package edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.framework; /* * @(#) * * Last Modified: 8/06/02 */ import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.font.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.experiments.IExperimentLogger; import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.interfaces.IDeleteOperator; import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.interfaces.IInsertOperator; import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.growingtree.interfaces.ISearchOperator; /** * This class provides the head structure for a BSTTree. It implements the * interface for TreeHead and implements all important methods necessary for maintaining a * Binary Search Tree. * * The BSTTreeHead additionally extends BSTTree, using the information and methods of a * BSTTree in addition to the specialized methods of a BSTTreeHead. * * @author Corey Sanders * @version 3.4 9/15/01 */ public class GrowingTreeHead

extends GrowingTreeNode

implements TreeHead

, AnimationListener, AnimatingTreeHead

{ /** * String representing information regarding the type of tree. */ public static final String TREE_INFORMATION = "A Binary Search Tree(BST) is a binary tree that has a key associated with each of its\n"+ "internal nodes, with the additional property that the key in any node is larger than\n"+ "(or equal to) the keys in all nodes in that node's left subtree and smaller than\n"+ "(or equal to) the keys in all nodes in that node's right subtree (Sedgewick, 502).\n\n"+ "Search Hits, Search Misses, and Insertions require about 2 ln N (1.39 lg N) comparisons,\n"+ "on the average, in a BST built from N random keys.\n\n"+ "Search Hits, Search Misses, and Insertions can require N comparisons in the worst case.\n"; /*************************************************************************/ /* BSTTreeHead constructor, methods, and variables, regardless of type. */ /*************************************************************************/ private IInsertOperator

insertOperator; private ISearchOperator

searchOperator; private IDeleteOperator

deleteOperator; private P nodePropertiesFactory; private IExperimentLogger

logger; /** * The list of listeners to this Tree. Used when the command addTreeMessageListener * is used. */ private LinkedList listeners; /** * WaitingActionList storing all of the actions waiting to occur. */ private WaitingActionList

waitingList; /** * Constructs a new, null BSTTreeHead, sorted according to the keys' natural * order. * *

Default type is BST_TREE_TYPE. */ public GrowingTreeHead() { this(0); } /** * Constructs a new, empty BSTTree according to the type passed. The options for the * types are BST_TREE_TYPE, DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE, and ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE. The * types are defined as follows: *

* *@param treeType type of tree that should be implemented. */ public GrowingTreeHead(int treeType) { super(treeType); setTreeType(treeType); listeners = new LinkedList(); } public GrowingTreeHead(P np, IInsertOperator

inserter, ISearchOperator

searcher, IDeleteOperator

deleter, TreeJPanel

panel) { this(GrowingTreeHead.ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE); insertOperator = inserter; searchOperator = searcher; deleteOperator = deleter; nodePropertiesFactory = np; } public GrowingTreeHead(P np, IInsertOperator

inserter, ISearchOperator

searcher, IDeleteOperator

deleter, TreeJPanel

panel, IExperimentLogger

logger) { this(GrowingTreeHead.ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE); insertOperator = inserter; searchOperator = searcher; deleteOperator = deleter; nodePropertiesFactory = np; this.logger = logger; } /** * Sets the tree type for the BSTTree. It additionally checks constructors for the head. * * @param treeType setting for the tree. */ public void setTreeType(int treeType) { super.setTreeType(treeType); checkHeadConstructors(); if (getChild() != null) ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).fixTreeType(treeType); } /** * Checks the tree type and determines the appropriate construction necessary for the head. * Generally called every time the tree type changes. */ private void checkHeadConstructors() { if (getTreeType() >= BST_TREE_TYPE) { constructBSTTreeHead(); } if (getTreeType() >= DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE) { constructDrawingBSTTreeHead(); } if (getTreeType() >= ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE) { constructAnimatingBSTTreeHead(); } } /** * Calls all of the listeners of the Tree and passes the tree message information information regarding the * status of the Tree. * * @param msg String message being passed to all TreeMessage listeners. * */ protected void messageAction(String msg) { messageAction(msg, null); } /** * Calls all of the listeners of the Tree and passes the tree message information information regarding the * status of the Tree. * * @param msg String message being passed to all TreeMessage listeners. * @param msgObj Object related to the message and usable by all listeners. */ protected void messageAction(String msg, Object msgObj) { TreeMessageEvent messageEvent = new TreeMessageEvent(this, TreeMessageEvent.TREE, msg, msgObj); ListIterator list = listeners.listIterator(0); while (list.hasNext()) {; } } /** * Adds an TreeMessageListener from the TREE, according to * the TreeMessageListener interface and the TreeMessageEvent. * * @param l the listener added recieves the TreeMessageEvents occuring. */ public void addTreeMessageListener(TreeMessageListener l) { listeners.add(l); } /** * Removes an TreeMessageListener from the TREE, according to * the TreeMessageListener interface and the TreeMessageEvent. * * @param l the listener removed from recieving the TreeMessageEvents occuring. */ public void removeTreeMessageListener(TreeMessageListener l) { listeners.remove(l); } /** * Makes a new tree message. The method calls messageAction with the information * necessary for the tree status. The information presented include : *

