primitive type variables (boolean , byte ,
char , int , long , float , and double )
to sequences of bits and writing them to an output stream.
BinarySearch |
The BinarySearch class provides a static method for binary
searching for an integer in a sorted array of integers.
BinarySearchST<Key extends Comparable<Key>,Value> |
The BST class represents an ordered symbol table of generic
key-value pairs.
BinaryStdIn |
The BinaryStdIn class provides static methods for reading
in bits from standard input.
BinaryStdOut |
The BinaryStdOut class provides static methods for converting
primitive type variables (boolean , byte , char ,
int , long , float , and double )
to sequences of bits and writing them to standard output.
BinomialMinPQ<Key> |
The BinomialMinPQ class represents a priority queue of generic keys.
Bipartite |
The Bipartite class represents a data type for
determining whether an undirected graph is bipartite or whether
it has an odd-length cycle.
BipartiteMatching |
The BipartiteMatching class represents a data type for computing a
maximum (cardinality) matching and a
minimum (cardinality) vertex cover in a bipartite graph.
BipartiteX |
The BipartiteX class represents a data type for
determining whether an undirected graph is bipartite or whether
it has an odd-length cycle.
BlockFilter |
The BlockFilter class provides a client for reading in a blocklist
of words from a file; then, reading in a sequence of words from standard input,
printing out each word that does not appear in the file.
BoruvkaMST |
The BoruvkaMST class represents a data type for computing a
minimum spanning tree in an edge-weighted graph.
BoyerMoore |
The BoyerMoore class finds the first occurrence of a pattern string
in a text string.
BreadthFirstDirectedPaths |
The BreadthDirectedFirstPaths class represents a data type for
finding shortest paths (number of edges) from a source vertex s
(or set of source vertices) to every other vertex in the digraph.
BreadthFirstPaths |
The BreadthFirstPaths class represents a data type for finding
shortest paths (number of edges) from a source vertex s
(or a set of source vertices)
to every other vertex in an undirected graph.
BST<Key extends Comparable<Key>,Value> |
The BST class represents an ordered symbol table of generic
key-value pairs.
BTree<Key extends Comparable<Key>,Value> |
The BTree class represents an ordered symbol table of generic
key-value pairs.
Cat |
The Cat class provides a client for concatenating the results
of several text files.
CC |
The CC class represents a data type for
determining the connected components in an undirected graph.
ClosestPair |
The ClosestPair data type computes a closest pair of points
in a set of n points in the plane and provides accessor methods
for getting the closest pair of points and the distance between them.
CollisionSystem |
The CollisionSystem class represents a collection of particles
moving in the unit box, according to the laws of elastic collision.
Complex |
The Complex class represents a complex number.
Count |
The Count class provides an Alphabet client for reading
in a piece of text and computing the frequency of occurrence of each
character over a given alphabet.
Counter |
The Counter class is a mutable data type to encapsulate a counter.
The CPM class provides a client that solves the
parallel precedence-constrained job scheduling problem
via the critical path method.
Cycle |
The Cycle class represents a data type for
determining whether an undirected graph has a simple cycle.
Date |
The Date class is an immutable data type to encapsulate a
date (day, month, and year).
DeDup |
The DeDup class provides a client for reading in a sequence of
words from standard input and printing each word, removing any duplicates.
DegreesOfSeparation |
The DegreesOfSeparation class provides a client for finding
the degree of separation between one distinguished individual and
every other individual in a social network.
DepthFirstDirectedPaths |
The DepthFirstDirectedPaths class represents a data type for
finding directed paths from a source vertex s to every
other vertex in the digraph.
DepthFirstOrder |
The DepthFirstOrder class represents a data type for
determining depth-first search ordering of the vertices in a digraph
or edge-weighted digraph, including preorder, postorder, and reverse postorder.
DepthFirstPaths |
The DepthFirstPaths class represents a data type for finding
paths from a source vertex s to every other vertex
in an undirected graph.
DepthFirstSearch |
The DepthFirstSearch class represents a data type for
determining the vertices connected to a given source vertex s
in an undirected graph.
Digraph |
The Digraph class represents a directed graph of vertices
named 0 through V - 1.
DigraphGenerator |
The DigraphGenerator class provides static methods for creating
various digraphs, including Erdos-Renyi random digraphs, random DAGs,
random rooted trees, random rooted DAGs, random tournaments, path digraphs,
cycle digraphs, and the complete digraph.
