Uses of Class

Packages that use GrowingTreeNode

Uses of GrowingTreeNode in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework

Subclasses of GrowingTreeNode in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework
 class GrowingTreeHead<P extends NodeProperties>
          This class provides the head structure for a BSTTree.
 class MovingBSTTree<P extends NodeProperties>
          The class provides the base structure for a BSTTree that can move to a new position in the Binary Search Tree.

Methods in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework that return GrowingTreeNode
 GrowingTreeNode<P> GrowingTreeNode.delete()
 GrowingTreeNode ColorOptionsJPanel.getAnimatingNode()
          Gets the animating node in the panel.
 GrowingTreeNode<P> ActionElementType.getBSTTreeValue()
 GrowingTreeNode ColorOptionsJPanel.getDrawingNode()
          Gets the drawing node in the panel.
 GrowingTreeNode<P> DeleteBSTAnimation.getErasingNode()
          Gets the node being deleted during the deletion.
 GrowingTreeNode<P> ShadowNode.getGrowingNode()
 GrowingTreeNode<P> GrowingTreeNode.getLeftNodeInternal()
          Returns the left BSTTree of the current tree.
 GrowingTreeNode<P> BalanceBSTAnimation.getNode()
          Gets the node from which the balancing takes place.
 GrowingTreeNode<P> MovingBSTTree.getNode()
          Gets the node that the MovingBSTTree is imitating.
 GrowingTreeNode<P> NodeAndKey.getNode()
          Gets the node for the object.
 GrowingTreeNode<P> PartitionBSTAnimation.getNode()
          Gets the node from which the partitioning takes place.
 GrowingTreeNode<P> RotationDoubleBSTAnimation.getNode()
          Gets the node from which the partitioning takes place.
 GrowingTreeNode<P> GrowingTreeNode.getParentTree()
          Returns the parent of the current tree.
 GrowingTreeNode<P> BalanceBSTAnimation.getReplacingNode()
          Gets the node currently being replaced by the node being balanced (not set until after partition occurs).
 GrowingTreeNode<P> DeleteBSTAnimation.getReplacingNode()
          Gets the node being replaced during the deletion.
 GrowingTreeNode<P> PartitionBSTAnimation.getReplacingNode()
          Gets the node currently being rotated up to replace (not set until after selection occurs).
 GrowingTreeNode<P> GrowingTreeNode.getRightNodeInternal()
          Returns the right BSTTree of the current tree.
 GrowingTreeNode<P> GrowingTreeNode.getRoot()
 GrowingTreeNode<P> GrowingTreeNode.rotateLeftPointers()
          Rotate the tree to the left.
 GrowingTreeNode<P> GrowingTreeNode.rotateRightPointers()
          Rotate the tree to the right.

Methods in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework that return types with arguments of type GrowingTreeNode
 java.util.LinkedList<GrowingTreeNode<P>> GrowingTreeHead.getInorderTree()
          Makes a inorder representation of the tree in an array of BSTTrees.
 java.util.LinkedList<GrowingTreeNode<P>> GrowingTreeHead.getLevelorderTree()
          Makes a levelorder representation of the tree in an array of BSTTrees.
 java.util.LinkedList<GrowingTreeNode<P>> MovingBSTTreeAnimation.getNodes()
          Gets the BSTTree nodes used in the Animation.
 java.util.LinkedList<GrowingTreeNode<P>> GrowingTreeHead.getPostorderTree()
          Makes a postorder representation of the tree in an array of BSTTrees.
 java.util.LinkedList<GrowingTreeNode<P>> GrowingTreeHead.getPreorderTree()
          Makes a preorder representation of the tree in an array of BSTTrees.
 java.util.LinkedList<GrowingTreeNode<P>> GrowingTreeHead.traverse(int traverseType)
          Traverses the tree in the given traversal type.
 java.util.LinkedList<GrowingTreeNode<P>> GrowingTreeHead.traverseAnimatingType(int traverseType)
          Traverses the tree in the given traversal type.
 java.util.LinkedList<GrowingTreeNode<P>> GrowingTreeHead.traverseTreeType(int traverseType)
          Traverses the tree in the given traversal type.