*/ public String getTreeStatusMessage() { String treeStatusMsg = getTreeTypeString()+" Status:\nTree Size = "+size()+ "\nTree Level = "+getTreeLevel(); return treeStatusMsg; } /** ****************************************************************************** * BST_TREE_TYPE Methods for determining best/average/worst case times * ****************************************************************************** */ /** * Returns the average Search hit time, according to n, the amount of elements in the tree. * * @param n the size of the tree for which the average search hit is needed. * * @return double the is the average search hit. */ public double averageSearchHit(int n) { return (Math.log((double)n) * 1.39); } /** * Returns the average Search miss time, according to n, the amount of elements in the tree. * * @param n the size of the tree for which the average search hit is needed. * * @return double the is the average search hit. */ public double averageSearchMiss(int n) { return (Math.log((double)n) * 1.39); } /** * Returns the worst case Search hit time, according to n, the amount of elements in the tree. * * @param n the size of the tree for which the worst case search hit is needed. * * @return double the is the worst case search hit. */ public double worstCaseSearchHit(int n) { return n; } /** * Returns the worst case Search miss time, according to n, the amount of elements in the tree. * * @param n the size of the tree for which the worst case search hit is needed. * * @return double the is the worst case search hit. */ public double worstCaseSearchMiss(int n) { return n; } /** * Returns the average Insertion time, according to n, the amount of elements in the tree. * * @param n the size of the tree for which the average search hit is needed. * * @return double the is the average search hit. */ public double averageInsertion(int n) { return (Math.log((double)n) * 1.39); } /** * Returns the worst case Insertion time, according to n, the amount of elements in the tree. * * @param n the size of the tree for which the worst case search hit is needed. * * @return double the is the worst case search hit. */ public double worstCaseInsertion(int n) { return n; } /** ********************************** * Waiting Action Method * ********************************** */ /** * Acts according to the String action passed. The method generally accompanies * a WaitingActionList which keeps the list of actions, and calls the method when * instructed to call the next action. * * @param action String action representing the next action for the BSTTreeHead. * @param element element to which the action could be occuring, depending on the type of action. */ public void waitingAction(String action, ActionElementType

element) { // insert. if (action.equals(TreeHead.INSERT_NODE)) { insert(element.getBSTTreeValue()); if (!waitingList.isEmpty()) { if (waitingList.getFirstAction().equals(TreeHead.INSERT_NODE)) { waitingList.nextAction(this); } } } // rotateUp. if (action.equals(TreeHead.ROTATE_UP)) { // Check if currently in the tree. if (!element.getBSTTreeValue().inTree()) return; rotateUp(element.getBSTTreeValue()); } // rotateUpDouble. if (action.equals(TreeHead.ROTATE_UP_DOUBLE)) { // Check if currently in the tree. if (!element.getBSTTreeValue().inTree()) return; rotateUpDouble(element.getBSTTreeValue()); } // balance if (action.equals(TreeHead.BALANCE_NODE)) { // Check if currently in the tree. if (!element.getBSTTreeValue().inTree()) return; balance(element.getBSTTreeValue()); } // remove if (action.equals(TreeHead.REMOVE_NODE)) { // Check if currently in the tree. if (!element.getBSTTreeValue().inTree()) return; remove(element.getBSTTreeValue()); } // search if (action.equals(TreeHead.SEARCH)) { search(element.getKeyTypeValue()); } // select if (action.equals(TreeHead.SELECT)) { select(element.getNodeAndKeyValue().getNode() , element.getNodeAndKeyValue().getKey() ); } // swap if (action.equals(TreeHead.SWAP)) { swapAnimatingType(element.getNodeAndKeyValue().getNode() , element.getNodeAndKeyValue().getKey() ); } // partition if (action.equals(TreeHead.PARTITION_NODE)) { partition(element.getNodeAndKeyValue().getNode() , element.getNodeAndKeyValue().getKey() ); } if (action.equals(TreeHead.FREEZE)) { freezeAnimatingType(element.getDoubleValue()); } // splay if (action.equals(TreeHead.SPLAY_NODE)) { splayAnimatingType(element.getBSTTreeValue()); } // rotate to top if (action.equals(TreeHead.ROTATE_TO_TOP_NODE)) { rotateToTopAnimatingType(element.getBSTTreeValue()); } // rotate to top if (action.equals(TreeHead.TRAVERSE)) { traverse(element.getIntegerValue()); } // rotate to top if (action.equals(TreeHead.CHANGE_DISPLAY)) { changeDisplay(); } } /** * Gets the WaitingActionList representing the waitingList for the tree. This allows * extension of the class have tthe ability to modify the attributes of the list. * * @return WaitingActionList waiting list for the tree. */ protected WaitingActionList

