package edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework; /* f * @(#) * * Last Modified: 8/06/02 */ import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.font.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.experiments.IExperimentLogger; import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.interfaces.IAlgorithmNode; /** * The class provides the base structure of a BSTTree, a node of the Binary Search Tree. * It uses the elements natural ordering. It uses everything defined within the AbstractTree *

The BSTTree cannot be the head of the tree, it is only the nodes. It defines recursive methods * which aren't defined in the head node and it does not define the methods for the head node. * *

The BSTTree defines methods necessary for a BSTTree, a DrawingBSTTree, and an AnimatingBSTTree. * The type is set when the node is constructed but can be changed in the middle. If a method is * called for a type that is higher is level than the type of the tree, the method will be ignored. * *

A Binary Search Tree is a binary tree that has a key associated with each * of its internal nodes, with the additional property that the key in any node is larger than * (or eqaul to) that keys in all nodes in that node's left subtree and smaller than (or equal to) * the keys in all nodes in the node's right subtree. (Sedgewick, 502, Algorithms in C) * *

Note that this implementation is not synchronized. If multiple * threads access this tree concurrently, and at least one of the threads modifies * the tree structurally, it must be synchronized externally. * * @author Corey Sanders * @version 3.4 9/15/01 */ public class GrowingTreeNode

implements Tree

, DrawingTree

, AnimationListener, AnimatingTree

{ //IDeletingNode

, //IInsertingNode

{ /*************************************************************************/ /* BSTTree constructor, methods, and variables for all types of BSTTrees */ /*************************************************************************/ /** * Tree type defining only a BSTTree. The Drawing and Animating methods will not be available. */ public final static int BST_TREE_TYPE = 0; /** * Tree type defining a DrawingBSTTree. The Animating methods will not be available. */ public final static int DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE = 1; /** * Tree type defining AnimatingBSTTree. All methods will be available and all animations will occur. */ public final static int ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE = 2; /** * Stores the type of tree the BSTTree is. */ private int treeType; /** * Constructs a new, empty BSTTree, sorted according to the keys' natural * order. All keys inserted into the tree must implement the * KeyType interface. Furthermore, all such keys must be * mutually comparable: k1.compareTo(k2) must not throw a * ClassCastException for any elements k1 and k2 in the * tree. If the user attempts to put a key into the tree that violates this * constraint (for example, the user attempts to put a string key into a * map whose keys are integers), the add(KeyType key, Object * value) call will throw a ClassCastException. * *

Default type is BST_TREE_TYPE. */ public GrowingTreeNode() { this(0); } /** * Constructs a new, empty BSTTree according to the type passed. The options for the * types are BST_TREE_TYPE, DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE, and ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE. The * types are defined as follows: *

* *@param treeType type of tree that should be implemented. */ public GrowingTreeNode(int treeType) { setTreeType(treeType); } public GrowingTreeNode(int treeType, P p, IExperimentLogger

logger) { this(treeType); //nodeProperties = p if (logger == null) shadowNode = new ShadowNode

(this, p); else shadowNode = new ShadowNode

(this, p, logger); nodePropertiesList = new LinkedList

(); nodePropertiesList.add((P) shadowNode.getNodeProperties().clone()); } /** * Checks the tree type and determines the appropriate construction necessary. * Generally called every time the tree type changes. */ private void checkConstructors() { if (getTreeType() >= BST_TREE_TYPE) { constructBSTTree(); } if (getTreeType() >= DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE) { constructDrawingBSTTree(); } if (getTreeType() >= ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE) { constructAnimatingBSTTree(); } } /** * Sets the tree type for the BSTTree. * * @param treeType setting for the tree. */ public void setTreeType(int treeType) { this.treeType = treeType; checkConstructors(); } /** * Gets the tree type for the BSTTree. * * @return tree type for the tree. */ public int getTreeType() { return treeType; } /** * Fixes the tree type for the entire BSTTree. * * @param treeType setting for the tree. */ protected void fixTreeType(int treeType) { setTreeType(treeType); if (isEmpty()) return; ((GrowingTreeNode

)getLeftNodeInternal()).fixTreeType(treeType); ((GrowingTreeNode

)getRightNodeInternal()).fixTreeType(treeType); } /** * Gets the tree type String for the BSTTree. * * @return tree type String for the tree. */ public String getTreeTypeString() { return "BST Tree"; } /** * Returns true if the BSTTree is of type DrawingBSTTree or higher type. * * @return true if is is DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE. */ protected boolean isDrawingBSTTree() { return (treeType >= DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE); } /** * Returns true if the BSTTree is of type AnimatingBSTTree. * * @return true if is is DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE. */ protected boolean isAnimatingBSTTree() { return (treeType >= ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE); } /** * Copies the fields of this BSTTree into the BSTTree copy. * It simply copies it field by field, for usage when changes are made to the head node.

* If the tree type is Drawing or Animating, the method copies the fields accordingly. * * @param copy the BSTTree that takes the fields of the BSTTree. */ protected void copyBSTTree(GrowingTreeNode

copy) { copy.key = key; copy.value = value; copy.left = left; if (left != null) left.parent = copy; copy.right = right; if (right != null) right.parent = copy; copy.parent = parent; copy.level = level; copy.size = size; if (isDrawingBSTTree()) { copy.setSettings((NodeSettings)(this.getSettings().clone())); ((DrawableKey)copy.getValue()).setSettings((KeySettings)((DrawableKey)this.getValue()).getSettings().clone()); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------BST_TREE_TYPE---------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------START-------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*************************************************************************/ /* BST_TREE_TYPE : Methods and Variables specific to the BST_TREE_TYPE. */ /* These methods are universally used, regardless of the type of BST. */ /*************************************************************************/ //protected P nodeProperties; protected ShadowNode

shadowNode; protected LinkedList

nodePropertiesList = new LinkedList

(); /** * The number of entries in the BSTTree. */ private int size; /** * The amount of levels to the bottom of the tree. */ private int level; /** * The left and right branches of the given tree. */ private GrowingTreeNode

left; private GrowingTreeNode

right; /** * The key object in this current node. */ private KeyType key; /** * The key object in this current node. */ private Object value; /** * The count of the node in the inorder list. */ private int inorder_count; /** * Parent link */ private GrowingTreeNode

parent; /** * Parent link */ private GrowingTreeHead

head; /** * Constructor for the BST_TREE_TYPE. This constructs and sets all values to defaults * for the BST_TREE_TYPE. */ public void constructBSTTree() { if (getHead() == null && getParentTree() == null) { setSize(0); setLevel(0); setLeftTree(null); setRightTree(null); setNode(null, null); setParentTree(null); setHead(null); } } /** ********************************** * BST_TREE_TYPE Accesssor methods* ********************************** */ public ShadowNode

getShadowNode() { return shadowNode; } public P getNodeProperties() { if (nodePropertiesList != null) { if (nodePropertiesList.peek() != null) { return (P) nodePropertiesList.peek(); } else if (getShadowNode() != null){ return getShadowNode().getNodeProperties(); } } /*if (getShadowNode() != null) { return getShadowNode().getNodeProperties(); }*/ return null; } public Color getLeftLinkColor() { if (getNodeProperties() != null) { return getNodeProperties().getLeftLinkColor(); } return; } public Color getRightLinkColor() { if (getNodeProperties() != null) { return getNodeProperties().getRightLinkColor(); } return; } /** * Gets the head for the node. The head node is used in numerous operations and is * the reference for the tree. * * @return BSTTreeHead that represents the head for this node, indicating the tree. */ public GrowingTreeHead

