Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeSettings

Uses of NodeSettings in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework

Methods in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework that return NodeSettings
 NodeSettings MovingBSTTreeAnimation.getAnimationScheme()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the animation of the moving node.
 NodeSettings InsertBSTAnimation.getAnimationSchemeLeft()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the left animation scheme for the insertion.
 NodeSettings SearchBSTAnimation.getAnimationSchemeLeft()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the left animation scheme for the search.
 NodeSettings SelectionBSTAnimation.getAnimationSchemeLeft()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the left animation scheme for the search.
 NodeSettings InsertBSTAnimation.getAnimationSchemeRight()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the right animation scheme for the insertion.
 NodeSettings SearchBSTAnimation.getAnimationSchemeRight()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the right animation scheme for the search.
 NodeSettings SelectionBSTAnimation.getAnimationSchemeRight()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the right animation scheme for the search.
 NodeSettings InsertBSTAnimation.getAnimatorScheme()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the animator scheme for the insertion.
 NodeSettings SearchBSTAnimation.getAnimatorScheme()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the animator scheme for the search.
 NodeSettings SelectionBSTAnimation.getAnimatorScheme()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the animator scheme for the search.
 NodeSettings TraverseBSTAnimation.getAnimatorScheme()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the animator scheme for the search.
 NodeSettings RotationBSTAnimation.getChildAnimationScheme()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the child animation scheme for the rotation.
 NodeSettings RotationBSTAnimation.getDescendantAnimationScheme()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the descendant animation scheme for the rotation.
 NodeSettings DrawingTreeHead.getDrawingNodeSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the entire tree.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeHead.getDrawingNodeSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the entire tree.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeHead.getInsertAnimatorNodeSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for insertion.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeHead.getInsertNodeLeftSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the left node settings for insertion.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeHead.getInsertNodeRightSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the right node settings for insertion.
 NodeSettings MovingBSTTreeAnimation.getNodeAnimationScheme()
          Gets the node Animationg scheme for each moving node.
 NodeSettings DisplayChangeAnimation.getNodeOriginalScheme()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the original node scheme for the rotation.
 NodeSettings RotationBSTAnimation.getNodeOriginalScheme()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the original node scheme for the rotation.
 NodeSettings RotationBSTAnimation.getRootAnimationScheme()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the root animation scheme for the rotation.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeHead.getRotateChildNodeSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the child node settings for rotation.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeHead.getRotateDescendantNodeSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the descendant node settings for rotation.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeHead.getRotateOriginalNodeSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the original node settings for rotation.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeHead.getRotateRootNodeSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the root node settings for rotation.
static NodeSettings NodeSettings.getScheme(java.lang.String s)
          Gets a NodeSettings that defines the given int scheme.
static NodeSettings NodeSettings.getScheme(java.lang.String s, java.awt.Color background)
          Gets a NodeSettings that defines the given int scheme.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeHead.getSearchAnimatorNodeSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for searching.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeHead.getSearchNodeLeftSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the left node settings for searching.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeHead.getSearchNodeRightSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the right node settings for searching.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeHead.getSelectAnimatorNodeSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for selection.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeHead.getSelectNodeLeftSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the left node settings for selection.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeHead.getSelectNodeRightSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the right node settings for selection.
 NodeSettings DrawingTree.getSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings of the tree.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeNode.getSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings of the tree.
 NodeSettings GrowingTreeHead.getTraverseAnimatorNodeSettings()
          Gets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for traversal.