getWaitingList() { return waitingList; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------BST_TREE_TYPE---------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------START-------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*************************************************************************/ /* BST_TREE_TYPE : Methods and Variables specific to the BST_TREE_TYPE. */ /* These methods are universally used, regardless of the type of BST. */ /*************************************************************************/ /** * The amount of levels to the bottom of the tree. */ private int treeLevel=0; /** * True if integer fields should be drawn, false otherwise */ private boolean integerFieldsVisible = false; /** * Constructor for the BST_TREE_TYPE. This constructs and sets all values to defaults * for the BST_TREE_TYPE. */ public void constructBSTTreeHead() { if (getHead() == null) { setHead(this); setChild(null); setParentTree(null); setTreeLevel(0); setSize(0); } } /** ********************************** * BST_TREE_TYPE Accessor methods * ********************************** */ public IExperimentLogger

getLogger() { return logger; } /** * Returns true if the TreeHead is empty, indicating no Child node, and a level of 0. * * @return true if the TreeHead is empty. */ public boolean isTreeEmpty() { return (((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()) == null); } /** * Gets the child of the TreeHead. The child is the beginning of the Tree nodes. * * @param child Tree, beginning the Tree nodes. */ public Tree

getChild() { return getLeftNodeInternal(); } /** * Gets the lowest level of the Tree. A level of 0 indicates an empty tree. * * @return integer level set for the Tree. */ public int getTreeLevel() { return treeLevel; } /** * Returns the number of objects in the entire tree. * * @return the number of objects in the entire tree. */ public int size() { if (isTreeEmpty()) { return 0; } else { return ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).size(); } } public boolean getSubtreeCountsVisible() { return integerFieldsVisible; } /** ********************************** * BST_TREE_TYPE Mutator methods * ********************************** */ public void setSubtreeCountsVisible(boolean visible) { integerFieldsVisible = visible; } /** * Sets the child of the TreeHead. The child is the beginning of the Tree nodes. * * @param child Tree, beginning the Tree nodes. */ public void setChild(Tree

child) { // Make the left subtree the child, saving links already defined by extending BSTTree. setLeftTree((GrowingTreeNode

)child); } /** * Sets the lowest level of the Tree, used in numerous methods. The level must remain very accurate. A level of 0 indicates an empty Tree. * * @param level integer level set for the BSTTree. */ protected void setTreeLevel(int level) { treeLevel = level; } /** * Resets the lowest level of the Tree. The level is set to 0, so that is can be recalculated, using fixLevel. */ public void resetTreeLevel() { treeLevel = 0; } /** * Fixes the lowest level of the Tree, using recursive calls into the BSTTree. Generally, resetTreeLevel is called before the method. */ public void fixLevel() { ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).fixLevel(1); if (getChild().isEmpty()) { setChild(null); } } /** * Fixes the size of each subtree, using recursive calls into the BSTTree. */ public int fixSize() { // bug fix: if tree is empty, child is null if (getChild() == null) return size(); setSize(((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).fixSize()); return size(); } /** * Makes and places the node into the tree. The node is returned for further manipulation. * * @param keyInsert comparable object which is added to the tree. * @param valueInsert Object that accompanies keyInsert in the node. * * @return BSTTree that was recently inserted into the tree. * * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the map. */ protected GrowingTreeNode

makeNode(KeyType keyInsert, Object valueInsert) throws ClassCastException { if (isDrawingBSTTree()) { return makeNodeDrawingType(keyInsert, valueInsert); } else { return makeNodeTreeType(keyInsert, valueInsert); } } /** ************************************* * BST_TREE_TYPE Implements TreeHead * ************************************* */ /** * Clears the BSTTree completely, removing all references to all nodes and all * values return to the default. */ public void clear() { resetTreeLevel(); setChild(null); if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { clearAnimators(); } } /** * Inserts the comaparable object keyInsert to the tree using its natural ordering . * The value, valueInsert is added with the key to the node. * * @param keyInsert comparable object which is added to the tree. * @param valueInsert Object that accompanies keyInsert in the node. * * @return boolean true if this collection changed as a result of the call. * * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the map. * @throws NullPointerException key is null. */ public boolean insert(KeyType keyInsert, Object valueInsert) throws NullPointerException, ClassCastException { if (keyInsert == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (!isTreeEmpty() && ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).contains(keyInsert)) return false; int oldSize = size(); GrowingTreeNode

newTree = makeNode(keyInsert,valueInsert); if (!isTreeEmpty()) { insertOperator.doInsert(((GrowingTreeNode

) getChild()).getShadowNode(), ((GrowingTreeNode

) newTree).getShadowNode()); } else { if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { insertAnimatingType((GrowingTreeNode

)newTree); } else if (isDrawingBSTTree()) { insertDrawingType((GrowingTreeNode

)newTree); } else { insertTreeType((GrowingTreeNode

)newTree); } insertOperator.doInsert(((GrowingTreeNode

) newTree).getShadowNode(), null); } // Check correct insertion. if (size() == (oldSize + 1)) { return true; } return true; } /** * Inserts the node to the tree using its natural ordering . * * @param node BSTTree which is added to the tree. * * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the map. */ public void insert(Tree

node) throws ClassCastException { if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { insertAnimatingType((GrowingTreeNode

