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Creating installation directory at C:\Users\username\algs4 Creating bin directory at C:\Users\username\algs4\bin Checking system architecture... 64-bit machine detected. #### Step 1 - Java ################################################# Downloading Java from http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/windows/java64.zip to C:\Users\username\algs4\java.zip Extracting zip archive in place at C:\Users\username\algs4\java.zip and deleting .zip file. Setting the user PATH environment variable to include C:\Users\username\algs4\java\bin Downloading java-algs4.bat from http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/windows/java-algs4.bat to C:\Users\username\algs4\bin\java-algs4.bat Downloading javac-algs4.bat from http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/windows/javac-algs4.bat to C:\Users\username\algs4\bin\javac-algs4.bat Setting the user PATH environment variable to include C:\Users\username\algs4\bin #### Step 2 - Textbook Libraries ################################### Downloading stdlib.jar from http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java/stdlib/stdlib.jar to C:\Users\username\algs4\stdlib.jar Downloading algs4.jar from http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/code/algs4.jar to C:\Users\username\algs4\algs4.jar #### Step 3 - Checkstyle ########################################### Downloading checkstyle from http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/windows/checkstyle.zip to C:\Users\username\algs4\checkstyle.zip Extracting zip archive in place at C:\Users\username\algs4\checkstyle.zip and deleting .zip file. Downloading checkstyle configuration file from http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/windows/checkstyle.xml to C:\Users\username\algs4\checkstyle-6.9\checkstyle.xml Downloading checkstyle execution script from http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/windows/checkstyle-algs4.bat to C:\Users\username\algs4\bin\checkstyle-algs4.bat Downloading checkstyle wrapper script from http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/windows/checkstyle-algs4.ps1 to C:\Users\username\algs4\bin\checkstyle-algs4.ps1 Setting the user PATH environment variable to include C:\Users\username\algs4\bin #### Step 4 - Findbugs ############################################# Downloading findbugs from http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/windows/findbugs.zip to C:\Users\username\algs4\findbugs.zip Extracting zip archive in place at C:\Users\username\algs4\findbugs.zip and deleting .zip file. Downloading findbugs configuration file from http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/windows/findbugs.xml to C:\Users\username\algs4\findbugs-3.0.1\findbugs.xml Downloading findbugs execution script from http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/windows/findbugs-algs4.bat to C:\Users\username\algs4\bin\findbugs-algs4.bat Downloading findbugs wrapper script from http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/windows/findbugs-algs4.ps1 to C:\Users\username\algs4\bin\findbugs-algs4.ps1 Setting the user PATH environment variable to include C:\Users\username\algs4\bin Adding findbugs to registry... #### Step 6 - DrJava ############################################### Downloading DrJava from http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/windows/drjava.jar to C:\Users\username\algs4\drjava.jar Downloading DrJava configuration file from http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/windows/drjava-config.txt to C:\Users\username\.drjava Replacing text in file C:\Users\username\.drjava from INSTALL_DIR to C:\\Users\\username\\algs4 Creating a shortcut to DrJava from C:\Users\username\algs4\DrJava.lnk to C:\Users\username\algs4\drjava.jar Creating a shortcut to DrJava from C:\Users\username\Desktop\DrJava.lnk to C:\Users\username\algs4\drjava.jar #### Step 7 - Command Prompt ####################################### Editing registry to customize Command Prompt preferences... Setting Quick Edit mode to on. Setting Insert Mode to on. Setting the Screen Buffer Size to 80 x 500. Creating a shortcut to Command Prompt on the desktop from C:\Users\username\Desktop\Command Prompt.lnk to C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe #### Step 7 - Test it out! ######################################### Installation complete! Downloading test Java program... Compiling test Java program... Test program compiled. Running... If you saw the bullseye and textbook graphic, the installation was successful and you are ready to start programming in Java. Continue with the introductory tutorial on the website. NOTE: If there were any error messages during this setup, check the troubleshooting section on the website or ask for help. A log file of this installation is saved at C:\Users\username\algs4\log.txt You should now close this window...