Errata for Algorithms, 4th Edition, Eleventh Printing (October 2017)


No errata reported at this time.


p. 280, figure

Printed: leaf nodes 120 and 201
Fixed: leaf nodes 120 and 201 should be swapped
Reported by Arthur Jochems, 16-Jun-19.

p. 306, Exercise 2.3.20

Printed: Push the larger of the subarrays onto the stack
Fixed: Push the smaller of the subarrays onto the stack
Reported by Kevin Wayne, 1-Oct-19.

p. 310, table

Printed: Space for PQ client using heap-based implementation = n
Fixed: Space for PQ client using heap-based implementation = m
Reported by Jordan Boswell, 25-Jun-19.


p. 383, Proposition B

Printed: Repeating the previous step n – 2 additional times
Fixed: Repeating the previous step k – 2 additional times
Reported by XingFan Shen, 26-Feb-19.

p. 454, Exercise 3.3.39

Printed: return h;
Fixed: flipColors() is a void method and does not return a value
Reported by Dmitry Klionsky, 18-Mar-19.

p. 466, Proposition K

Printed: Poisson tail probability (α e/t)t e
Fixed: (e/t)α t e
Reported by Lin Zhang, 23-Aug-19.

p. 471, code box

Printed: i = (i + 1) % M
Fixed: i = (i + 1) % m
Reported by Maria Piper, 02-Jul-21.


p. 625, Proposition N

Printed: cost of at most E compares
Fixed: cost of at most 2E compares
Reported by Sebastian Wild, 8-Sep-18.

p. 642, caption

int v = e.from(), int w =
Printed: int v = e. to() , int w = e. from()
Reported by Gilad Barach, 24-Jun-20.

p. 655, Algorithm 4.9

Printed: Iterable<Edge> pathTo(int v)
Fixed: Iterable<DirectedEdge> pathTo(int v)
Reported by Hafidz Jazuli Luthfi, 19-Dec-17.

p. 685, Exercise 4.4.3

Printed: see Exercise 4.3.9
Fixed: see Exercise 4.3.10
Reported by Rene Argento, 29-Nov-17.

p. 689, Exercise 4.4.45

Printed: breaks the linearithmic barrier
Fixed: breaks the m n barrier
Reported by Richard Mu, 06-Dec-18.


p. 705, code box

Printed: R()
Fixed: radix()
Reported by Amine Zyad, 28-Apr-19.

p. 705, code box

Printed: Item[] aux = new String[n];
Fixed: Item[] aux = new Item[n];
Reported by Dmitry Klionsky, 13-Feb-19.

p. 717, Proposition D

Printed: Worst case is Theta(w(n + R)) from all equal strings
Fixed: Worst case is Theta(w n R) from all n/2 pairs of equal strings
Reported by Kevin Wayne, 22-Jun-20.

p. 733, figure

Printed: no link for the o, so return she
Fixed: no link for the o, so return null
Reported by Jonathan Hashkes, 22-Jun-20.

p. 776

Printed: The hashSearch() method
Fixed: The search() method
Reported by Dmitry Klionsky, 18-Mar-19.

p. 814

Printed: if (width == 0) continue;
Fixed: if (width == 0) { BinaryStdIn.readBoolean(); continue; }
Reported by Irina Brindeeva, 24-Aug-19.

p. 847, Exercise 5.5.3

Printed: { 01, 10, 011, 110 }
Fixed: remove { 01, 10, 011, 110 }; it is not uniquely decodable (01110)
Reported by Dario Trinchero, 06-Jun-18.


p. 870

Printed: key–value pairs of rank greater than M/2
Fixed: key–value pairs of rank greater than (or equal to) M/2
Reported by Irina Brindeeva, 24-Aug-19.

p. 889

Printed: localEq(v)
Fixed: localEq(G, v)
Reported by Irina Brindeeva, 17-Jul-19.

p. 900

Printed: each edge can be on at most V / 2 augmenting paths
Fixed: an edge can be a critical edge on at most V / 2 augmenting paths
Reported by Dieter Dobbelaere, 04-Jul-22.