Uses of Interface

Packages that use Tree

Uses of Tree in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework

Subinterfaces of Tree in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework
 interface AnimatingTree<P extends NodeProperties>
          The AnimatingTree interface extends DrawingTree because all AnimatingTrees must be drawable.
 interface AnimatingTreeHead<P extends NodeProperties>
          The AnimatingTreeHead interface extends DrawingTreeHead.
 interface DrawingTree<P extends NodeProperties>
          The DrawingTree interface extends Tree because all Drawing Trees must also be Trees.
 interface DrawingTreeHead<P extends NodeProperties>
          The interface defines numerous methods which allow for the drawing of the entire DrawingTree onto a given Graphics2D using the head methods.
 interface TreeHead<P extends NodeProperties>
          The TreeHead interface extends the Tree interface.

Classes in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework that implement Tree
 class GrowingTreeHead<P extends NodeProperties>
          This class provides the head structure for a BSTTree.
 class GrowingTreeNode<P extends NodeProperties>
          The class provides the base structure of a BSTTree, a node of the Binary Search Tree.
 class MovingBSTTree<P extends NodeProperties>
          The class provides the base structure for a BSTTree that can move to a new position in the Binary Search Tree.

Methods in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework that return Tree
 Tree<P> GrowingTreeHead.getChild()
          Gets the child of the TreeHead.
 Tree<P> TreeHead.getChild()
          Gets the child of the TreeHead.
 Tree[] GrowingTreeNode.getChildren()
          Returns the children of the current Tree.
 Tree[] Tree.getChildren()
          Returns the children of the current Tree.
 Tree<P> Tree.getParentTree()
          Returns the parent of the current Tree.
 Tree<P> GrowingTreeHead.partition(Tree<P> node, int keySelect)
          Partitions from the given node the keySelect value.
 Tree<P> TreeHead.partition(Tree<P> node, int keySelect)
          Partitions from the given node the keySelect value.
 Tree<P> keySearch)
          Searches for the comaparable object in the Tree using its natural ordering .
 Tree<P> keySearch)
          Searches for the comaparable object in the Tree using its natural ordering .
 Tree<P> GrowingTreeHead.searchTreeType(KeyType keySearch)
          Searches for the Tree in the entire tree.
 Tree<P><P> node, int keySelect)
          Selects the kth smallest item in the Tree using its natural ordering from the given node.
 Tree<P><P> node, int keySelect)
          Selects the kth smallest item in the Tree using its natural ordering from the given node.
 Tree<P> GrowingTreeHead.selectTreeType(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, int keySelect)
          Selects for the Tree in the entire tree.

Methods in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework with parameters of type Tree
 void GrowingTreeHead.balance(Tree<P> node)
          Balances the tree, from the node downward, recursively rotating the median to the top.
 void TreeHead.balance(Tree<P> node)
          Balances the tree, from the node downward.
 void BSTTreeJPanel.balanceCommand(Tree node)
          Balance command.
 void TreeJPanel.balanceCommand(Tree<P> node)
          Balance command.
 void GrowingTreeHead.delete(Tree<P> node, boolean successorSwap)
          Removes the given node from the tree.
 void TreeJPanel.deleteCommand(Tree<P> node)
          Insert command.
 void GrowingTreeHead.insert(Tree<P> node)
          Inserts the node to the tree using its natural ordering .
 Tree<P> GrowingTreeHead.partition(Tree<P> node, int keySelect)
          Partitions from the given node the keySelect value.
 Tree<P> TreeHead.partition(Tree<P> node, int keySelect)
          Partitions from the given node the keySelect value.
 void TreeJPanel.partitionCommand(Tree<P> node)
          Partition command.
 void GrowingTreeHead.remove(Tree<P> node)
 void TreeHead.remove(Tree<P> node)
          Removes the given node from the tree.
 void BSTTreeJPanel.rotateToTopCommand(Tree<P> node)
          RotateToTop command.
 void TreeJPanel.rotateToTopCommand(Tree<P> node)
          RotateToTop command.
 void BSTTreeJPanel.rotateUpCommand(Tree<P> node)
          RotateUp command.
 void TreeJPanel.rotateUpCommand(Tree<P> node)
          RotateUp command.
 void BSTTreeJPanel.rotateUpDoubleCommand(Tree node)
          RotateUpDouble command.
 void TreeJPanel.rotateUpDoubleCommand(Tree<P> node)
          RotateUpDouble command.
 Tree<P><P> node, int keySelect)
          Selects the kth smallest item in the Tree using its natural ordering from the given node.
 Tree<P><P> node, int keySelect)
          Selects the kth smallest item in the Tree using its natural ordering from the given node.
 void TreeJPanel.selectCommand(Tree<P> node)
          Select command.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setChild(Tree<P> child)
          Sets the child of the TreeHead.
 void TreeHead.setChild(Tree<P> child)
          Sets the child of the TreeHead.
 void BSTTreeJPanel.splayCommand(Tree node)
          Splay command.
 void TreeJPanel.splayCommand(Tree<P> node)
          Splay command.
 void GrowingTreeHead.swapNodes(Tree<P> node, int keySelect)
          Swaps node with the the kth smallest item in its subtree using its natural ordering from the given node.