DijkstraAllPairsSP |
The DijkstraAllPairsSP class represents a data type for solving the
all-pairs shortest paths problem in edge-weighted digraphs
where the edge weights are non-negative.
DijkstraSP |
The DijkstraSP class represents a data type for solving the
single-source shortest paths problem in edge-weighted digraphs
where the edge weights are non-negative.
DijkstraUndirectedSP |
The DijkstraUndirectedSP class represents a data type for solving
the single-source shortest paths problem in edge-weighted graphs
where the edge weights are non-negative.
DirectedCycle |
The DirectedCycle class represents a data type for
determining whether a digraph has a directed cycle.
DirectedCycleX |
The DirectedCycleX class represents a data type for
determining whether a digraph has a directed cycle.
DirectedDFS |
The DirectedDFS class represents a data type for
determining the vertices reachable from a given source vertex s
(or set of source vertices) in a digraph.
DirectedEdge |
DirectedEulerianCycle |
The DirectedEulerianCycle class represents a data type
for finding an Eulerian cycle or path in a digraph.
DirectedEulerianPath |
The DirectedEulerianPath class represents a data type
for finding an Eulerian path in a digraph.
DoublingRatio |
The DoublingRatio class provides a client for measuring
the running time of a method using a doubling ratio test.
DoublingTest |
The DoublingTest class provides a client for measuring
the running time of a method using a doubling test.
Draw |
The Draw data type provides a basic capability for
creating drawings with your programs.
Edge |
EdgeWeightedDigraph |
The EdgeWeightedDigraph class represents an edge-weighted
digraph of vertices named 0 through V - 1, where each
directed edge is of type DirectedEdge and has a real-valued weight.
EdgeWeightedDirectedCycle |
The EdgeWeightedDirectedCycle class represents a data type for
determining whether an edge-weighted digraph has a directed cycle.
EdgeWeightedGraph |
The EdgeWeightedGraph class represents an edge-weighted
graph of vertices named 0 through V – 1, where each
undirected edge is of type Edge and has a real-valued weight.
EulerianCycle |
The EulerianCycle class represents a data type
for finding an Eulerian cycle or path in a graph.
EulerianPath |
The EulerianPath class represents a data type
for finding an Eulerian path in a graph.
FarthestPair |
The FarthestPair data type computes the farthest pair of points
in a set of n points in the plane and provides accessor methods
for getting the farthest pair of points and the distance between them.
FenwickTree |
Created by on 4/01/15.
The FFT class provides methods for computing the
FFT (Fast-Fourier Transform), inverse FFT, linear convolution,
and circular convolution of a complex array.
FibonacciMinPQ<Key> |
FileIndex |
The FileIndex class provides a client for indexing a set of files,
specified as command-line arguments.
FlowEdge |
The FlowEdge class represents a capacitated edge with a
flow in a FlowNetwork .
FlowNetwork |
The FlowNetwork class represents a capacitated network
with vertices named 0 through V - 1, where each directed
edge is of type FlowEdge and has a real-valued capacity
and flow.
FloydWarshall |
The FloydWarshall class represents a data type for solving the
all-pairs shortest paths problem in edge-weighted digraphs with
no negative cycles.
FordFulkerson |
The FordFulkerson class represents a data type for computing a
maximum st-flow and minimum st-cut in a flow
FrequencyCounter |
The FrequencyCounter class provides a client for
reading in a sequence of words and printing a word (exceeding
a given length) that occurs most frequently.
GabowSCC |
The GabowSCC class represents a data type for
determining the strong components in a digraph.
GaussianElimination |
The GaussianElimination data type provides methods
to solve a linear system of equations Ax = b,
where A is an m-by-n matrix
and b is a length n vector.
GaussJordanElimination |
The GaussJordanElimination data type provides methods
to solve a linear system of equations Ax = b,
where A is an n-by-n matrix
and b is a length n vector.
Genome |
The Genome class provides static methods for compressing
and expanding a genomic sequence using a 2-bit code.
GlobalMincut |
The GlobalMincut class represents a data type for computing a
global minimum cut in a graph with non-negative edge weights.
GrahamScan |
The GrahamScan data type provides methods for computing the
convex hull of a set of n points in the plane.