getHead() { return head; } /** * Returns the number of nodes in the current Tree and below. * * @return the number of nodes in the current Tree and below. */ public int size() { return size; } /** * Returns true if the current BSTTree is empty. * * @return the boolean true if the BSTTree is empty. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return (key == null); } /** * Returns the value of the current BSTTree. * * @return the value of the current BSTTree. */ public Object getValue() { return value; } public int compareTo(GrowingTreeNode

that) { return getKey().compareTo(that.getKey()); } /** * Returns the key of the current BSTTree. * * @return the key of the current BSTTree. */ public KeyType getKey() { return key; } /** * Gets the the level of the current BSTTree. * The level is the integer count of how far down the tree is to the current node. * * @return integer count of the level of the current BSTTree. */ public int getLevel() { return level; } /** * Returns the inorder count of the current node. * * @return the inorder count of the node. */ public int getInorderCount() { return inorder_count; } /** * Returns the left BSTTree of the current tree. Used to traverse down * the binary tree. * * @return BSTTree that is the left subtree of the current BSTTree, * null of no such tree exists. */ public GrowingTreeNode

getLeftNodeInternal() { return left; } /** * Returns the right BSTTree of the current tree. Used to traverse down * the binary tree. * * @return BSTTree that is the right subtree of the current BSTTree, * null of no such tree exists. */ public GrowingTreeNode

getRightNodeInternal() { return right; } /** * Returns the children of the current Tree. * * @return Tree array that is the children and null if the tree is an exterior node. */ public Tree[] getChildren() { GrowingTreeNode

[] treeList = new GrowingTreeNode[2]; treeList[0] = getLeftNodeInternal(); treeList[1] = getRightNodeInternal(); return treeList; } /** * Returns the parent of the current tree. Used to traverse up * the binary tree. * * @return Tree that is the parent of the current tree and null if the tree is the head. */ public GrowingTreeNode

getParentTree() { return parent; } public GrowingTreeNode

getRoot() { return (GrowingTreeNode

) getHead().getChild(); } /** * Determines if the current node is within a BSTTree. It quickly checks if its parent * points to it, and if its two children point up to it. A quick check that does not go through * the entire tree. * * @return true if the node is within a BSTTree. */ public boolean inTree() { if (getLeftNodeInternal() == null || getRightNodeInternal() == null || ((GrowingTreeNode

)getParentTree()) == null) return false; return ( (this.getLeftNodeInternal().getParentTree() == this) && (this.getRightNodeInternal().getParentTree() == this) && (( ((GrowingTreeNode

)this.getParentTree()).getRightNodeInternal() == this) || ( ((GrowingTreeNode

)this.getParentTree()).getLeftNodeInternal() == this)) ); } /** * Determines if the current node is a leaf * @return true if the node is a leaf. */ public boolean isLeaf() { if (getLeftNodeInternal().inTree() || getRightNodeInternal().inTree()) return false; else return true; } /** ********************************** * BST_TREE_TYPE Mutator methods * ********************************** */ /** * Sets the head for the node. The head node is used in numerous operations and is * the reference for the tree. It is a protected class for changing the node results in * changes to all operations (including getLevel). * * @param head TreeHead for the current node. */ protected void setHead(GrowingTreeHead

head) { this.head = head; } /** * Sets the left tree for the node. The left and right tree are used in many operations. * It is a protected class for changing the left results in * changes to some operations. * * @param left BSTTree that sets the left link for the current node. */ protected void setLeftTree(GrowingTreeNode

left) { this.left = left; } /** * Sets the right tree for the node. The left and right tree are used in many operations. * It is a protected class for changing the right results in * changes to some operations. * * @param right BSTTree that sets the right link for the current node. */ protected void setRightTree(GrowingTreeNode

right) { this.right = right; } /** * Sets the parent tree for the node. The parent tree are used in many operations. * It is a protected class for changing the parent results in * changes to some operations. * * @param parent BSTTree that sets the parent link for the current node. */ protected void setParentTree(GrowingTreeNode

parent) { this.parent = parent; } /** * Sets the the level of the current BSTTree. * The level sets the integer count of how far down the tree is. * * @param level the level set for the node. */ protected void setLevel(int level) { this.level = level; } /** * Sets the the size of the current BSTTree. * The size represents the nodes below and including the current node. * * @param size integer setting the size of the node, which is the count of the nodes below * and including the current node. */ protected void setSize(int size) { this.size = size; } /** * Sets the inorder count of the current node. * * @param the inorder count for the node. */ protected void setInorderCount(int inorder_count) { this.inorder_count = inorder_count; } /** * Sets the key and value of the BSTTree. This is prtoected for usage by * extended classes but not for public access. * * @param keyInsert comparable object to be inserted as the key of the BSTTree. * * @param valueInsert object to be inserted as the value of the BSTTree. */ protected void setNode(KeyType keyInsert, Object valueInsert) { key = keyInsert; value = valueInsert; } /** * Fixes the level of the node. Given the currentLevel of the BSTtree, the level of each successive BSTtree (both left * and right) are fixed until the leaf nodes are reached. The method call is recursive. * * @param currentLevel currentLevel of the BSTTree * */ protected void fixLevel(int currentLevel) { if (isEmpty()) { return; } this.level = currentLevel; left.fixLevel(currentLevel+1); right.fixLevel(currentLevel+1); if (currentLevel > getHead().getTreeLevel()) { getHead().setTreeLevel(currentLevel); } return; } /** * Fixes the size of the node. The method call is recursive. * * * @return integer of the size fixed, which is passed up through the BSTTree, recursively. */ protected int fixSize() { if (isEmpty()) { return 0; } setSize(left.fixSize() + right.fixSize() + 1); return size(); } /** * Sets the values of a new Node left and right tress, to refer to null trees. Both the left and right trees are * instantiated and their values are set to the default null values. */ protected void setLeaf() { setLeftTree(new GrowingTreeNode

(getTreeType()/*, (P) nodeProperties.makeDefaultProperties()*/)); setRightTree(new GrowingTreeNode

(getTreeType()/*, (P) nodeProperties.makeDefaultProperties()*/)); getLeftNodeInternal().setParentTree(this); getRightNodeInternal().setParentTree(this); } /** ********************************** * BST_TREE_TYPE Tree Methods * ********************************** */ /** * Inserts the given object into the tree, using recursive calls and is called from the Head node. This method is recursive until it * finds a subtree that is null and sets the node. * * @param newTree the tree to be inserted, with key and value already set. * * @param currentLevel keeps track of the recursive call, and sets the new level if it changes. * * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the tree. */ protected void insert(GrowingTreeNode

newTree, int currentLevel) throws ClassCastException { currentLevel++; if ((newTree.getKey()).compareTo(getKey()) < 0) { // Go to the left if(getLeftNodeInternal().isEmpty()) { // Leaf of tree setLeftTree(newTree); // Set tree. getLeftNodeInternal().setParentTree(this); // Set parent. getLeftNodeInternal().setLevel(currentLevel+1); // Increase level if (getLeftNodeInternal().getLevel() > getHead().getTreeLevel()) getHead().setTreeLevel(getLeftNodeInternal().getLevel()); getLeftNodeInternal().setSize(1); // Set initial size } else getLeftNodeInternal().insert(newTree, currentLevel); } else // no duplicates allowed, so compare is > 0; go right { if(getRightNodeInternal().isEmpty()) { // Leaf of tree setRightTree(newTree); // Set tree. getRightNodeInternal().setParentTree(this); // Set parent. getRightNodeInternal().setLevel(currentLevel+1); // Increase level if (getRightNodeInternal().getLevel() > getHead().getTreeLevel()) getHead().setTreeLevel(getRightNodeInternal().getLevel()); getRightNodeInternal().setSize(1); // Set initial size } else getRightNodeInternal().insert(newTree, currentLevel); } // Set the size as one plus the left and sizes. setSize(getLeftNodeInternal().size() + getRightNodeInternal().size() + 1); return; } public IAlgorithmNode


node) { if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { getHead().saveTreeProperties(); getHead().insertAnimatingType((GrowingTreeNode