Methods in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework with parameters of type GrowingTreeNode
 void InsertBSTAnimation.add(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform a, GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Add a step to the InsertAnimation.
 void InsertBSTAnimation.add(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Add a step to the InsertAnimation.
 void SearchBSTAnimation.add(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Add a step to the Search Animation.
 void SelectionBSTAnimation.add(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Add a step to the Search Animation.
 void TraverseBSTAnimation.add(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Add a step to the Traversal Animation.
 void MovingBSTTreeAnimation.add(MovingBSTTree<P> movingNode, GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Adds the movingBSTTree along with the BSTTree node as a pair.
 void GrowingTreeHead.balanceAnimatingType(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Balances the tree from the given node, recursively rotating the median to the top.
 void GrowingTreeHead.balanceTreeType(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Balances the tree from the given node, recursively rotating the median to the top.
 int GrowingTreeNode.compareTo(GrowingTreeNode<P> that)
 MovingBSTTree<P> MovingBSTTreeAnimation.getMovingNode(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Gets the moving node within the Animation that imitates the passed BSTTree node.
 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform SwapBSTAnimation.getTransformStep(GrowingTreeNode<P> from, GrowingTreeNode<P> to, double step)
 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform SwapBSTAnimation.getTransformStep(GrowingTreeNode<P> from, GrowingTreeNode<P> to, double step)
 IAlgorithmNode<P> GrowingTreeNode.insertNode(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeBalanceAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Makes a balance Animation using the given node.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeDeletionAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Makes a deletion Animation using the given node.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeInsertAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> insertNode)
          Makes an insert Animation using the given node.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makePartitionAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, int keySelect)
          Makes a partition Animation using the given node and given keySelect.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeRotationAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Makes a rotation Animation using the given node.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeRotationDoubleAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Makes a rotationDouble Animation using the given node.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeSelectionAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, int keySelect)
          Makes a select Animation using the given keySelect.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeSwapNodesAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, int keySelect)
 void GrowingTreeHead.removeTreeType(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Removes the given node from the tree.
 void GrowingTreeHead.rotateToTop(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Rotates the BSTTTree to the top.
 void GrowingTreeHead.rotateUp(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Rotates the BSTTree up.
 void GrowingTreeHead.rotateUp(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, int levelCount)
          Rotates the BSTTree up.
 void GrowingTreeHead.rotateUpDouble(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Double Rotatation of the BSTTTree.
 void GrowingTreeHead.rotateUpDouble(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, int levelCount)
          Doubly Rotates the BSTTree up to the top.
 void GrowingTreeHead.rotateUpDoubleTreeType(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Double Rotates the BSTTree up.
 void GrowingTreeHead.rotateUpTreeType(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Rotates the BSTTree up.
 Tree<P> GrowingTreeHead.selectTreeType(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, int keySelect)
          Selects for the Tree in the entire tree.
 void ColorOptionsJPanel.setAnimatingNode(GrowingTreeNode animatingNode)
          Sets the animating node in the panel.
 void ColorOptionsJPanel.setDrawingNode(GrowingTreeNode drawingNode)
          Sets the drawing node in the panel.
 void DeleteBSTAnimation.setErasingNode(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Sets the node being deleted during the Deletion.
 void BalanceBSTAnimation.setNode(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Sets the node from which the balancing takes place.
 void MovingBSTTree.setNode(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Sets the node that the MovingBSTTree imitates.
 void PartitionBSTAnimation.setNode(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Sets the node from which the partitioning takes place.
 void RotationDoubleBSTAnimation.setNode(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Sets the node from which the partitioning takes place.
 void BalanceBSTAnimation.setReplacingNode(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Sets the node that will replace the balanced node.
 void DeleteBSTAnimation.setReplacingNode(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Sets the node being replaced during the Deletion.
 void PartitionBSTAnimation.setReplacingNode(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Sets the node currently being drawn during the Partition.
 void GrowingTreeHead.splay(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Splays the BSTTTree to the top (Double rotates).
 void GrowingTreeHead.swapTreeType(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, int keySelect)
          Selects for the Tree in the entire tree.

