Uses of Interface

Packages that use Animation

Uses of Animation in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework

Classes in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework that implement Animation
 class AbstractAnimation
          The Abstract Animation object defines numerous methods of an Animation that are independent of the specific type of Animation, resulting in much repeated code.
 class BalanceBSTAnimation<P extends NodeProperties>
          The Animation object that defines the Balancing of a node in a BSTTree.
 class DeleteBSTAnimation<P extends NodeProperties>
          The Animation object that defines the Deletion of a node in a BSTTree.
 class DisplayChangeAnimation<P extends NodeProperties>
          The Animation object that defines the Rotation of a BSTTree.
 class FreezeAnimation<P extends NodeProperties>
          The Animation object that defines a "Freeze" of the tree.
 class InsertBSTAnimation<P extends NodeProperties>
          The Animation object that defines the Insertion into a BSTTree.
 class MovingBSTTreeAnimation<P extends NodeProperties>
          The Animation object that defines the Moving of a MovingBSTTree.
 class PartitionBSTAnimation<P extends NodeProperties>
          The Animation object that defines the Paritioning of a node in a BSTTree.
 class RotationBSTAnimation<P extends NodeProperties>
          The Animation object that defines the Rotation of a BSTTree.
 class RotationDoubleBSTAnimation<P extends NodeProperties>
          The Animation object that defines a double rotation of a node in a BSTTree.
 class SearchBSTAnimation<P extends NodeProperties>
          The Animation object that defines the Searching in a BSTTree.
 class SelectionBSTAnimation<P extends NodeProperties>
          The Animation object that defines a selection within a BSTTree.
 class SwapBSTAnimation<P extends NodeProperties>
 class SwapNodesBSTAnimation<P extends NodeProperties>
 class TraverseBSTAnimation<P extends NodeProperties>
          The Animation object that defines the Searching in a BSTTree.

Methods in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework that return Animation
 Animation AnimatingTree.getAnimator()
          Gets the first Animation of the node.
 Animation GrowingTreeNode.getAnimator()
          Gets the first Animation of the node.
 Animation AnimatingTreeHead.getTreeAnimator()
          Gets the first Animation in the list of Animations for the Head and null if no Animations are present.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.getTreeAnimator()
          Gets the first Animation in the list of Animations for the Head and null if no Animations are present.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeBalanceAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Makes a balance Animation using the given node.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeChangeDisplayAnimation()
          Makes a changeDisplay Animation.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeDeletionAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Makes a deletion Animation using the given node.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeFreezeAnimation(double lengthMult)
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeInsertAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> insertNode)
          Makes an insert Animation using the given node.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makePartitionAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, int keySelect)
          Makes a partition Animation using the given node and given keySelect.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeRotationAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Makes a rotation Animation using the given node.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeRotationDoubleAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node)
          Makes a rotationDouble Animation using the given node.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeSearchAnimation(KeyType keySearch)
          Makes a search Animation using the given keySearch.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeSelectionAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, int keySelect)
          Makes a select Animation using the given keySelect.
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeSwapNodesAnimation(GrowingTreeNode<P> node, int keySelect)
 Animation GrowingTreeHead.makeTraverseAnimation(java.util.LinkedList<GrowingTreeNode<P>> nodeList)
          Makes a traverse Animation using the given LinkedList.

Methods in edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework with parameters of type Animation
 void AnimatingTree.addAnimator(Animation a)
          Adds an animation to the current node.
 void GrowingTreeNode.addAnimator(Animation a)
          Adds an animation to the current node.
 void AnimatingTreeHead.addTreeAnimator(Animation a)
          Adds the Animation to the list of Animations for the Head.
 void GrowingTreeHead.addTreeAnimator(Animation a)
          Adds the Animation to the list of Animations for the Head.