)node); } else if (isDrawingBSTTree()) { getHead().insertDrawingType((GrowingTreeNode

)node); } else { getHead().insertTreeType((GrowingTreeNode

)node); } //getHead().panel.repaintAttempt(); //getHead().reMakeTree(); //getHead().reDrawTree(); //getHead().reAnimateTree(); //while(getHead().isTreeAnimating()); return node.getShadowNode(); } // TODO: Implement this public GrowingTreeNode

delete() { return null; } /** * Removes the BSTTree from the tree. The call bypasses the BSTTree by * partitioning the right subTree and replacing itself with the smallest of the right tree. */ protected void remove() { GrowingTreeNode

currentParent = (GrowingTreeNode

)getParentTree(); // Gets the smallest of the right tree. GrowingTreeNode

temp = join(getLeftNodeInternal(), getRightNodeInternal()); // Replaces links if (this == currentParent.getLeftNodeInternal()) { currentParent.setLeftTree(temp); } else { currentParent.setRightTree(temp); } temp.setParentTree(currentParent); if (temp.isEmpty()) return; // fixes the size temp.setSize(temp.getLeftNodeInternal().size() + temp.getRightNodeInternal().size() + 1); } /** * Finds a node within a tree using the comparable keyFind. Null is returned if the * key is not within the tree and the node is returned otherwise. The method is a recursive * call. * * @param keyFind the key which the method is attempting to find. * @return Tree which contains the keyFind as a key or the last examined tree if the keyFind is not present * in the entire tree. */ protected Tree

search(KeyType keyFind) throws ClassCastException { if(isEmpty()) { return getParentTree(); } // Go left if (keyFind.compareTo(getKey()) < 0) { return getLeftNodeInternal().search(keyFind); } // Go right if (keyFind.compareTo(getKey()) > 0) { return getRightNodeInternal().search(keyFind); } else { // Equal (Match) return this; } } // a quick search for a key, with no animating protected boolean contains(KeyType keyFind) throws ClassCastException { if (isEmpty()) return false; // Go left if (keyFind.compareTo(getKey()) < 0) { return getLeftNodeInternal().contains(keyFind); } // Go right if (keyFind.compareTo(getKey()) > 0) { return getRightNodeInternal().contains(keyFind); } else { // Equal (Match) return true; } } /** * Selects for the Tree in the entire tree. * * @param keySelect integer key selecting the count item. * @return Tree the Tree found or null. */ protected Tree

select(int keySelect) { if(isEmpty()) { return null; } if (getLeftNodeInternal().size() > keySelect) { return getLeftNodeInternal().select(keySelect); } else if (getLeftNodeInternal().size() < keySelect) { return getRightNodeInternal().select(keySelect - getLeftNodeInternal().size() - 1); } return this; } /** * Partitions the Tree at the given keySelect and rotates the keySelectth node * to this node's position. A recursive call generally called from the head * * @param keySelect integer key selecting the count item. * @param levelCount integer counting the levels down the partition is going. * * @return BSTTree that is the reference to the newly partitioned tree. */ protected GrowingTreeNode

partition(int keySelect, int levelCount) { if (getLeftNodeInternal().size() > keySelect) { // Recursive call return getLeftNodeInternal().partition(keySelect, levelCount + 1); } else if (getLeftNodeInternal().size() < keySelect) { return getRightNodeInternal().partition(keySelect - getLeftNodeInternal().size() - 1, levelCount + 1); } // Rotate Up the amount of levels the partition went down. ((GrowingTreeHead

)getHead()).rotateUp(this, levelCount); return this; } /** * Rotate the tree to the right. It simply changes around references to BSTTrees. * * @return BSTTree that is the reference to the newly rotated tree. */ public GrowingTreeNode

rotateRightPointers() { GrowingTreeNode

temp = (GrowingTreeNode

)getLeftNodeInternal(); setLeftTree((GrowingTreeNode

)temp.getRightNodeInternal()); getLeftNodeInternal().setParentTree(this); temp.setRightTree(this); setParentTree(temp); temp.setParentTree(null); // Fix sizes setSize(getLeftNodeInternal().size() + getRightNodeInternal().size() + 1); temp.setSize(temp.getLeftNodeInternal().size() + temp.getRightNodeInternal().size() + 1); return temp; } /** * Rotate the tree to the left. It simply changes around references to BSTTrees. * * @return BSTTree that is the reference to the newly rotated tree. */ public GrowingTreeNode

rotateLeftPointers() { GrowingTreeNode

temp = (GrowingTreeNode

)getRightNodeInternal(); setRightTree((GrowingTreeNode

)temp.getLeftNodeInternal()); getRightNodeInternal().setParentTree(this); temp.setLeftTree(this); setParentTree(temp); temp.setParentTree(null); // Fix sizes setSize(getLeftNodeInternal().size() + getRightNodeInternal().size() + 1); temp.setSize(temp.getLeftNodeInternal().size() + temp.getRightNodeInternal().size() + 1); return temp; } public void rotateUp() { getHead().saveTreeProperties(); getHead().rotateUp(this); //getHead().rotateUp(this); //getHead().reMakeTree(); //getHead().reDrawTree(); //getHead().reAnimateTree(); //getHead().panel.repaintAttempt(); } /** * Joins two subtrees together as one tree. It takes the greater subtree and * partitions the smallest element to the root. Then it makes that new head * element's left subtree the smaller subtree. * * @param treeJoinOne one subtree to be joined. * @param treeJoinTwo second subtree to be joined. * * @return BSTTree object which is the new reference to the joined tree. */ protected static



treeJoinOne, GrowingTreeNode

treeJoinTwo) { // Empty trees if (treeJoinTwo.isEmpty()) { return treeJoinOne; } if (treeJoinOne.isEmpty()) { return treeJoinTwo; } // Tree one is less than tree two if (treeJoinOne.getKey().compareTo(treeJoinTwo.getKey()) < 0) { treeJoinOne.setParentTree(treeJoinTwo.partition(0, 0)); ((GrowingTreeNode

)treeJoinOne.getParentTree()).setLeftTree(treeJoinOne); ((GrowingTreeNode


)treeJoinOne.getParentTree()).getLeftNodeInternal().size() + ((GrowingTreeNode

)treeJoinOne.getParentTree()).getRightNodeInternal().size() + 1); return ((GrowingTreeNode

)treeJoinOne.getParentTree()); } else { treeJoinTwo.setParentTree(treeJoinOne.partition(0, 0)); ((GrowingTreeNode

)treeJoinTwo.getParentTree()).setLeftTree(treeJoinTwo); ((GrowingTreeNode


)treeJoinTwo.getParentTree()).getLeftNodeInternal().size() + ((GrowingTreeNode

)treeJoinTwo.getParentTree()).getRightNodeInternal().size() + 1); return (GrowingTreeNode

)treeJoinTwo.getParentTree(); } } // return the width (number of characters) of widest key in this // subtree public int getMaxKeyWidth() { if (isEmpty()) return 0; int left = getLeftNodeInternal().getMaxKeyWidth(); int right = getRightNodeInternal().getMaxKeyWidth(); int max = Math.max(left, right); return Math.max(max, getKey().toString().length()); } /** ********************************** * Traversal Methods * ********************************** */ /** * Makes an array in preorder using recursive calls and the count. The BSTTree * is traversed in preorder, adding the BSTTree objects in turn to the array. * * @param treeArray the array that has the BSTTree objects. */ protected void makePreorderTree(LinkedList> treeList) { if (isEmpty()) return; // Push onto stack treeList.add(this); ((GrowingTreeNode