)node); } else if (isDrawingBSTTree()) { insertDrawingType((GrowingTreeNode

)node); } else { insertTreeType((GrowingTreeNode

)node); } } /** * Removes the given node from the tree. The accompanying value is also * removed from the tree and the node is deleted. * * @param node the Tree node to be removed from the tree. * @param successorSwap true if hibbard successor delete, false if predecessor */ public void delete(Tree

node, boolean successorSwap) { saveTreeProperties(); GrowingTreeNode

n = (GrowingTreeNode

) node; remove(n); } public void remove(Tree

node) { if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { removeAnimatingType((GrowingTreeNode

) node); } else { popTreeProperties(); removeTreeType((GrowingTreeNode

) node); } } /** * Removes the comaparable object keyRemove from the BSTTree using its natural ordering . * If the method is successful in removing the element, true is returned. * * @param keyRemove comparable object which is removed from the tree. * * @return boolean true if this collection changed as a result of the call. * * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the map. * @throws NullPointerException key is null. */ public boolean remove(KeyType keyRemove) throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException { if (keyRemove == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (isTreeEmpty()) return false; GrowingTreeNode

removingNode = (GrowingTreeNode

)searchTreeType(keyRemove); if (!removingNode.getKey().equals(keyRemove)) { return false; } deleteOperator.doDelete(((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).getShadowNode(), ((GrowingTreeNode

)removingNode).getShadowNode()); //remove(removingNode); return true; } /** * Balances the entire tree, recursively rotating the median to the top. */ public void balanceTree() { balance(getChild()); } /** * Balances the tree, from the node downward, recursively rotating the median to the top. * * @param node the node from which the balance occurs */ public void balance(Tree

node) { if (node == null) { return; } if (node.isEmpty()) { return; } if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { balanceAnimatingType((GrowingTreeNode

)node); } else { balanceTreeType((GrowingTreeNode

)node); } } /** * Partitions from the given node the keySelect value. Replacing the reference in the * Tree to the given node, to the keySelectth item. * * @param Tree which the partition occurs at. * @param keySelect integer key selecting the count item. * * @return Tree that is the reference to the newly partitioned tree. */ public Tree


node, int keySelect) { if (isTreeEmpty()) return null; if (keySelect > node.size() || keySelect < 0) { return null; } if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return partitionAnimatingType((GrowingTreeNode

)node, keySelect); } else { return partitionTreeType((GrowingTreeNode

)node, keySelect); } } /** * Searches for the comaparable object in the Tree using its natural ordering . * If the method is successful in finding the element, the item is returned. Otherwise, the closest item is * returned. * * @param keySearch comparable object which is search for within the tree. * * @return Tree element which matches the keySearch or the nearest node or null if the search is impossible to perform. * * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the map. * @throws NullPointerException key is null. */ public Tree

search(KeyType keySearch) throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException { if (keySearch == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (isTreeEmpty()) return null; GrowingTreeNode

searchNode = makeNode(keySearch, null); if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { ShadowNode

shadow = (ShadowNode

) searchOperator.doSearch(((GrowingTreeNode

) getChild()).getShadowNode(), ((GrowingTreeNode

) searchNode).getShadowNode()); if (shadow == null) return null; return shadow.getGrowingNode(); } else { return (GrowingTreeNode

)searchTreeType(keySearch); } } /** * Selects the kth smallest item in the Tree using its natural ordering from the given node. * If the method is successful in finding the element, the item is returned. Otherwise, null is * returned if the integer is greater than the size. * * @param Tree which the partition occurs at. * @param keySelect integer key selecting the count item. * * @return Tree element which matches the kth element or null if k > size. */ public Tree


node, int keySelect) { if (isTreeEmpty()) return null; if (keySelect >= node.size() || keySelect < 0) return null; Tree

returnNode; if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { returnNode = selectAnimatingType((GrowingTreeNode

)node, keySelect); } else { returnNode = selectTreeType((GrowingTreeNode

)node, keySelect); } if (returnNode != null) return returnNode; else return selectTreeType((GrowingTreeNode

)node, keySelect); } /** * Swaps node with the the kth smallest item in its subtree using its natural ordering from the given node. * If the method is successful in finding the element, the item is returned. Otherwise, null is * returned if the integer is greater than the size. * * @param Tree which the partition occurs at. * @param keySelect integer key selecting the count item. * * @return Tree element which matches the kth element or null if k > size. */ public void swapNodes(Tree

node, int keySelect) { if (isTreeEmpty()) return; if (keySelect >= node.size() || keySelect < 0) return; select(node, keySelect); if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { swapAnimatingType((GrowingTreeNode

)node, keySelect); } else { swapTreeType((GrowingTreeNode

)node, keySelect); } } public void freeze(double lengthMult) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } saveTreeProperties(); if (isTreeAnimating()) { waitingList.add(AnimatingTreeHead.FREEZE, new ActionElementType

