package edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework; /* * @(#) * * Last Modified: 9/15/01 */ import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.*; /** * * The class provides the base structure for a BSTTree that can move to a new position * in the Binary Search Tree. For that reason, it extends the BSTTree class. * *

The MovingBSTTree defines methods necessary to move a BSTTree from one location * in a Binary Search Tree to another. Because the methods are moving, they require animation. * Consequently, the extension must be from an AnimatingBSTTree. The constructor ensures * this construction, however, changes cannot be made. To protect the changes from occuring, * the methods have been overiden to have no affect. * * @author Corey Sanders * @version 2.2 9/15/01 */ public class MovingBSTTree

extends GrowingTreeNode

{ /** * Starting Transform for the movement of the node. */ private AffineTransform startTransform; /** * Ending Transform for the movement of the node. */ private AffineTransform endTransform; /** * Starting level for the movement. */ private int startLevel; /** * Ending level for the movement. */ private int endLevel; /** * Section height for movement of the node. */ private double movingSectionHeight; /** * Defines a null movement. */ public final static int NULL_MOVEMENT = 0; /** * Defines moving down and to the right. */ public final static int DOWN_RIGHT = 11; /** * Defines moving down and to the left. */ public final static int DOWN_LEFT = 12; /** * Defines moving up and to the right. */ public final static int UP_RIGHT = 13; /** * Defines moving up and to the left. */ public final static int UP_LEFT = 14; /** * Defines following the parent, as its right child. */ public final static int FOLLOW_PARENT_RIGHT = 21; /** * Defines following the parent as its left child. */ public final static int FOLLOW_PARENT_LEFT = 22; /** * Defines following the node passed as a follower. */ public final static int FOLLOW_NODE = 23; /** * Node that the moving node can follow or imitates. */ protected GrowingTreeNode

node = null; /** * Move position for the current node. */ protected int movePosition= NULL_MOVEMENT; /** * Boolean flag whether the current MovingBSTTree has been initiliazed. */ private boolean initialize; /** * Parent of the current node. */ protected MovingBSTTree

movingParent = null; /** * Constructor without a parent passed, indicating that FOLLOW_PARENT_LEFT and FOLLOW_PARENT_RIGHT * are not accesible unless a parent is set. The MovingBSTTree constructs as an empty ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPEM *, setting the value and key as the value and key of the given node. The MovingBSTTree imitates * the BSTTree node given but does not affect the node. * * @param node BSTTree node that the MovingBSTTree imitates. */ public MovingBSTTree(GrowingTreeNode

node) { this(node, null); } /** * Constructor with a parent passed. The MovingBSTTree constructs as an empty ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPEM *, setting the value and key as the value and key of the given node. The MovingBSTTree imitates * the BSTTree node given but does not affect the node. * * @param node BSTTree node that the MovingBSTTree imitates. * @param movingParent MovingBSTTree that is the parent of the current node, allowing the follow parent move positions. */ public MovingBSTTree(GrowingTreeNode

node, MovingBSTTree

movingParent) { super(ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE, (P) node.getNodeProperties().clone(), node.getHead().getLogger()); // Sets the node setNode(node); setHead((GrowingTreeHead

)node.getHead()); setStartTransform(node.getCurrentTransform()); setStartLevel(node.getLevel()); setMovingSectionHeight(((GrowingTreeHead

)node.getHead()).getSectionHeight()); setEndTransform(getStartTransform()); setEndLevel(getStartLevel()); setMovingParent(movingParent); // Settings cloned so changes do no affect the node setNodeSettings((NodeSettings)node.getSettings().clone()); getSettings().setNodeFillPaint(node.getNodeProperties().getNodeColor()); ((DrawableKey)getValue()).setKeySettings((KeySettings)((DrawableKey)node.getValue()).getSettings().clone()); } /**********************/ /* Accessor Methods */ /**********************/ /** * Gets the node that the MovingBSTTree is imitating. * * @return BSTTree node that the MovingBSTTree is imitating. */ public GrowingTreeNode