Methods in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework with parameters of type NodeSettings
 void NodeSettings.setAllSettings(NodeSettings s)
          Sets the settings of just the node of the NodeSettings, using the NodeSettings passed.
 void MovingBSTTreeAnimation.setAnimationScheme(NodeSettings nodeScheme, KeySettings keyScheme)
          Sets the animation scheme for each moving node.
 void InsertBSTAnimation.setAnimationSchemeLeft(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the left animation scheme for the insertion.
 void SearchBSTAnimation.setAnimationSchemeLeft(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the left animation scheme for the insertion.
 void SelectionBSTAnimation.setAnimationSchemeLeft(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the left animation scheme for the insertion.
 void InsertBSTAnimation.setAnimationSchemeRight(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the right animation scheme for the insertion.
 void SearchBSTAnimation.setAnimationSchemeRight(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the right animation scheme for the insertion.
 void SelectionBSTAnimation.setAnimationSchemeRight(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the right animation scheme for the insertion.
 void InsertBSTAnimation.setAnimatorScheme(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the animator scheme for the insertion.
 void SearchBSTAnimation.setAnimatorScheme(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the animator scheme for the insertion.
 void SelectionBSTAnimation.setAnimatorScheme(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the animator scheme for the insertion.
 void TraverseBSTAnimation.setAnimatorScheme(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the animator scheme for the insertion.
 void RotationBSTAnimation.setChildAnimationScheme(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the child animation scheme for the rotation.
 void RotationBSTAnimation.setDescendantAnimationScheme(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the descendant animation scheme for the rotation.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setDrawingNodeSettings(NodeSettings s)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the node of the head, used in creation of new nodes.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setInsertAnimatorNodeSettings(NodeSettings n)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for insertion.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setInsertNodeLeftSettings(NodeSettings n)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the left node settings for insertion.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setInsertNodeRightSettings(NodeSettings n)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the right node settings for insertion.
 void NodeSettings.setLeftSettings(NodeSettings s)
          Sets the left settings of the NodeSettings, using the NodeSettings passed.
 void MovingBSTTreeAnimation.setNodeAnimationScheme(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the animation of the moving node.
 void DisplayChangeAnimation.setNodeOriginalScheme(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the original scheme for the rotation.
 void RotationBSTAnimation.setNodeOriginalScheme(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the original scheme for the rotation.
 void GrowingTreeNode.setNodeSettings(NodeSettings s)
          Sets the settings of the node for the BSTTree.
 void NodeSettings.setNodeSettings(NodeSettings s)
          Sets the settings of just the node of the NodeSettings, using the NodeSettings passed.
 void NodeSettings.setRightSettings(NodeSettings s)
          Sets the right settings of the NodeSettings, using the NodeSettings passed.
 void RotationBSTAnimation.setRootAnimationScheme(NodeSettings scheme)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the root animation scheme for the rotation.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setRotateChildNodeSettings(NodeSettings n)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the child node settings for rotation.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setRotateDescendantNodeSettings(NodeSettings n)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the descendant node settings for rotation.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setRotateOriginalNodeSettings(NodeSettings n)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the original node settings for rotation.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setRotateRootNodeSettings(NodeSettings n)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the root node settings for rotation.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setSearchAnimatorNodeSettings(NodeSettings n)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for searching.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setSearchNodeLeftSettings(NodeSettings n)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the left node settings for searching.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setSearchNodeRightSettings(NodeSettings n)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the right node settings for searching.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setSelectAnimatorNodeSettings(NodeSettings n)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for selection.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setSelectNodeLeftSettings(NodeSettings n)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the left node settings for selection.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setSelectNodeRightSettings(NodeSettings n)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the right node settings for selection.
 void DrawingTree.setSettings(NodeSettings s)
          Sets the NodeSettings of the tree.
 void GrowingTreeNode.setSettings(NodeSettings s)
          Sets the NodeSettings of the DrawingTree.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setTraverseAnimatorNodeSettings(NodeSettings n)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for traversal.
 void DrawingTreeHead.setTreeSettings(NodeSettings s, KeySettings k)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the entire tree from the head down.
 void GrowingTreeHead.setTreeSettings(NodeSettings s, KeySettings k)
          Sets the NodeSettings for the entire tree from the head down.

Constructors in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework with parameters of type NodeSettings
DisplayChangeAnimation(GrowingTreeHead<P> head, int displayChange, NodeSettings NodeOriginalScheme, KeySettings KeyOriginalScheme, java.lang.String startingCmd, int stepTime)
          The constructor which initiates the status and prepares the color schemes.
InsertBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, NodeSettings AnimationSchemeLeft, NodeSettings AnimationSchemeRight, NodeSettings AnimatorScheme, KeySettings KeyAnimatorScheme, java.lang.String startingCmd, int stepTime)
          The constructor which initiates the status and prepares the colorSchemes.
MovingBSTTreeAnimation(NodeSettings NodeAnimationScheme, KeySettings KeyAnimationScheme)
          The constructor which initiates the status as Animation.PLAY, default step size, the given NodeAnimationScheme and KeyAnimationScheme.
MovingBSTTreeAnimation(NodeSettings NodeAnimationScheme, KeySettings KeyAnimationScheme, java.lang.String startingCmd, int stepTime)
          The constructor which initiates the status and prepares the color Schemes.
RotationBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> head, GrowingTreeNode<P> child, int rotationOrientation, NodeSettings RootAnimationScheme, NodeSettings ChildAnimationScheme, NodeSettings DescendantAnimationScheme, NodeSettings NodeOriginalScheme, KeySettings KeyAnimationScheme, KeySettings KeyOriginalScheme, java.lang.String startingCmd, int stepTime)
          The constructor which initiates the status and prepares the color schemes.
SearchBSTAnimation(KeyType keySearch, GrowingTreeHead<P> headNode, NodeSettings AnimationSchemeLeft, NodeSettings AnimationSchemeRight, NodeSettings AnimatorScheme, KeySettings KeyAnimatorScheme, java.lang.String startingCmd, int stepTime)
          The constructor which initiates the status and prepares the colorSchemes.
SelectionBSTAnimation(int elementCount, NodeSettings AnimationSchemeLeft, NodeSettings AnimationSchemeRight, NodeSettings AnimatorScheme, KeySettings KeyAnimatorScheme, java.lang.String startingCmd, int stepTime)
          The constructor which initiates the status and prepares the colorSchemes.
SwapNodesBSTAnimation(int elementCount, NodeSettings AnimationSchemeLeft, NodeSettings AnimationSchemeRight, NodeSettings AnimatorScheme, KeySettings KeyAnimatorScheme, java.lang.String startingCmd, int stepTime)
TraverseBSTAnimation(NodeSettings AnimatorScheme, KeySettings KeyAnimatorScheme, java.lang.String startingCmd, int stepTime)
          The constructor which initiates the status and prepares the colorSchemes.