Class BoruvkaMST

  • public class BoruvkaMST
    extends Object
    The BoruvkaMST class represents a data type for computing a minimum spanning tree in an edge-weighted graph. The edge weights can be positive, zero, or negative and need not be distinct. If the graph is not connected, it computes a minimum spanning forest, which is the union of minimum spanning trees in each connected component. The weight() method returns the weight of a minimum spanning tree and the edges() method returns its edges.

    This implementation uses Boruvka's algorithm and the union-find data type. The constructor takes Θ(E log V) time in the worst case, where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges. Each instance method takes Θ(1) time. It uses Θ(V) extra space (not including the edge-weighted graph).

    This weight() method correctly computes the weight of the MST if all arithmetic performed is without floating-point rounding error or arithmetic overflow. This is the case if all edge weights are non-negative integers and the weight of the MST does not exceed 252.

    For additional documentation, see Section 4.3 of Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. For alternate implementations, see LazyPrimMST, PrimMST, and KruskalMST.

    Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne
    • Constructor Detail

      • BoruvkaMST

        public BoruvkaMST​(EdgeWeightedGraph G)
        Compute a minimum spanning tree (or forest) of an edge-weighted graph.
        G - the edge-weighted graph
    • Method Detail

      • edges

        public Iterable<Edge> edges()
        Returns the edges in a minimum spanning tree (or forest).
        the edges in a minimum spanning tree (or forest) as an iterable of edges
      • weight

        public double weight()
        Returns the sum of the edge weights in a minimum spanning tree (or forest).
        the sum of the edge weights in a minimum spanning tree (or forest)
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
        Unit tests the BoruvkaMST data type.
        args - the command-line arguments