getNode() { return node; } /** * Gets the moving parent of the MovingBSTTree. * * @return MovingBSTTree parent . */ public MovingBSTTree

getMovingParent() { return movingParent; } /** * Gets the section height for the drawing of the node. * * @return double section height used for the moving node. */ public double getMovingSectionHeight() { return movingSectionHeight; } /** * Gets the starting transform for the moving of the node. * * @return transform start for the MovingBSTTree. */ public AffineTransform getStartTransform() { return startTransform; } /** * Gets the ending transform for the moving of the node. * * @return ending transform for the MovingBSTTree. */ public AffineTransform getEndTransform() { return endTransform; } /** * Gets the starting level for the moving of the node. * * @return starting level for the MovingBSTTree. */ public int getStartLevel() { return startLevel; } /** * Gets the ending level for the moving of the node. * * @return ending transform for the MovingBSTTree. */ public int getEndLevel() { return endLevel; } /** * Gets the move position for the moving node. * * @return integer representing a predefined move position. */ public int getMovePosition() { return movePosition; } /**********************/ /* Mutator Methods */ /**********************/ /** * Sets the node that the MovingBSTTree imitates. The key and value are set according * to the given node. * * @param node BSTTree node that the MovingBSTTree imitates. */ public void setNode(GrowingTreeNode

node) { assert (node != null); this.node = node; this.setNode(node.getKey(), (DrawableKey)((DrawableKey)node.getValue()).clone()); } /** * Sets the moving parent of the MovingBSTTree. After the parent is set, * the movements FOLLOW_PARENT_RIGHT and FOLLOW_PARENT_LEFT * are allowed. * * @param movingParent MovingBSTTree parent for the node. */ public void setMovingParent(MovingBSTTree

movingParent) { this.movingParent = movingParent; } /** * Sets the section height for the drawing of the node. The section is very necessary * in drawing a moving node, because the distance the node travels up or down is determined * by the section height. * * @param height the section height used for the moving node. */ public void setMovingSectionHeight(double height) { movingSectionHeight = height; } /** * Sets the starting transform for the moving of the node. * * @param startTransform starting transform for the MovingBSTTree. */ public void setStartTransform(AffineTransform startTransform) { this.startTransform = startTransform; } /** * Sets the ending transform for the moving of the node. This makes the moving node * not initialize to the move position and instead use the end transform set here. * To set the move position for initialization, use setMovePosition. * * @param endTransform ending transform for the MovingBSTTree. */ public void setEndTransform(AffineTransform endTransform) { this.endTransform = endTransform; } /** * Sets the starting level for the moving of the node. * * @param startLevel starting level for the MovingBSTTree. */ public void setStartLevel(int startLevel) { this.startLevel = startLevel; } /** * Sets the ending level for the moving of the node. This makes the moving node * not initialize to the move position and instead use the end level set here. * To set the move position for initialization, use setMovePosition. * * @param endLevel ending transform for the MovingBSTTree. */ public void setEndLevel(int endLevel) { this.endLevel = endLevel; } /** * Sets the move position for the moving node. Setting this forces initialization of * the node when drawNodeAndLink is called. * * @param m integer representing a predefined move position. */ public void setMovePosition(int m) { movePosition = m; if (m == NULL_MOVEMENT) initialize = false; else initialize = true; } /****************************/ /* Overiding methods */ /****************************/ /** * Sets the tree type for the BSTTree. Overiden to disallow changes in AnimatingBSTTre. * * @param treeType setting for the tree (no affect). */ public void setTreeType(int treeType) { super.setTreeType(ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE); } /** * Sets the node of the tree in the given Graphics2D, by setting the AffineTransform. * If the move position needs to be initialized, it is built within this method. *