Graph |
The Graph class represents an undirected graph of vertices
named 0 through V – 1.
GraphGenerator |
The GraphGenerator class provides static methods for creating
various graphs, including Erdos-Renyi random graphs, random bipartite
graphs, random k-regular graphs, and random rooted trees.
GrayscalePicture |
The GrayscalePicture data type provides a basic capability
for manipulating the individual pixels of a grayscale image.
The GREP class provides a client for reading in a sequence of
lines from standard input and printing to standard output those lines
that contain a substring matching a specified regular expression.
Heap |
The Heap class provides a static method to sort an array
using heapsort.
HexDump |
The HexDump class provides a client for displaying the contents
of a binary file in hexadecimal.
HopcroftKarp |
The HopcroftKarp class represents a data type for computing a
maximum (cardinality) matching and a
minimum (cardinality) vertex cover in a bipartite graph.
Huffman |
The Huffman class provides static methods for compressing
and expanding a binary input using Huffman codes over the 8-bit extended
ASCII alphabet.
In |
The In data type provides methods for reading strings
and numbers from standard input, file input, URLs, and sockets.
IndexBinomialMinPQ<Key> |
The IndexBinomialMinPQ class represents an indexed priority queue of generic keys.
IndexFibonacciMinPQ<Key> |
IndexMaxPQ<Key extends Comparable<Key>> |
The IndexMaxPQ class represents an indexed priority queue of generic keys.
IndexMinPQ<Key extends Comparable<Key>> |
The IndexMinPQ class represents an indexed priority queue of generic keys.
IndexMultiwayMinPQ<Key> |
The IndexMultiwayMinPQ class represents an indexed priority queue of generic keys.
InplaceMSD |
The InplaceMSD class provides static methods for sorting an
array of extended ASCII strings using in-place MSD radix sort.
Insertion |
The Insertion class provides static methods for sorting an
array using insertion sort.
InsertionX |
The InsertionX class provides static methods for sorting
an array using an optimized version of insertion sort (with half exchanges
and a sentinel).
Interval1D |
The Interval1D class represents a one-dimensional interval.
Interval2D |
The Interval2D class represents a closed two-dimensional interval,
which represents all points (x, y) with both xmin <= x <= xmax and
ymin <= y <= ymax .
Inversions |
The Inversions class provides static methods to count the
number of inversions in either an array of integers or comparables.
The KMP class finds the first occurrence of a pattern string
in a text string.
Knuth |
The Knuth class provides a client for reading in a
sequence of strings and shuffling them using the Knuth (or Fisher-Yates)
shuffling algorithm.
KosarajuSharirSCC |
The KosarajuSharirSCC class represents a data type for
determining the strong components in a digraph.
KruskalMST |
The KruskalMST class represents a data type for computing a
minimum spanning tree in an edge-weighted graph.
The KWIK class provides a SuffixArray client for computing
all occurrences of a keyword in a given string, with surrounding context.
LazyPrimMST |
The LazyPrimMST class represents a data type for computing a
minimum spanning tree in an edge-weighted graph.
LinearProbingHashST<Key,Value> |
The LinearProbingHashST class represents a symbol table of generic
key-value pairs.
LinearProgramming |
The LinearProgramming class represents a data type for solving a
linear program of the form { max cx : Ax ≤ b, x ≥ 0 }, where A is an
m-by-n matrix, b is an m-length vector, and c is an n-length vector.
LinearRegression |
The LinearRegression class performs a simple linear regression
on an set of n data points (yi, xi).
LinkedBag<Item> |
The LinkedBag class represents a bag (or multiset) of
generic items.
LinkedQueue<Item> |
The LinkedQueue class represents a first-in-first-out (FIFO)
queue of generic items.
LinkedStack<Item> |
The LinkedStack class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of
generic items.
LongestCommonSubstring |
The LongestCommonSubstring class provides a SuffixArray
client for computing the longest common substring that appears in two
given strings.
LongestRepeatedSubstring |
The LongestRepeatedSubstring class provides a SuffixArray
client for computing the longest repeated substring of a string that
appears at least twice.
LookupCSV |
The LookupCSV class provides a data-driven client for reading in a
key-value pairs from a file; then, printing the values corresponding to the
keys found on standard input.
LookupIndex |
The LookupIndex class provides a data-driven client for reading in a
key-value pairs from a file; then, printing the values corresponding to the
keys found on standard input.