(lengthMult)); return; } freezeAnimatingType(lengthMult); } public void freezeAnimatingType(double lengthMult) { Animation freezeAnimator = makeFreezeAnimation(lengthMult); this.addTreeAnimator(freezeAnimator); freezeAnimator.addAnimationListener(this); } // return width (number of characters) in widest key in tree public int maxKeyWidth() { if (isTreeEmpty()) return 0; return ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).getMaxKeyWidth(); } /** ******************************************** * BST_TREE_TYPE Binary Search Tree Methods * ******************************************** */ /** * Rotates the BSTTree up. It simply changes around references, including the * parent reference and the ancestor reference. The rotation upwards replaces the parent with * the node and brings the parent down a level. * * @param node BSTTree that rotated upwards. */ public void rotateUp(GrowingTreeNode

node) { rotateUp(node, 1); } /** * Rotates the BSTTree up. It simply changes around references, including the * parent reference and the ancestor reference. The rotation upwards replaces the parent with * the node and brings the parent down a level. * * @param node BSTTree that rotated upwards. * @param levelCount the amount of levels up the node should rotate */ public void rotateUp(GrowingTreeNode

node, int levelCount) { // Check for null nodes (precaution only). if (node == this) return; GrowingTreeNode

parentTree = node.getParentTree(); /*if (parentTree == this ) { return; }*/ for (int i =0; i < levelCount; i++ ) { if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { rotateUpAnimatingType(node); } else { popTreeProperties(); rotateUpTreeType(node); } } } /** * Double Rotatation of the BSTTTree. * * @param node BSTTree that is double rotated (bottom rotation first). */ public void rotateUpDouble(GrowingTreeNode

node) { rotateUpDouble(node, 1); } /** * Doubly Rotates the BSTTree up to the top. This is also referred to as a Splay * and is the basis for a splay tree if the double rotation occurs to the top. * * @param node BSTTree that rotated upwards. * @param levelCount the amount of levels up the node should rotate */ public void rotateUpDouble(GrowingTreeNode

node, int levelCount) { // Check for null nodes (precaution only). if (node == this) { return; } GrowingTreeNode

parentTree = (GrowingTreeNode

)node.getParentTree(); if (parentTree == this ) { return; } for (int i =0; i < levelCount; i++ ) { if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { rotateUpDoubleAnimatingType(node); } else { rotateUpDoubleTreeType(node); } } } /** * Rotates the BSTTTree to the top. * * @param node BSTTree that is rotated to the top. */ public void rotateToTop(GrowingTreeNode

node) { if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { rotateToTopAnimatingType(node); } else { rotateToTopTreeType(node); } } /** * Splays the BSTTTree to the top (Double rotates). * * @param node BSTTree that is rotated to the top. */ public void splay(GrowingTreeNode

node) { if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { splayAnimatingType(node); } else { splayTreeType(node); } } /** * Changes the display of the current tree. */ public void changeDisplay() { if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { changeDisplayAnimatingType(); } else { changeDisplayTreeType(); } } /** * Traverses the tree in the given traversal type. * * @param traverseType int defining the given traversal type. * */ public LinkedList> traverse(int traverseType) { if (isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return traverseAnimatingType(traverseType); } else { return traverseTreeType(traverseType); } } /** ************************************************************************ * BST_TREE_TYPE Original Methods(Overiden in ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE * ************************************************************************ */ /** * Makes and places the node into the tree. The node is returned for further manipulation. * * @param keyInsert comparable object which is added to the tree. * @param valueInsert Object that accompanies keyInsert in the node. * * @return BSTTree that was recently inserted into the tree. * * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the map. */ protected GrowingTreeNode

makeNodeTreeType(KeyType keyInsert, Object valueInsert) { // Get node from node factory. GrowingTreeNode

newTree = new GrowingTreeNode

(getTreeType()); newTree.setHead(this); P np = (P) this.nodePropertiesFactory.makeDefaultProperties(); //P cloned = (P) np.clone(); //newTree.nodePropertiesList.add(cloned); if (logger == null) { newTree.shadowNode = new ShadowNode

(newTree, np); } else { newTree.shadowNode = new ShadowNode

(newTree, np, logger); } // Set the null leaves. newTree.setLeaf(); ((GrowingTreeNode

)newTree.getRightNodeInternal()).setHead(this); ((GrowingTreeNode

)newTree.getLeftNodeInternal()).setHead(this); // Set the values of the node. newTree.setNode(keyInsert, valueInsert); return newTree; } /** * Insert the comaparable node to the tree using its natural ordering . * * @param node BSTTree node to be inserted into the tree * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the map. */ protected void insertTreeType(GrowingTreeNode

node) throws ClassCastException { // Empty Tree if (isTreeEmpty()) { setChild(node); node.setParentTree(this); node.setLevel(1); // Set initial size and level. node.setSize(1); this.setTreeLevel(1); return; } // Recursive call to insert the tree, starting at the head level. ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).insert(node, 0); } /** * Removes the given node from the tree. The accompanying value is also * removed from the tree and the node is deleted. * * @param node the Tree node to be removed from the tree. */ public void removeTreeType(GrowingTreeNode