FOLLOW_PARENT_RIGHT, FOLLOW_PARENT_LEFT, and FOLLOW_NODE * do not initialize but must be reconfigured every call to the method. The other movements * are not changed after the first initlization. * * @param g2 graphics to which the node is drawn. * @param step double value [0,1] which indicates the progress of the drawing. */ public void makeNode(Graphics2D g2, double step) { // 0 <= step <= 1 if (step > 1) step = 1; if (step < 0) step = 0; // Set screen bounds setScreenBounds(g2.getClipBounds()); // Initialize if necessary if(initialize) { initMovingBSTTree(); } // Three movements reconfiguring every call. if (movePosition == FOLLOW_PARENT_RIGHT) { setFollowRightMovingTransform(g2); return; } if (movePosition == FOLLOW_PARENT_LEFT) { setFollowLeftMovingTransform(g2); return; } if (movePosition == FOLLOW_NODE) { setFollowNodeMovingTransform(g2, step); return; } // Set the drawingLevel, currentPower2, and currentTransform. setDrawingLevel((getStartLevel() * (1.0- step)) + (getEndLevel() * (step))); setCurrentPower2(Math.pow(2.0, (getDrawingLevel() + 1) )); setCurrentTransform(AffineTransformList.getTransformStep(getStartTransform(), getEndTransform(), step)); } /** * Draws the node and link of the tree to the given Graphics2D. * If the move position needs to be initialized, it is built within this method. *

FOLLOW_PARENT_RIGHT, FOLLOW_PARENT_LEFT, and FOLLOW_NODE * do not initialize but must be reconfigured every call to the method. The other movements * are not changed after the first initlization. * * @param g2 graphics to which the node is drawn. * @param step double value [0,1] which indicates the progress of the drawing. */ public void drawNodeAndLink(Graphics2D g2, double step) { // 0 <= step <= 1 if (step > 1) step = 1; if (step < 0) step = 0; // Set screen bounds setScreenBounds(g2.getClipBounds()); // Initialize if necessary if(initialize) { initMovingBSTTree(); } // Three movements reconfiguring every call. if (movePosition == FOLLOW_PARENT_RIGHT) { drawFollowRight(g2); return; } if (movePosition == FOLLOW_PARENT_LEFT) { drawFollowLeft(g2); return; } if (movePosition == FOLLOW_NODE) { drawFollowNode(g2, step); return; } // Set the drawingLevel, currentPower2, and currentTransform. setDrawingLevel((getStartLevel() * (1.0- step)) + (getEndLevel() * (step))); setCurrentPower2(Math.pow(2.0, (getDrawingLevel() + 1) )); setCurrentTransform(AffineTransformList.getTransformStep(getStartTransform(), getEndTransform(), step)); // Super call with the defined values. drawNodeAndLink(g2, getMovingSectionHeight(), getCurrentTransform(), (getDrawingLevel()), getCurrentPower2()); } /** * Initiliazes the node with the move position passed. * * @param movePostition the move position set for the node and initialized to. */ public void initMovingBSTTree(int movePosition) { setMovePosition(movePosition); initMovingBSTTree(); } /** * Initiliazes the node with the move position defined within the node. The only move positions * that need initialization are *