The LSD class provides static methods for sorting an
array of w-character strings or 32-bit integers using LSD radix sort.
The LZW class provides static methods for compressing
and expanding a binary input using LZW compression over the 8-bit extended
ASCII alphabet with 12-bit codewords.
MaxPQ<Key> |
The MaxPQ class represents a priority queue of generic keys.
Merge |
The Merge class provides static methods for sorting an
array using a top-down, recursive version of mergesort.
MergeBU |
The MergeBU class provides static methods for sorting an
array using bottom-up mergesort.
MergeX |
The MergeX class provides static methods for sorting an
array using an optimized version of mergesort.
MinPQ<Key> |
The MinPQ class represents a priority queue of generic keys.
The MSD class provides static methods for sorting an
array of extended ASCII strings or integers using MSD radix sort.
Multiway |
The Multiway class provides a client for reading in several
sorted text files and merging them together into a single sorted
text stream.
MultiwayMinPQ<Key> |
The MultiwayMinPQ class represents a priority queue of generic keys.
The NFA class provides a data type for creating a
nondeterministic finite state automaton (NFA) from a regular
expression and testing whether a given string is matched by that regular
NonrecursiveDFS |
The NonrecursiveDFS class represents a data type for finding
the vertices connected to a source vertex s in the undirected
NonrecursiveDirectedDFS |
The NonrecursiveDirectedDFS class represents a data type for finding
the vertices reachable from a source vertex s in the digraph.
Out |
The Out data type provides methods for writing strings and
numbers to various output streams, including standard output, file, and sockets.
Particle |
The Particle class represents a particle moving in the unit box,
with a given position, velocity, radius, and mass.
PatriciaSET |
The PatriciaSET class provides an implementation of an
unordered set, with the restriction that the items (keys) are of class
String .
PatriciaST<Value> |
The PatriciaST class provides an implementation of an unordered
symbol table of key-value pairs, with the restriction that the key is of
class String .
Picture |
The Picture data type provides a basic capability for manipulating
the individual pixels of an image.
PictureDump |
The PictureDump class provides a client for displaying the contents
of a binary file as a black-and-white picture.
Point2D |
The Point class is an immutable data type to encapsulate a
two-dimensional point with real-value coordinates.
Polynomial |
The Polynomial class represents a polynomial with integer
PrimMST |
The PrimMST class represents a data type for computing a
minimum spanning tree in an edge-weighted graph.
Queue<Item> |
The Queue class represents a first-in-first-out (FIFO)
queue of generic items.
Quick |
The Quick class provides static methods for sorting an
array and selecting the ith smallest element in an array using quicksort.
Quick3string |
The Quick3string class provides static methods for sorting an
array of strings using 3-way radix quicksort.
Quick3way |
The Quick3way class provides static methods for sorting an
array using quicksort with 3-way partitioning.
QuickBentleyMcIlroy |
The QuickBentleyMcIlroy class provides static methods for sorting
an array using an optimized version of quicksort (using Bentley-McIlroy
3-way partitioning, Tukey's ninther, and cutoff to insertion sort).
QuickFindUF |
The QuickFindUF class represents a union–find data type
(also known as the disjoint-sets data type).
QuickUnionUF |
The QuickUnionUF class represents a union–find data type
(also known as the disjoint-sets data type).
QuickX |
The QuickX class provides static methods for sorting an array
using an optimized version of quicksort (using Hoare's 2-way partitioning
algorithm, median-of-3 to choose the partitioning element, and cutoff
to insertion sort).
RabinKarp |
The RabinKarp class finds the first occurrence of a pattern string
in a text string.
RandomSeq |
The RandomSeq class is a client that prints out a pseudorandom
sequence of real numbers in a given range.
RectHV |
The RectHV class is an immutable data type to encapsulate a
two-dimensional axis-aligned rectagle with real-value coordinates.
RedBlackBST<Key extends Comparable<Key>,Value> |
The BST class represents an ordered symbol table of generic
key-value pairs.
ResizingArrayBag<Item> |
The ResizingArrayBag class represents a bag (or multiset) of
generic items.
ResizingArrayQueue<Item> |
The ResizingArrayQueue class represents a first-in-first-out (FIFO)
queue of generic items.
ResizingArrayStack<Item> |
The ResizingArrayStack class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack
of generic items.