)getLeftNodeInternal()).makePreorderTree(treeList); ((GrowingTreeNode

)getRightNodeInternal()).makePreorderTree(treeList); } /** * Makes an array in inorder using recursive calls and the count. The BSTTree * is traversed in inorder, adding the BSTTree objects in turn to the array. * * @param treeArray the array that has the BSTTree objects. */ protected void makeInorderTree(LinkedList> treeList) { if (isEmpty()) return; ((GrowingTreeNode

)getLeftNodeInternal()).makeInorderTree(treeList); // Push onto stack treeList.add(this); ((GrowingTreeNode

)getRightNodeInternal()).makeInorderTree(treeList); } /** * Makes an array in postorder using recursive calls and the count. The BSTTree * is traversed in postorder, adding the BSTTree objects in turn to the array. * * @param treeArray the array that has the BSTTree objects. */ protected void makePostorderTree(LinkedList> treeList) { if (isEmpty()) return; ((GrowingTreeNode

)getLeftNodeInternal()).makePostorderTree(treeList); ((GrowingTreeNode

)getRightNodeInternal()).makePostorderTree(treeList); // Push onto stack treeList.add(this); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------BST_TREE_TYPE---------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------END--------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*/////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*/ /*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////////////////////////////*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE----------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------START-------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*************************************************************************/ /* DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE : Methods and Variables specific to the */ /* DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE. These methods are specificaly used for drawing*/ /* to a Graphics2D. Therefore, do not use this type unless that is your */ /* purpose. */ /*************************************************************************/ /** * Bounds defining the screen in which the DrawingTree exists. */ private Rectangle2D screenBounds; /** * Origin shape, defining the shape of the node at the origin and size 1. */ private Shape nodeOriginShape; /** * Origin shape, defining the shape of the bounding box of the key contained within the nodeOriginShape. */ private Shape keyOriginRectangle; /** * The current Shape of the DrawingTree, last drawn as this specific shape. */ private Shape currentShape; /** * The current AffineTransform of the DrawingTree, representing the * most current Transformation to draw the nodeOriginShape and keyOriginRectangle. */ private AffineTransform currentTransform; /** * The previous AffineTransform of the DrawingTree. */ private AffineTransform previousTransform; /** * The double drawing level for the current DrawingTree. */ private double drawingLevel; /** * The current power of 2 representing, 2^drawinLevel. */ private double currentPower2; /** * The current drawing settings of the node. */ private NodeSettings currentSettings = null; /** * The previous drawing settings of the node. */ private NodeSettings previousSettings = null; /** * The count for how many total saves the current Node has been called (to save the NodeSettings). */ private int countSaves = 0; /** * The count for how many left saves the current Node has been called (saveLeftSettings). */ private int countLeftSaves = 0; /** * The count for how many right saves the current Node has been called (saveRightSettings). */ private int countRightSaves = 0; /** * Graphics2D for drawing the node on the previous graphics defined. */ private Graphics2D graphics; /** * Constructor for the DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE. This constructs and sets all values to defaults * for the DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE. */ public void constructDrawingBSTTree() { if (currentSettings == null) { currentSettings = new NodeSettings(); previousSettings = null; countSaves = 0; countLeftSaves = 0; countRightSaves = 0; currentTransform = null; previousTransform = null; newNodeShape(); } } /** ******************************************* * DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE Accesssor methods * ******************************************* */ /** * Gets the drawing level for the current DrawingTree. This is a necessary method for allowing * intermidiary drawing between two levels, because the param is a double, not an integer. * * @return the double level for the drawing node. */ public double getDrawingLevel() { return drawingLevel; } /** * Gets the height of the section for the DrawingTree. The section height is generally * used to determine link length and node height when drawing the tree. * * @return double height of the drawing section for the node. */ public double getSectionHeight() { return getHead().getTreeSectionHeight(); } /** * Gets the bounds of the screen to which the tree is drawing. The bounds generally is simply * the rectangle enclosing the Graphics2D passed. * * @return the rectangle representing the bounds of the screen. */ public Rectangle2D getScreenBounds() { return screenBounds; } /** * Gets the current power of 2 to which the tree was last drawn. The power is * stored in this way to allow quick access and avoiding power methods. * * @return double power of 2 last used in drawing the tree (2^drawingLevel). */ public double getCurrentPower2() { return currentPower2; } /** * Gets the NodeSettings of the tree. * These settings are used for drawing the node and the links of the given tree. * * @return NodeSettings for use in drawing the tree. */ public NodeSettings getSettings() { return currentSettings; } /** * Returns true if the settings are currently saved for the DrawingTree. * * @return true if the NodeSettings are saved. */ public boolean isSettingsSaved() { // Saved if previousSettings is not null. return (previousSettings != null); } /** * Gets the shape of the node at the origin and size 1, for usage in * transforming and drawing. * * @return Shape of the node at the origin and size 1. */ protected Shape getNodeOriginShape() { return nodeOriginShape; } /** * Gets the shape of the key within the node shape at the origin and size 1, * for usage in transforming and drawing. * * @return Shape of the key. */ protected Shape getKeyOriginRectangle() { return keyOriginRectangle; } /** * Gets the shape of the node previously drawn or transformed. * * @return Shape of the node previously drawn. */ protected Shape getCurrentShape() { return currentShape; } /** * Gets the AffineTransform defined within the tree. The current transform * is used when calling draw without the AffineTransform value. * * @return transform set for the current drawing of the tree. */ public AffineTransform getCurrentTransform() { return currentTransform; } /** * Gets the AffineTransform previously defined within the tree. The previous transform * is used when calling restoreTransform and is automatically * updates with each call of setCurrentTransform. * * @return transform previously set for the drawing of the tree. */ protected AffineTransform getPreviousTransform() { return previousTransform; } /** * Gets the graphics previously defined within the tree. The graphics are defined in * makeTree or by the client using setCurrentGraphics. * * @return Graphics2D which was the previously defined graphics. */ public Graphics2D getCurrentGraphics() { return graphics; } /** ******************************************* * DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE Mutator methods * ******************************************* */ /** * Sets the drawing level for the current DrawingTree. This is a necessary method for allowing * intermidiary drawing between two levels, because the param is a double, not an integer. * * @param level the double level for the drawing node. */ protected void setDrawingLevel(double level) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; drawingLevel = level; } /** * Sets the bounds of the screen to which the tree is drawing. Generally, these bounds * are set using getClipBounds on the Graphics2D passed, however, the bounds * can be set in any way. * * @param bounds the rectangle representing the bounds of the screen. */ public void setScreenBounds(Rectangle2D bounds) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; screenBounds = bounds; } /** * Sets the graphics defined within the tree. * * @param g2 Graphics2D which are the defined graphics for the tree. */ public void setCurrentGraphics(Graphics2D g2) { graphics = g2; } /** * Sets the current power of 2. The power is * stored in this way to allow quick access and avoiding power methods. * * @return p2 power of 2 for drawing the tree (generally 2^drawingLevel). */ protected void setCurrentPower2(double p2) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; currentPower2 = p2; } /** * Sets the settings of the entire tree. This represents a recursive call through the tree, * setting the tree's NodeSettings and then calling both children. * * @param s NodeSettings being set for the entire tree. */ protected void setTreeSettings(NodeSettings s, KeySettings k) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; if(isEmpty()) return; setSettings(s); ((DrawableKey)getValue()).setSettings(k); getLeftNodeInternal().setTreeSettings(s, k); getRightNodeInternal().setTreeSettings(s, k); } /** * Sets the settings of the node for the BSTTree. No settings are saved * and the previous settings are not modified. * * @param s NodeSettings set for the entire tree. */ public void setNodeSettings(NodeSettings s) { currentSettings = (NodeSettings)s.clone(); } /** * Sets the NodeSettings of the DrawingTree. * These settings are used for drawing the node and the links of the given tree. *