*/ public void initMovingBSTTree() { if (getScreenBounds() == null || getStartTransform() == null) return; if (movePosition == DOWN_RIGHT) { setEndLevel(getStartLevel() + 1); AffineTransform transform = (AffineTransform)getStartTransform().clone(); transform.translate( ( ( (getScreenBounds().getWidth())/Math.pow(2.0, (getStartLevel() + 1)) )/getStartTransform().getScaleX()), (getMovingSectionHeight()/getStartTransform().getScaleY()) ); setEndTransform(transform); } if (movePosition == DOWN_LEFT) { setEndLevel(getStartLevel() + 1); AffineTransform transform = (AffineTransform)getStartTransform().clone(); transform.translate( -( ((getScreenBounds().getWidth())/Math.pow(2.0, (getStartLevel() + 1)) )/getStartTransform().getScaleX()), (getMovingSectionHeight()/getStartTransform().getScaleY()) ); setEndTransform(transform); } if (movePosition == UP_RIGHT) { setEndLevel(getStartLevel() - 1); AffineTransform transform = (AffineTransform)getStartTransform().clone(); transform.translate( ( ( (getScreenBounds().getWidth())/Math.pow(2.0, (getStartLevel())) )/getStartTransform().getScaleX()), -(getMovingSectionHeight()/getStartTransform().getScaleY()) ); setEndTransform(transform); } if (movePosition == UP_LEFT) { setEndLevel(getStartLevel() - 1); AffineTransform transform = (AffineTransform)getStartTransform().clone(); transform.translate( -( ( (getScreenBounds().getWidth())/Math.pow(2.0, (getStartLevel())) )/getStartTransform().getScaleX()), -(getMovingSectionHeight()/getStartTransform().getScaleY()) ); setEndTransform(transform); } // Turn of initialization initialize = false; } /** * Draws the moving node in the given Graphics2D to follow its parent as if it were the right child. * If the parent is not defined, the node is draw at its starting transform and level. * * @param g2 Graphics2D to which to node is drawn. */ public void drawFollowRight(Graphics2D g2) { // NULL parent if (movingParent == null) { setDrawingLevel(getStartLevel()); setCurrentPower2(Math.pow(2.0, (getDrawingLevel() + 1) )); setCurrentTransform(getStartTransform()); // Super call with the defined values. drawNodeAndLink(g2, getMovingSectionHeight(), getCurrentTransform(), getDrawingLevel(), getCurrentPower2()); return; } else { // Set values according to parent AffineTransform transform = (AffineTransform)movingParent.getCurrentTransform().clone(); setDrawingLevel(movingParent.getDrawingLevel() + 1); setCurrentPower2(movingParent.getCurrentPower2() * 2.0); setMovingSectionHeight(movingParent.getMovingSectionHeight()); transform.translate( ( ((getScreenBounds().getWidth())/movingParent.getCurrentPower2())/movingParent.getCurrentTransform().getScaleX()), (getMovingSectionHeight()/movingParent.getCurrentTransform().getScaleY()) ); setCurrentTransform(transform); } // Super call drawNodeAndLink(g2, getMovingSectionHeight(), getCurrentTransform(), getDrawingLevel(), getCurrentPower2() ); setEndLevel((int)Math.ceil(getDrawingLevel())); setEndTransform(getCurrentTransform()); } /** * Draws the moving node in the given Graphics2D to follow its parent as if it were the left child. * If the parent is not defined, the node is draw at its starting transform and level. * * @param g2 Graphics2D to which to node is drawn. */ public void drawFollowLeft(Graphics2D g2) { if (movingParent == null) { setDrawingLevel(getStartLevel()); setCurrentPower2(Math.pow(2.0, (getDrawingLevel() + 1) )); setCurrentTransform(getStartTransform()); } else { AffineTransform transform = (AffineTransform)movingParent.getCurrentTransform().clone(); setDrawingLevel(movingParent.getDrawingLevel() + 1); setCurrentPower2(movingParent.getCurrentPower2() * 2.0); setMovingSectionHeight(movingParent.getMovingSectionHeight()); transform.translate( ( -((getScreenBounds().getWidth())/movingParent.getCurrentPower2())/movingParent.getCurrentTransform().getScaleX()), (getMovingSectionHeight()/movingParent.getCurrentTransform().getScaleY()) ); setCurrentTransform(transform); } // Super call drawNodeAndLink(g2, getMovingSectionHeight(), getCurrentTransform(), getDrawingLevel(), getCurrentPower2() ); setEndLevel((int)Math.ceil(getDrawingLevel())); setEndTransform(getCurrentTransform()); } /** * Draws the moving node in the given Graphics2D to follow the location of the imitating node. * The step is necessary to determine the progress of the animation. The FOLLOW_NODE * movement simply starts