node) { resetTreeLevel(); if (((GrowingTreeNode

)node).inTree()) { ((GrowingTreeNode

)node).remove(); } fixLevel(); fixSize(); } /** * Partitions from the given node the keySelect value. Replacing the reference in the * Tree to the given node, to the keySelectth item. * * @param Tree which the partition occurs at. * @param keySelect integer key selecting the count item. * @return Tree that is the reference to the newly partitioned tree. */ protected GrowingTreeNode


node, int keySelect) { return node.partition(keySelect, 0); } /** * Balances the tree from the given node, recursively rotating the median to the top. * * @param node BSTTree that is balanced from. */ public void balanceTreeType(GrowingTreeNode

node) { if (node.size() <= 2) return; GrowingTreeNode

newNode = partitionTreeType(node, node.size()/2); balanceTreeType(newNode.getLeftNodeInternal()); balanceTreeType(newNode.getRightNodeInternal()); } /** * Searches for the Tree in the entire tree. * * @param keySearch the comparable key which is searched for within the tree. * @return Tree the Tree found or null if keySearch was not present within the tree. * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the map. */ public Tree

searchTreeType(KeyType keySearch) throws ClassCastException { return ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).search(keySearch); } /** * Selects for the Tree in the entire tree. * * @param node the node from which the selection takes place. * @param keySelect integer key selecting the count item. * @return Tree the Tree found or null. * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the map. */ public Tree


node, int keySelect) throws ClassCastException { return; } /** * Selects for the Tree in the entire tree. * * @param node the node from which the selection takes place. * @param keySelect integer key selecting the count item. * @return Tree the Tree found or null. * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the map. */ public void swapTreeType(GrowingTreeNode

node, int keySelect) throws ClassCastException { GrowingTreeNode

other = (GrowingTreeNode

); KeyType tempKey = other.getKey(); Object tempVal = other.getValue(); other.setNode(node.getKey(), node.getValue()); node.setNode(tempKey, tempVal); return; } /** * Rotates the BSTTree up. It simply changes around references, including the * parent reference and the ancestor reference. The rotation upwards replaces the parent with * the node and brings the parent down a level. * * @param node BSTTree that rotated upwards. */ public void rotateUpTreeType(GrowingTreeNode

node) { // Get the parent for rotation. GrowingTreeNode

nodeParent = (GrowingTreeNode

)node.getParentTree(); if (nodeParent == this) { return; } resetTreeLevel(); // Get the ancestor node, whose child links are modified. GrowingTreeNode

nodeAncestor = (GrowingTreeNode

)nodeParent.getParentTree(); GrowingTreeNode

temp = null; // Determine if the node is the left or right child and rotate accordingly. if (node == nodeParent.getLeftNodeInternal() ) { temp = nodeParent.rotateRightPointers(); } else if (node == nodeParent.getRightNodeInternal()) { temp = nodeParent.rotateLeftPointers(); } // Resets links for Heaed rotate up. if (nodeAncestor == getHead()) { setChild(temp); temp.setParentTree(this); } // Resets links for all others else { if (nodeAncestor.getLeftNodeInternal() == nodeParent) { nodeAncestor.setLeftTree(temp); } else { nodeAncestor.setRightTree(temp); } temp.setParentTree(nodeAncestor); } // Fixes the level. fixLevel(); } /** * Double Rotates the BSTTree up. * * @param node BSTTree that rotated upwards. */ public void rotateUpDoubleTreeType(GrowingTreeNode

node) { GrowingTreeNode

parentTree = (GrowingTreeNode

) node.getParentTree(); GrowingTreeNode

grandParentTree = (GrowingTreeNode

)parentTree.getParentTree(); if (grandParentTree == this) { rotateUpTreeType(node); return; } // Opposite direction, resulting in normal rotations (left-right and right-left) if ( ((grandParentTree.getLeftNodeInternal() == parentTree) && (parentTree.getRightNodeInternal() == node)) || ((grandParentTree.getRightNodeInternal() == parentTree) && (parentTree.getLeftNodeInternal() == node)) ) { // Rotate node up twice rotateUpTreeType(node); rotateUpTreeType(node); } // Same direction, Splay rotation else { rotateUpTreeType(parentTree); rotateUpTreeType(node); } } /** * Splays the node up in the BSTTree. * * @param node BSTTree node that is splayed. */ protected void splayTreeType(GrowingTreeNode

node) { if ( (node.getLevel() != 2) && ( (node.getLevel() % 2) == 0) ) { // If the count is odd, it must single rotate first (without animation, no wait is necessary) rotateUp(node); // After the single rotation is must take the new parent and continue with the rotations rotateUpDouble(node, node.getLevel()/2); } else { // No single rotation is necessary rotateUpDouble(node, node.getLevel() / 2); } } /** * Rotates to top the node up in the BSTTree. * * @param node BSTTree node that is rotated up. */ protected void rotateToTopTreeType(GrowingTreeNode