If the settings are saved, the previous settings are modified to the NodeSettings, * leaving the current settings unmodified. To modify the current settings, use setNodeSettings. * * If the settings are not saved, the previous settings are made null and the currentSettings are set. * * @param s NodeSettings for use in drawing the tree. */ public void setSettings(NodeSettings s) { NodeSettings newSettings = (NodeSettings)s.clone(); if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; // No previous saved settings if (!isSettingsSaved()) { // null previous settings previousSettings = null; currentSettings = newSettings; // Reset saves countSaves = 0; countLeftSaves = 0; countRightSaves = 0; } else { // Set previous settings as s, because currently the settings are saved. previousSettings = newSettings; } } /** * Sets the AffineTransform defined within the tree. The set transform * is used when calling draw without the AffineTransform value. * * @param a transform set for the current drawing of the tree. */ protected void setCurrentTransform(AffineTransform a) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; previousTransform = currentTransform; currentTransform = a; } /** * Restores the AffineTransform defined previously within the tree. * The previous transform is always the last transform defined and is automatically * updated each time setCurrentTransform is called. */ public void restoreTransform() { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; currentTransform = previousTransform; } /** ***************************************************** * DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE NodeSettings Saving methods * ***************************************************** */ protected void saveNodeProperties() { nodePropertiesList.addLast((P) getShadowNode().getNodeProperties().clone()); if (getLeftNodeInternal().inTree()) { getLeftNodeInternal().saveNodeProperties(); } if (getRightNodeInternal().inTree()) { getRightNodeInternal().saveNodeProperties(); } } protected void popNodeProperties() { if (nodePropertiesList.size() > 0) nodePropertiesList.pop(); if (getLeftNodeInternal().inTree()) { getLeftNodeInternal().popNodeProperties(); } if (getRightNodeInternal().inTree()) { getRightNodeInternal().popNodeProperties(); } //System.out.println(getKey().intValue() + ": " + nodePropertiesList.size()); } /** * Saves the settings for the tree, incrementing the count of saves by one and setting the * previous settings accordingly. */ public void saveSettings() { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; countSaves++; if (previousSettings == null) { previousSettings = (NodeSettings)currentSettings.clone(); } } /** * Saves the settings for the tree, incrementing the count of left Saves and total saves by one and setting the * previous settings accordingly. */ public void saveLeftSettings() { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; countLeftSaves++; saveSettings(); } /** * Saves the settings for the tree, incrementing the count of right Saves and total saves by one and setting the * previous settings accordingly. */ public void saveRightSettings() { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; countRightSaves++; saveSettings(); } /** * Restores the settings for the tree, decrementing the count of left Saves and total saves by one. * If the left settings have been restored completely, than the NodeSettings for the tree are set accordingly. */ public void restoreLeftSettings() { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; countLeftSaves--; if (countLeftSaves <= 0) { // Completely Restored currentSettings.setLeftSettings(previousSettings); countLeftSaves = 0; } restoreSettings(); } /** * Restores the settings for the tree, decrementing the count of right Saves and total saves by one. * If the right settings have been restored completely, than the NodeSettings for the tree are set accordingly. */ public void restoreRightSettings() { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; countRightSaves--; if (countRightSaves <= 0) { // Completely Restored currentSettings.setRightSettings(previousSettings); countRightSaves = 0; } restoreSettings(); } /** * Restores the settings for the tree, decrementing the count of saves by one. * If the settings have been restored completely, than the NodeSettings for the tree * are set accordingly. */ public void restoreSettings() { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; countSaves--; if (countSaves <= 0) { // Completely Restored currentSettings = previousSettings; previousSettings = null; countSaves = 0; countRightSaves = 0; countLeftSaves = 0; } } /** ***************************************************************** * DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE Drawing methods (DrawingTree Interface) * ***************************************************************** */ /** * Makes a new shape for the node and key. This method must be called to develop the nodeOriginShape and keyOriginRectangle, which * is not modified or changed after the initial call. Basically, this instantiates the important * data for the tree. */ private void newNodeShape() { // Bounds of the nodeShape. Rectangle2D nodeShapeBounds = getSettings().getNodeShape().getBounds2D(); // Make the scale and translate transforms. AffineTransform scaleTransform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(1/nodeShapeBounds.getWidth() , 1/nodeShapeBounds.getHeight()); AffineTransform translateTransform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(-nodeShapeBounds.getX(), -nodeShapeBounds.getY()); scaleTransform.concatenate(translateTransform); // Make the nodeOriginShape nodeOriginShape = scaleTransform.createTransformedShape(getSettings().getNodeShape()); // Create Shape for key inside node. keyOriginRectangle = getSettings().getNodeShape().getInscribedRectangle(); keyOriginRectangle = (scaleTransform.createTransformedShape(keyOriginRectangle)).getBounds2D(); } /** * Makes the tree recursively using the two parameters. The tree is made by setting the values using the * following methods:

* The method calls the method for the left and right children, using properly modified * AffineTransform and level. * * @param a AffineTransform for the current tree. * @param currentLevel the current level for the tree. */ protected void makeTree(AffineTransform a, int currentLevel) { if (isEmpty()) return; // Set the current values. setCurrentTransform(a); setLevel(currentLevel); setDrawingLevel((double)currentLevel); setCurrentPower2(Math.pow(2.0, currentLevel+1)); // Bounds of the graphics setScreenBounds(getHead().getScreenBounds()); // Make the left and right transforms. AffineTransform leftTransform = (AffineTransform)getCurrentTransform().clone(); AffineTransform rightTransform = (AffineTransform)getCurrentTransform().clone(); if ( ((GrowingTreeHead