at the start transform and ends at the current transform of the imitating node. * * @param g2 Graphics2D to which to node is drawn. * @param step double value [0,1] which indicates the progress of the drawing. */ public void drawFollowNode(Graphics2D g2, double step) { double sectionHeight = (1.0-step) * getMovingSectionHeight() + (step) * node.getSectionHeight(); setEndLevel(node.getLevel()); setEndTransform(node.getCurrentTransform()); setDrawingLevel((getStartLevel() * (1.0- step)) + (getEndLevel() * (step))); setCurrentPower2(Math.pow(2.0, (getDrawingLevel() + 1) )); setCurrentTransform(AffineTransformList.getTransformStep(getStartTransform(), getEndTransform(), step)); drawNodeAndLink(g2, sectionHeight, getCurrentTransform(), (getDrawingLevel()), getCurrentPower2()); } /** * Draws the moving node in the given Graphics2D to follow the location of the imitating node. * The step is necessary to determine the progress of the animation. The FOLLOW_NODE * movement simply starts at the start transform and ends at the current transform of the imitating node. * * @param g2 Graphics2D to which to node is drawn. * @param step double value [0,1] which indicates the progress of the drawing. * @param bottomLinks boolean whether the bottom links should be drawn. */ public void drawFollowNode(Graphics2D g2, double step, boolean bottomLinks) { double sectionHeight = (1.0-step) * getMovingSectionHeight() + (step) * node.getSectionHeight(); setEndLevel(node.getLevel()); setEndTransform(node.getCurrentTransform()); setDrawingLevel((getStartLevel() * (1.0- step)) + (getEndLevel() * (step))); setCurrentPower2(Math.pow(2.0, (getDrawingLevel() + 1) )); setCurrentTransform(AffineTransformList.getTransformStep(getStartTransform(), getEndTransform(), step)); drawNodeAndLink(g2, sectionHeight, getCurrentTransform(), (getDrawingLevel()), getCurrentPower2(), bottomLinks); } /** * Sets the current transform for a given following node. * * @param g2 Graphics2D to which to node is drawn. * @param step double value [0,1] which indicates the progress of the drawing. */ public void setFollowNodeMovingTransform(Graphics2D g2, double step) { double sectionHeight = (1.0-step) * getMovingSectionHeight() + (step) * node.getSectionHeight(); setEndLevel(node.getLevel()); setEndTransform(node.getCurrentTransform()); setDrawingLevel((getStartLevel() * (1.0- step)) + (getEndLevel() * (step))); setCurrentPower2(Math.pow(2.0, (getDrawingLevel() + 1) )); setCurrentTransform(AffineTransformList.getTransformStep(getStartTransform(), getEndTransform(), step)); } /** * Sets the current transform for a given following node. * * @param g2 Graphics2D to which to node is drawn. */ public void setFollowRightMovingTransform(Graphics2D g2) { // NULL parent if (movingParent == null) { setDrawingLevel(getStartLevel()); setCurrentPower2(Math.pow(2.0, (getDrawingLevel() + 1) )); setCurrentTransform(getStartTransform()); // Super call with the defined values. return; } else { // Set values according to parent AffineTransform transform = (AffineTransform)movingParent.getCurrentTransform().clone(); setDrawingLevel(movingParent.getDrawingLevel() + 1); setCurrentPower2(movingParent.getCurrentPower2() * 2.0); setMovingSectionHeight(movingParent.getMovingSectionHeight()); transform.translate( ( ((getScreenBounds().getWidth())/movingParent.getCurrentPower2())/movingParent.getCurrentTransform().getScaleX()), (getMovingSectionHeight()/movingParent.getCurrentTransform().getScaleY()) ); setCurrentTransform(transform); } } /** * Sets the current transform for a given following node. * * @param g2 Graphics2D to which to node is drawn. */ public void setFollowLeftMovingTransform(Graphics2D g2) { if (movingParent == null) { setDrawingLevel(getStartLevel()); setCurrentPower2(Math.pow(2.0, (getDrawingLevel() + 1) )); setCurrentTransform(getStartTransform()); } else { AffineTransform transform = (AffineTransform)movingParent.getCurrentTransform().clone(); setDrawingLevel(movingParent.getDrawingLevel() + 1); setCurrentPower2(movingParent.getCurrentPower2() * 2.0); setMovingSectionHeight(movingParent.getMovingSectionHeight()); transform.translate( ( -((getScreenBounds().getWidth())/movingParent.getCurrentPower2())/movingParent.getCurrentTransform().getScaleX()), (getMovingSectionHeight()/movingParent.getCurrentTransform().getScaleY()) ); setCurrentTransform(transform); } } }