node) { rotateUp(node, node.getLevel()); } /** * Traverses the tree in the given traversal type. * * @param traverseType int defining the given traversal type. * */ public LinkedList> traverseTreeType(int traverseType) { if (traverseType == PREORDER_TRAVERSAL) { return getPreorderTree(); } else if (traverseType == INORDER_TRAVERSAL) { return getInorderTree(); } else if (traverseType == POSTORDER_TRAVERSAL) { return getPostorderTree(); } else if (traverseType == LEVELORDER_TRAVERSAL) { return getLevelorderTree(); } else { return new LinkedList>(); } } /** * Change Display of the BSTTree. */ public void changeDisplayTreeType() { int currentDisplay = getDisplay(); if (currentDisplay == GrowingTreeHead.SECTIONAL_DISPLAY) { setDisplay(GrowingTreeHead.BINARY_DISPLAY); } else { setDisplay(GrowingTreeHead.SECTIONAL_DISPLAY); } } /** ********************************** * Traversal Methods * ********************************** */ /** * Makes a preorder representation of the tree in an array of BSTTrees. * Changes in the references in the array have no effect upon the tree. * * @return LinkedList of BSTTree objects that are the preorder representation of the tree. * */ public LinkedList> getPreorderTree() { LinkedList> traverseList = new LinkedList>(); ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).makePreorderTree(traverseList); return traverseList; } /** * Makes a inorder representation of the tree in an array of BSTTrees. * Changes in the references in the array have no effect upon the tree. * * @return LinkedList of BSTTree objects that are the preorder representation of the tree. * */ public LinkedList> getInorderTree() { LinkedList> traverseList = new LinkedList>(); ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).makeInorderTree(traverseList); return traverseList; } /** * Makes a postorder representation of the tree in an array of BSTTrees. * Changes in the references in the array have no effect upon the tree. * * @return LinkedList of BSTTree objects that are the preorder representation of the tree. * */ public LinkedList> getPostorderTree() { LinkedList> traverseList = new LinkedList>(); ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).makePostorderTree(traverseList); return traverseList; } /** * Makes a levelorder representation of the tree in an array of BSTTrees. * Changes in the references in the array have no effect upon the tree. * * @return Array of BSTTree objects that are the preorder representation of the tree. * */ public LinkedList> getLevelorderTree() { LinkedList> traverseList = new LinkedList>(); LinkedList> visitingList = new LinkedList>(); GrowingTreeNode

currentNode = (GrowingTreeNode

)getChild(); visitingList.addLast(currentNode); while(!visitingList.isEmpty()) { currentNode = (GrowingTreeNode