)getHead()).getDisplay() == GrowingTreeHead.SECTIONAL_DISPLAY) { a.translate(((getScreenBounds().getWidth() / getHead().size())*getInorderCount())/getCurrentTransform().getScaleX(), 0); // Set the current values. setCurrentTransform(a); leftTransform.translate(0, ( getHead().getSectionHeight()/getCurrentTransform().getScaleY())); rightTransform.translate(0, (getHead().getSectionHeight()/getCurrentTransform().getScaleY())); } else { leftTransform.translate(((-getScreenBounds().getWidth()/getCurrentPower2())/getCurrentTransform().getScaleX()), ( getHead().getSectionHeight()/getCurrentTransform().getScaleY())); rightTransform.translate(((getScreenBounds().getWidth()/getCurrentPower2())/getCurrentTransform().getScaleX()), (getHead().getSectionHeight()/getCurrentTransform().getScaleY())); } // Call the left and right tress. getLeftNodeInternal().makeTree(leftTransform, currentLevel+1); getRightNodeInternal().makeTree(rightTransform, currentLevel+1); } /** * Draws the tree recursively, on to the Graphics2D. The current transform, drawing level, * power, and screen bounds must all be set before the recursive method is called. * * @param g2 the Graphics2D to which the tree is drawn. */ protected void drawTree(Graphics2D g2) { if (isEmpty()) return; setCurrentGraphics(g2); if (!isNodeAnimating()) { drawNodeAndLink(g2); } getLeftNodeInternal().drawTree(g2); getRightNodeInternal().drawTree(g2); } /** * Draws the node of the tree using the previously defined graphics. The drawing uses * the previously defined AffineTransform. * */ public void drawNode() { NodeSettings temp = (NodeSettings)getSettings().clone(); getSettings().setScheme(NodeSettings.ERASE, Color.white); drawNode(getCurrentGraphics()); setNodeSettings(temp); drawNode(getCurrentGraphics()); } /** * Draws the node of the tree to the given Graphics2D. The drawing uses * the previously defined AffineTransform. * * @param g2 graphics to which the node is drawn. */ public void drawNode(Graphics2D g2) { drawNode(g2, getCurrentTransform()); } /** * Draws the node of the tree to the given Graphics2D, using the AffineTransform. * The drawing uses the AffineTransform to determine the exact way to draw the * node. * * @param g2 graphics to which the node is drawn. * @param a transform to draw the node. */ public void drawNode(Graphics2D g2, AffineTransform a) { currentShape = a.createTransformedShape(getNodeOriginShape()); NodeProperties currProps = getNodeProperties(); // Update settings based on the NodeProperties if (currProps != null) { // Search trees animations create nodes that don't get node properties, // since they're not in the tree if (getSettings().getSettingName().equals(NodeSettings.ERASE)) { // don't do anything } else if (currProps.colorParentLink()) { getSettings().setNodeFillPaint(; getSettings().setNodeOutlinePaint(; if (getLeftNodeInternal() != null && getLeftNodeInternal().getNodeProperties() != null) { getSettings().setLeftLinkPaint(getLeftNodeInternal().getNodeProperties().getNodeColor()); } if (getRightNodeInternal() != null && getRightNodeInternal().getNodeProperties() != null) { getSettings().setRightLinkPaint(getRightNodeInternal().getNodeProperties().getNodeColor()); } } else { getSettings().setNodeFillPaint(getNodeProperties().getNodeColor()); getSettings().setNodeOutlinePaint(getNodeProperties().getNodeColor()); } } else { getSettings().setNodeFillPaint(; getSettings().setNodeOutlinePaint(; } // Set graphics information g2.setComposite(getSettings().getNodeComposite()); g2.setPaint(getSettings().getNodeFillPaint()); g2.fill(currentShape); g2.setStroke(getSettings().getNodeOutlineStroke()); g2.setPaint(getSettings().getNodeOutlinePaint()); g2.draw(currentShape); // Get keyShape Shape keyShape = a.createTransformedShape(getKeyOriginRectangle()); // Bounding Box Rectangle2D keyBoundingBox = keyShape.getBounds2D(); AffineTransform scaleTransform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(keyBoundingBox.getWidth() , keyBoundingBox.getHeight()); AffineTransform translateTransform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(keyBoundingBox.getX(), keyBoundingBox.getY()); translateTransform.concatenate(scaleTransform); //DrawingKey intFields = new DrawingKey(null); KeySettings countSettings = new KeySettings(KeySettings.SUBTREE_COUNT_SCHEME); //intFields.setSettings(countSettings); countSettings.setKeyFillPaint(currProps.getIntegerFieldColor()); int width = getHead().maxKeyWidth(); int countWidth = (new Integer(getHead().size())).toString().length(); // Draws the key and integer fields, if the option is set. /* an odd graphical glitch occurs when very small keys are scaled, so if the tree is tall enough, don't scale the keys or draw integer fields */ if (getHead().getTreeLevel() > 20) { ((DrawingKey)getValue()).drawKey(g2, translateTransform); } else { if (getHead().getSubtreeCountsVisible()) { if (currProps.getULIntegerFieldValue() != null) { DrawingKey intFields = new DrawingKey(new KeyType(currProps.getULIntegerFieldValue())); intFields.setSettings(countSettings); intFields.drawKeyUpperLeft(g2, translateTransform, countWidth); } if (currProps.getURIntegerFieldValue() != null) { DrawingKey intFields = new DrawingKey(new KeyType(currProps.getURIntegerFieldValue())); intFields.setSettings(countSettings); intFields.drawKeyUpperRight(g2, translateTransform, countWidth); } if (currProps.getLLIntegerFieldValue() != null) { DrawingKey intFields = new DrawingKey(new KeyType(currProps.getLLIntegerFieldValue())); intFields.setSettings(countSettings); intFields.drawKeyLowerLeft(g2, translateTransform, countWidth); } if (currProps.getLRIntegerFieldValue() != null) { DrawingKey intFields = new DrawingKey(new KeyType(currProps.getLRIntegerFieldValue())); intFields.setSettings(countSettings); intFields.drawKeyLowerRight(g2, translateTransform, countWidth); } } ((DrawingKey)getValue()).drawKeyScaled(g2, translateTransform, width); } } /** * Draws the node and left link of the tree using the previously defined graphics. * The drawing uses the previously defined AffineTransform, * section height, drawing level, and power level. */ public void drawNodeAndLeftLink() { boolean bottomLinks; if (getHead() != null) { bottomLinks = (((GrowingTreeHead

)getHead()).getDisplay() == GrowingTreeHead.BINARY_DISPLAY); } else { bottomLinks = true; } // Redraw drawLeftLink(getCurrentGraphics(), getHead().getSectionHeight(), getCurrentTransform(), (double)getLevel(), getCurrentPower2(), bottomLinks); // Draw the node drawNode(getCurrentGraphics(), getCurrentTransform()); } /** * Draws the node and right link of the tree using the previously defined graphics. * The drawing uses the previously defined AffineTransform, * section height, drawing level, and power level. */ public void drawNodeAndRightLink() { boolean bottomLinks; if (getHead() != null) { bottomLinks = (((GrowingTreeHead

)getHead()).getDisplay() == GrowingTreeHead.BINARY_DISPLAY); } else { bottomLinks = true; } // Redraw drawRightLink(getCurrentGraphics(), getHead().getSectionHeight(), getCurrentTransform(), (double)getLevel(), getCurrentPower2(), bottomLinks); // Draw the node drawNode(getCurrentGraphics(), getCurrentTransform()); } /** * Erases the previous drawing of the nodeAndLinkm, simply drawing. */ public void eraseNodeAndLink() { // Copy the settings NodeSettings temp = (NodeSettings)getSettings(); // Erase setting setNodeSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.ERASE, getHead().getBackgroundColor())); drawNodeAndLink(getCurrentGraphics()); // Reset settings setNodeSettings(temp); } /** * Erases the previous drawing of the nodeAndLinkm, simply drawing. */ public void eraseNodeAndLink(Graphics2D g2) { // Copy the settings NodeSettings temp = (NodeSettings)getSettings(); // Erase setting setNodeSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.ERASE, getHead().getBackgroundColor())); drawNodeAndLink(g2); // Reset settings setNodeSettings(temp); } /** * Draws the node and link of the tree using the previously defined graphics.. * The drawing uses the previously defined AffineTransform, * section height, drawing level, and power level. */ public void drawNodeAndLink() { // Redraw drawNodeAndLink(getCurrentGraphics()); } /** * Draws the node and link of the tree to the given Graphics2D. * The drawing generally uses the previously defined AffineTransform, * section height, drawing level, and power level. * * @param g2 graphics to which the node is drawn. */ public void drawNodeAndLink(Graphics2D g2) { boolean bottomLinks; if (getHead() != null) { bottomLinks = (((GrowingTreeHead