Method parameters in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework with type arguments of type GrowingTreeNode
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeTraverseAnimation(java.util.LinkedList<GrowingTreeNode<P>> nodeList)
          Makes a traverse Animation using the given LinkedList.

Constructors in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework with parameters of type GrowingTreeNode
ActionElementType(GrowingTreeNode<P> value)
BalanceBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          The constructor which initiates the status and sets the starting command and step time
BalanceBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, java.lang.String startingCmd, int stepTime)
          The constructor which initiates the status.
DeleteBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> erasingNode)
          The constructor which initiates the status and sets the line paints to null.
DeleteBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> erasingNode, PaintSettings RightLinePaintSettings, PaintSettings LeftLinePaintSettings, java.lang.String startingCmd, int stepTime)
          The constructor which initiates the status and prepares the line paints.
InsertBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          The constructor which initiates the status and sets the colorSchemes to null.
InsertBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, NodeSettings AnimationSchemeLeft, NodeSettings AnimationSchemeRight, NodeSettings AnimatorScheme, KeySettings KeyAnimatorScheme, java.lang.String startingCmd, int stepTime)
          The constructor which initiates the status and prepares the colorSchemes.
MovingBSTTree(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Constructor without a parent passed, indicating that FOLLOW_PARENT_LEFT and FOLLOW_PARENT_RIGHT are not accesible unless a parent is set.
MovingBSTTree(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, MovingBSTTree<P> movingParent)
          Constructor with a parent passed.
NodeAndKey(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, int key)
          Constructor, making a NodeAndKey Object with the speficied node and key.
PartitionBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, int keySelect)
          The constructor which initiates the status and sets the color schemes to null.
PartitionBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, int keySelect, java.lang.String startingCmd, int stepTime)
          The constructor which initiates the status and prepares the color schemes.
RotationBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> head, GrowingTreeNode<P> child, int rotationOrientation)
          The constructor which initiates the status and sets the color Schemes to default.
RotationBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> head, GrowingTreeNode<P> child, int rotationOrientation)
          The constructor which initiates the status and sets the color Schemes to default.
RotationBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> head, GrowingTreeNode<P> child, int rotationOrientation, NodeSettings RootAnimationScheme, NodeSettings ChildAnimationScheme, NodeSettings DescendantAnimationScheme, NodeSettings NodeOriginalScheme, KeySettings KeyAnimationScheme, KeySettings KeyOriginalScheme, java.lang.String startingCmd, int stepTime)
          The constructor which initiates the status and prepares the color schemes.
RotationBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> head, GrowingTreeNode<P> child, int rotationOrientation, NodeSettings RootAnimationScheme, NodeSettings ChildAnimationScheme, NodeSettings DescendantAnimationScheme, NodeSettings NodeOriginalScheme, KeySettings KeyAnimationScheme, KeySettings KeyOriginalScheme, java.lang.String startingCmd, int stepTime)
          The constructor which initiates the status and prepares the color schemes.
RotationDoubleBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          The constructor which initiates the status and sets the color schemes to null.
RotationDoubleBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, java.lang.String startingCmd, int stepTime)
          The constructor which initiates the status and prepares the color schemes.
ShadowNode(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, P np)
ShadowNode(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, P np, IExperimentLogger<P> logger)
SwapBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> nodeA, GrowingTreeNode<P> nodeB, int stepTime)
SwapBSTAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> nodeA, GrowingTreeNode<P> nodeB, int stepTime)