RunLength |
The RunLength class provides static methods for compressing
and expanding a binary input using run-length coding with 8-bit
run lengths.
SegmentTree |
The SegmentTree class is an structure for efficient search of cummulative data.
Selection |
The Selection class provides static methods for sorting an
array using selection sort.
SeparateChainingHashST<Key,Value> |
The SeparateChainingHashST class represents a symbol table of generic
key-value pairs.
SequentialSearchST<Key,Value> |
The SequentialSearchST class represents an (unordered)
symbol table of generic key-value pairs.
SET<Key extends Comparable<Key>> |
The SET class represents an ordered set of comparable keys.
Shell |
SparseVector |
The SparseVector class represents a d-dimensional mathematical vector.
ST<Key extends Comparable<Key>,Value> |
The ST class represents an ordered symbol table of generic
key-value pairs.
Stack<Item> |
The Stack class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of generic items.
StaticSETofInts |
The StaticSETofInts class represents a set of integers.
StdArrayIO |
The StdArrayIO class provides static methods for reading
in 1D and 2D arrays from standard input and printing out to
standard output.
StdAudio |
The StdAudio class provides static methods for
playing, reading, and saving audio.
StdDraw |
The StdDraw class provides static methods for creating drawings
with your programs.
StdIn |
The StdIn class provides static methods for reading strings
and numbers from standard input.
StdOut |
The StdOut class provides static methods for printing strings
and numbers to standard output.
StdPicture |
The StdPicture class provides static methods for manipulating
the individual pixels of an image using the RGB color model.
StdRandom |
The StdRandom class provides static methods for generating
random number from various discrete and continuous distributions,
including uniform, Bernoulli, geometric, Gaussian, exponential, Pareto,
Poisson, and Cauchy.
StdStats |
The StdStats class provides static methods for computing
statistics such as min, max, mean, sample standard deviation, and
sample variance.
Stopwatch |
The Stopwatch data type is for measuring
the time that elapses between the start and end of a
programming task (wall-clock time).
StopwatchCPU |
The StopwatchCPU data type is for measuring
the CPU time used during a programming task.
SuffixArray |
The SuffixArray class represents a suffix array of a string of
length n.
SuffixArrayX |
The SuffixArrayX class represents a suffix array of a string of
length n.
SymbolDigraph |
The SymbolDigraph class represents a digraph, where the
vertex names are arbitrary strings.
SymbolGraph |
The SymbolGraph class represents an undirected graph, where the
vertex names are arbitrary strings.
TarjanSCC |
The TarjanSCC class represents a data type for
determining the strong components in a digraph.
ThreeSum |
The ThreeSum class provides static methods for counting
and printing the number of triples in an array of integers that sum to 0
(ignoring integer overflow).
ThreeSumFast |
The ThreeSumFast class provides static methods for counting
and printing the number of triples in an array of distinct integers that
sum to 0 (ignoring integer overflow).
TopM |
The TopM class provides a client that reads a sequence of
transactions from standard input and prints the m largest ones
to standard output.
Topological |
The Topological class represents a data type for
determining a topological order of a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
TopologicalX |
The TopologicalX class represents a data type for
determining a topological order of a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
Transaction |
The Transaction class is an immutable data type to encapsulate a
commercial transaction with a customer name, date, and amount.
Transaction.HowMuchOrder |
Compares two transactions by amount.
Transaction.WhenOrder |
Compares two transactions by date.
Transaction.WhoOrder |
Compares two transactions by customer name.
TransitiveClosure |
The TransitiveClosure class represents a data type for
computing the transitive closure of a digraph.
TrieSET |
The TrieSET class represents an ordered set of strings over
the extended ASCII alphabet.
TrieST<Value> |
The TrieST class represents a symbol table of key-value
pairs, with string keys and generic values.
TST<Value> |
The TST class represents a symbol table of key-value
pairs, with string keys and generic values.
TwoPersonZeroSumGame |
The TwoPersonZeroSumGame class represents a data type for
computing optimal row and column strategies to two-person zero-sum games.
UF |
The UF class represents a union–find data type
(also known as the disjoint-sets data type).
Vector |
The Vector class represents a d-dimensional Euclidean vector.
WeightedQuickUnionUF |
The WeightedQuickUnionUF class represents a union–find data type
(also known as the disjoint-sets data type).