)getHead()).getDisplay() == GrowingTreeHead.BINARY_DISPLAY); } else { bottomLinks = true; } drawNodeAndLink(g2, getHead().getSectionHeight(), getCurrentTransform(), (double)getLevel(), getCurrentPower2(),bottomLinks); } /** * Draws the node and link of the tree to the given Graphics2D. * The drawing generally uses the previously defined AffineTransform, * section height, drawing level, and power level. * * @param g2 graphics to which the node is drawn. * @param bottomLinks the boolean to declare whether the bottom links should be drawn. */ public void drawNodeAndLink(Graphics2D g2, boolean bottomLinks) { drawNodeAndLink(g2, getHead().getSectionHeight(), getCurrentTransform(), (double)getLevel(), getCurrentPower2(),bottomLinks); } /** * Draws the node and link of the tree to the given Graphics2D. Using the Transform, the node * is affect, while the links use the previously defined transform to draw. Consequently, the * node made shift and enlarge while keeping the links constant. * * @param g2 graphics to which the node and links are drawn. * @param a transfrom to draw the node and links. */ public void drawNodeAndLink(Graphics2D g2, AffineTransform a) { boolean bottomLinks; if (getHead() != null) { bottomLinks = (((GrowingTreeHead

)getHead()).getDisplay() == GrowingTreeHead.BINARY_DISPLAY); } else { bottomLinks = true; } drawNodeAndLink(g2, a, bottomLinks); } /** * Draws the node and link of the tree to the given Graphics2D. Using the Transform, the node * is affect, while the links use the previously defined transform to draw. Consequently, the * node made shift and enlarge while keeping the links constant. * * @param g2 graphics to which the node and links are drawn. * @param a transfrom to draw the node and links. * @param bottomLinks the boolean to declare whether the bottom links should be drawn. */ public void drawNodeAndLink(Graphics2D g2, AffineTransform a, boolean bottomLinks) { drawRightLink(g2, getHead().getSectionHeight(), getCurrentTransform(), (double)getLevel(), getCurrentPower2(), bottomLinks); drawLeftLink(g2, getHead().getSectionHeight(), getCurrentTransform(), (double)getLevel(), getCurrentPower2(), bottomLinks); // Draw the node drawNode(g2, a); } /** * Draws the node and link of the tree to the given Graphics2D. * The drawing generally uses the AffineTransform, section height, * drawing level, and power level to render the node and its links. * * @param g2 graphics to which the node and links are drawn. * @param sectionHeight the height of the tree' section, to draw the correct lengths for the links. * @param a transfrom to draw the node and links. * @param drawingLevel the level in the tree to which the node is currently being drawn. * @param powerLevel the power to which the links extend, depending on how many links are present. */ public void drawNodeAndLink(Graphics2D g2, double sectionHeight, AffineTransform a, double drawingLevel, double powerLevel) { boolean bottomLinks; if (getHead() != null) { bottomLinks = (((GrowingTreeHead

)getHead()).getDisplay() == GrowingTreeHead.BINARY_DISPLAY); } else { bottomLinks = true; } drawNodeAndLink(g2, sectionHeight, a, drawingLevel, powerLevel,bottomLinks); } /** * Draws the node and link of the tree to the given Graphics2D. * The drawing generally uses the AffineTransform, section height, * drawing level, and power level to render the node and its links. * * @param g2 graphics to which the node and links are drawn. * @param sectionHeight the height of the tree' section, to draw the correct lengths for the links. * @param a transfrom to draw the node and links. * @param drawingLevel the level in the tree to which the node is currently being drawn. * @param powerLevel the power to which the links extend, depending on how many links are present. * @param bottomLinks the boolean to declare whether the bottom links should be drawn. */ public void drawNodeAndLink(Graphics2D g2, double sectionHeight, AffineTransform a, double drawingLevel, double powerLevel, boolean bottomLinks) { //Rectangle2D bounds = g2.getClipBounds(); drawRightLink(g2, sectionHeight, a, drawingLevel, powerLevel, bottomLinks); drawLeftLink(g2, sectionHeight, a, drawingLevel, powerLevel, bottomLinks); // Draw the node drawNode(g2, a); } /** * Draws just the right link according to the NodeSettings currently set. * * @param g2 graphics to which the node and links are drawn. * @param sectionHeight the height of the tree' section, to draw the correct lengths for the links. * @param a transfrom to draw the node and links. * @param drawingLevel the level in the tree to which the node is currently being drawn. * @param powerLevel the power to which the links extend, depending on how many links are present. * @param bottomLinks the boolean to declare whether the bottom links should be drawn. */ protected void drawRightLink(Graphics2D g2, double sectionHeight, AffineTransform a, double drawingLevel, double powerLevel, boolean bottomLinks) { Rectangle2D bounds = g2.getClipBounds(); GrowingTreeNode

rightTree = getRightNodeInternal(); Line2D.Double right; if (getSettings().getSettingName().equals(NodeSettings.ERASE)) { // don't do anything } else if (getRightNodeInternal() != null && getRightNodeInternal().getNodeProperties() != null && getRightNodeInternal().getNodeProperties().colorParentLink()) {// getNodeProperties().colorParentLink() && rightTree != null && rightTree.inTree()) { getSettings().setRightLinkPaint(getRightNodeInternal().getNodeProperties().getNodeColor()); } /*else if (getNodeProperties().colorParentLink() && getRightNodeInternal() == null && this instanceof MovingBSTTree) { //do nothing }*/ else { getSettings().setRightLinkPaint(getNodeProperties().getRightLinkColor()); } if (rightTree != null && !(rightTree instanceof MovingBSTTree)) { if (!(rightTree.isEmpty())) { double horizontal = rightTree.getCurrentTransform().getTranslateX() + rightTree.getCurrentTransform().getScaleX()/2.0; double vertical = rightTree.getCurrentTransform().getTranslateY(); // Right line right = new Line2D.Double((a.getTranslateX() + (3*a.getScaleX())/4.0) , (a.getTranslateY() + 3*a.getScaleY()/4.0) , horizontal , vertical); g2.setComposite(getSettings().getRightLinkComposite()); g2.setStroke(getSettings().getRightLinkStroke()); g2.setPaint(getSettings().getRightLinkPaint()); g2.draw(right); return; } } if (bottomLinks) { // Right line right = new Line2D.Double( (a.getTranslateX() + (3*a.getScaleX())/4.0) , (a.getTranslateY() + 3*a.getScaleY()/4.0) , (a.getTranslateX() + a.getScaleX()/2.0 + bounds.getWidth()/powerLevel) , (sectionHeight * drawingLevel)); g2.setComposite(getSettings().getRightLinkComposite()); g2.setStroke(getSettings().getRightLinkStroke()); g2.setPaint(getSettings().getRightLinkPaint()); g2.draw(right); } } /** * Draws just the left link according to the NodeSettings currently set. * * @param g2 graphics to which the node and links are drawn. * @param sectionHeight the height of the tree' section, to draw the correct lengths for the links. * @param a transfrom to draw the node and links. * @param drawingLevel the level in the tree to which the node is currently being drawn. * @param powerLevel the power to which the links extend, depending on how many links are present. * @param bottomLinks the boolean to declare whether the bottom links should be drawn. */ protected void drawLeftLink(Graphics2D g2, double sectionHeight, AffineTransform a, double drawingLevel, double powerLevel, boolean bottomLinks) { Rectangle2D bounds = g2.getClipBounds(); GrowingTreeNode

leftTree = getLeftNodeInternal(); // Draw the left and right links Line2D.Double left; if (getSettings().getSettingName().equals(NodeSettings.ERASE)) { // don't do anything } else if (getLeftNodeInternal() != null && getLeftNodeInternal().getNodeProperties() != null && getNodeProperties().colorParentLink()) { getSettings().setLeftLinkPaint(getLeftNodeInternal().getNodeProperties().getNodeColor()); } /*else if (getNodeProperties().colorParentLink() && getLeftNodeInternal() == null && this instanceof MovingBSTTree) { // do nothing }*/ else { getSettings().setLeftLinkPaint(getNodeProperties().getLeftLinkColor()); } if (leftTree != null && leftTree.getCurrentTransform() != null) { if (!(leftTree.isEmpty())) { double horizontal = leftTree.getCurrentTransform().getTranslateX() + leftTree.getCurrentTransform().getScaleX()/2.0; double vertical = leftTree.getCurrentTransform().getTranslateY(); // Right line left = new Line2D.Double( (a.getTranslateX() + a.getScaleX()/4.0) , (a.getTranslateY() + 3*a.getScaleY()/4.0) , horizontal, vertical); // Set graphics information g2.setComposite(getSettings().getLeftLinkComposite()); g2.setStroke(getSettings().getLeftLinkStroke()); g2.setPaint(getSettings().getLeftLinkPaint()); g2.draw(left); return; } } if (bottomLinks) { // left line left = new Line2D.Double( (a.getTranslateX() + a.getScaleX()/4.0) , (a.getTranslateY() + 3*a.getScaleY()/4.0) , (a.getTranslateX() + a.getScaleX()/2.0 - bounds.getWidth()/powerLevel) , (sectionHeight * drawingLevel)); // Set graphics information g2.setComposite(getSettings().getLeftLinkComposite()); g2.setStroke(getSettings().getLeftLinkStroke()); g2.setPaint(getSettings().getLeftLinkPaint()); g2.draw(left); } } /** * Finds the node represented by the x-y coordinates given. The (x,y) location represents a location * within the Graphics2D to which the node appears. The recursive method progresses through the entire tree * looking for the proper node. * * @param x x-coordinate to find the node. * @param y y-coordinate to find the node. * * @return DrawingTree representing the x-y coordinates passed or null if no node is found. */ protected DrawingTree

findNode(double x, double y) { if (isEmpty()) return null; if (isNodeAnimating()) return null; if (getCurrentTransform() == null || getHead() == null ) return null; // If y < (1.6)(section height) of this current node, than the node is returned. if( y <= (getCurrentTransform().getTranslateY() + getHead().getSectionHeight() / 1.6) ){ return this; } else { // If x is less than half this width, the method is called for the left. if (x >= getCurrentTransform().getTranslateX() + getCurrentTransform().getScaleX()/2.0) return getRightNodeInternal().findNode(x, y); else // Otherwise the method is called for the right. return getLeftNodeInternal().findNode(x, y); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE----------------------*/ /*------------------------------------END--------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*/////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*/ /*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////////////////////////////*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE---------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------START-------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*************************************************************************/ /* ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE : Methods and Variables specific to the */ /* ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE. These methods are specificaly used for */ /* animaitng to a Graphics2D. Therefore, do not use this type unless */ /* that is your purpose. */ /*************************************************************************/ /** * The list of animators of the current node. */ private LinkedList animators; /** * The boolean flag whether when called form within an Animation, it should draw. */ private boolean animateDrawing; /** * Constructor for the ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE. This constructs and sets all values to defaults * for the ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE. */ public void constructAnimatingBSTTree() { if (animators == null) { animators = new LinkedList(); } animateDrawing = true; } /** ********************************************* * ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE Accesssor methods * ********************************************* */ /** * Returns true if the node is animating. It simply determines if the list of animators is empty. * * @return true if the node is currently animating. */ public boolean isNodeAnimating() { if (animators == null) return false; else return (!animators.isEmpty()); } /** * Gets the first Animation of the node. * * @return Animation which is the first Animation of the node. */ public Animation getAnimator() { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) return null; if (animators.isEmpty()) { return null; } return animators.getFirst(); } /** * Sets the boolean flag whether the node should draw if called from an animation. * Only special cases is the flag set to false (Deletion Animations). * * @param animateDrawing boolean flag to draw if animating. */ public void setAnimateDrawing(boolean animateDrawing) { this.animateDrawing = animateDrawing; } /** ******************************************* * ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE Mutator methods * ******************************************* */ /** * Adds an animation to the current node. This method does not add the node to listen for * AnimationEvents. That must be performed by the user. * * @param a the Animation being added to the node. */ public void addAnimator(Animation a) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } animators.add(a); } /** * Gets the boolean flag whether the node should draw if called from an animation. * Only special cases is the flag set to false (Deletion Animations). * * @return boolean flag to draw if animating. */ public boolean isAnimateDrawing() { return animateDrawing; } /**********************************/ /* Recursive Constructing methods */ /**********************************/ /** * Insert the BSTTree down from the current node. This is a recursive call, * defined in BSTTree. It is overiden in this class to build the animation * of the insertion. The reason this animation is overiden and not simply added in the AnimatingBSTTreeHead, * is to allow multiple insertions to occur at once. Therefore, insertion never goes through * WaitingActionList. * * @param node the node being inserted into the tree. * @param newAnimator the InsertBSTAnimation to which the nodes are being added. * * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the tree. */ protected void makeInsertAnimation(GrowingTreeNode

insertNode, InsertBSTAnimation

newAnimator) throws ClassCastException { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } if (isEmpty()) { return; } // Add the animator to the Insertion animation. newAnimator.add(this); if ((insertNode.getKey()).compareTo(key) < 0) { // Go to the left getLeftNodeInternal().makeInsertAnimation(insertNode, newAnimator); } else { // Go to the right getRightNodeInternal().makeInsertAnimation(insertNode, newAnimator); } } /** * Constructs the searchBSTAnimation down from the current node. * This is a recursive call through the tree. No Listeners are affected by this call. * * @param keySearch the key being searched for. * * @param newAnimator the SerachBSTAnimation to which the nodes are being added. * * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the tree. */ protected void makeSearchAnimation(KeyType keySearch, SearchBSTAnimation

newAnimator) throws ClassCastException { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } if (isEmpty()) { return; } // Add the animator to the Insertion animation. newAnimator.add(this); if (keySearch.compareTo(getKey()) < 0) { // Go to the left getLeftNodeInternal().makeSearchAnimation(keySearch, newAnimator); } else if (keySearch.compareTo(getKey()) > 0) { // Go to the right getRightNodeInternal().makeSearchAnimation(keySearch, newAnimator); } // If equal, stop. (SEARCH HIT) } /** * Constructs the partitionBSTAnimation down from the current node. * This is a recursive call through the tree. No Listeners are affected by this call. * * @param elementCount the integer (kth small element) searching for that partition * * @param newAnimator the PartitionBSTAnimation to which the nodes are being added. * * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the tree. */ protected void makeSelectionAnimation(int elementCount, SelectionBSTAnimation

newAnimator) throws ClassCastException { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } if (isEmpty()) { return; } // Add the animator to the Insertion animation. newAnimator.add(this); if (getLeftNodeInternal().size() > elementCount) { getLeftNodeInternal().makeSelectionAnimation(elementCount, newAnimator); } if (getLeftNodeInternal().size() < elementCount) { getRightNodeInternal().makeSelectionAnimation(elementCount - getLeftNodeInternal().size() - 1, newAnimator); } } /** ******************************************************** * ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE Implements Animation Listener* ******************************************************** */ /** * Implements AnimationListener which requires the following method. * The only status of animation it listens for is Animation.FINISH, to remove * the animation from the animators list. * * @param e AnimationEvent that represents the information of the Animation. */ public void animationEventPerformed(AnimationEvent e) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { if (animators != null) { animators.clear(); } return; } if (e.getStatus().equals(Animation.FINISH)) { animators.remove(e.getSource()); } } }