)visitingList.removeFirst(); traverseList.add(currentNode); if (!currentNode.getLeftNodeInternal().isEmpty()) { visitingList.addLast(currentNode.getLeftNodeInternal()); } if (!currentNode.getRightNodeInternal().isEmpty()) { visitingList.addLast(currentNode.getRightNodeInternal()); } } return traverseList; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------BST_TREE_TYPE---------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------END--------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*/////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*/ /*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////////////////////////////*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE----------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------START-------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*************************************************************************/ /* DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE : Methods and Variables specific to the */ /* DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE. These methods are specificaly used for drawing*/ /* to a Graphics2D. Therefore, do not use this type unless that is your */ /* purpose. */ /*************************************************************************/ /** * Binary Display */ public static final int BINARY_DISPLAY = 0; /** * sectional display */ public static final int SECTIONAL_DISPLAY = 1; /** * Type of display being used for the tree. (Binary or sectional) */ private int display; /** * The previous display type. */ private int previousDisplay; /** * Settings for the entire tree. The default settings for each node. */ private NodeSettings nodeSettings; /** * Settings for the entire tree. The default settings for each node. */ private KeySettings keySettings; /** * Node width to height ratio. Change for a different ratio in drawing the nodes. */ private double treeNodeWidthToHeightRatio; /** * Stores the width of the standard node. */ private double nodeWidth; /** * Stores the height of the standard node. */ private double nodeHeight; /** * Stores the height of each drawn section. */ private double sectionHeight; /** * Bounds of the drawing screen. */ private Rectangle2D screenBounds; /** * Bounds of the drawing screen. */ private Color backgroundColor; /** /***************************************** /* Settings for Animations. Can be set, * /* even if the tree is a drawing type, * /* but are only used if animating. * /***************************************** */ /** * Node Left Settings for Insertion. */ private NodeSettings insertNodeLeftSettings; /** * Node Right Settings for Insertion. */ private NodeSettings insertNodeRightSettings; /** * Animator Node Settings for Insertion. */ private NodeSettings insertAnimatorNodeSettings; /** * Animator Key Settings for Insertion. */ private KeySettings insertAnimatorKeySettings; /** * Node Left Settings for Searching. */ private NodeSettings searchNodeLeftSettings; /** * Node Right Settings for Searching. */ private NodeSettings searchNodeRightSettings; /** * Animator Node Settings for Searching. */ private NodeSettings searchAnimatorNodeSettings; /** * Animator Key Settings for Searching. */ private KeySettings searchAnimatorKeySettings; /** * Node Left Settings for Selection. */ private NodeSettings selectNodeLeftSettings; /** * Node Right Settings for Selection. */ private NodeSettings selectNodeRightSettings; /** * Animator Node Settings for Selection. */ private NodeSettings selectAnimatorNodeSettings; /** * Animator Key Settings for Selection. */ private KeySettings selectAnimatorKeySettings; /** * Node Child Settings for Rotation. */ private NodeSettings rotateChildNodeSettings; /** * Node Root Settings for Rotation. */ private NodeSettings rotateRootNodeSettings; /** * Node Descendant Settings for Rotation. */ private NodeSettings rotateDescendantNodeSettings; /** * Node Original Settings for Rotation. */ private NodeSettings rotateOriginalNodeSettings; /** * Key Animator Settings for Rotation. */ private KeySettings rotateAnimatorKeySettings; /** * Key Original Settings for Rotation. */ private KeySettings rotateOriginalKeySettings; /** * Left paint for Deletion. */ private PaintSettings deleteLeftLinePaintSettings; /** * Right paint for Deletion. */ private PaintSettings deleteRightLinePaintSettings; /** * Animator Node Settings for Traversal. */ private NodeSettings traverseAnimatorNodeSettings; /** * Animator Key Settings for Traversal. */ private KeySettings traverseAnimatorKeySettings; /** * Constructor for the DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE. This constructs and sets all values to defaults * for the DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE. */ public void constructDrawingBSTTreeHead() { if (getDrawingNodeSettings() == null) { super.constructDrawingBSTTree(); setDisplay(BINARY_DISPLAY); setDrawingNodeSettings(new NodeSettings(NodeSettings.DEFAULT_SCHEME)); setDrawingKeySettings(new KeySettings(KeySettings.DEFAULT_SCHEME)); treeNodeWidthToHeightRatio = 1.0; screenBounds = null; setInsertNodeLeftSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.ANIMATION_SCHEME_1)); setInsertNodeRightSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.ANIMATION_SCHEME_1)); setInsertAnimatorNodeSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.ANIMATOR_SCHEME_1)); setInsertAnimatorKeySettings(KeySettings.getScheme(KeySettings.ANIMATOR_SCHEME_1)); setSearchNodeLeftSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.ANIMATION_SCHEME_1)); setSearchNodeRightSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.ANIMATION_SCHEME_1)); setSearchAnimatorNodeSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.ANIMATOR_SCHEME_1)); setSearchAnimatorKeySettings(KeySettings.getScheme(KeySettings.ANIMATOR_SCHEME_1)); setSelectNodeLeftSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.ANIMATION_SCHEME_1)); setSelectNodeRightSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.ANIMATION_SCHEME_1)); setSelectAnimatorNodeSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.ANIMATOR_SCHEME_1)); setSelectAnimatorKeySettings(KeySettings.getScheme(KeySettings.ANIMATOR_SCHEME_1)); setRotateRootNodeSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.ROTATION_SCHEME_1)); setRotateChildNodeSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.ROTATION_SCHEME_1)); setRotateDescendantNodeSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.ROTATION_SCHEME_1)); setRotateOriginalNodeSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.DEFAULT_SCHEME)); setRotateAnimatorKeySettings(KeySettings.getScheme(KeySettings.ANIMATOR_SCHEME_1)); setRotateOriginalKeySettings(KeySettings.getScheme(KeySettings.DEFAULT_SCHEME)); setDeleteLeftLinePaintSettings(PaintSettings.getScheme(PaintSettings.RED)); setDeleteRightLinePaintSettings(PaintSettings.getScheme(PaintSettings.BLUE)); setTraverseAnimatorNodeSettings(NodeSettings.getScheme(NodeSettings.ANIMATOR_SCHEME_1)); setTraverseAnimatorKeySettings(KeySettings.getScheme(KeySettings.ANIMATOR_SCHEME_1)); } } /** ******************************************* * DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE Accesssor methods * ******************************************* */ /** * Gets the display choice for the tree. * * @return the integer that defines the display choice of the tree. */ public int getDisplay() { return display; } /** * Gets the previous display choice for the tree. * * @return the integer that defines the display choice of the tree. */ public int getPreviousDisplay() { return previousDisplay; } /** * Gets the NodeSettings for the entire tree. * * @return NodeSettings for defined for the entire tree. */ public NodeSettings getDrawingNodeSettings() { return nodeSettings; } /** * Gets the KeySettings for the entire tree. * * @return KeySettings for defined for the entire tree. */ public KeySettings getDrawingKeySettings() { return keySettings; } /** * Gets the width of the standard node within the tree. Every node is not necessarily the same * width, but the standard is set within the Head. * * @return width of the standard node. */ public double getNodeWidth() { return nodeWidth; } /** * Gets the height of the standard node within the tree. Every node is not necessarily the same * height, but the standard is set within the Head. * * @return height of the standard node. */ public double getNodeHeight() { return nodeHeight; } /** * Gets the bounds of the screen to which the tree is drawing. The bounds generally is simply * the rectangle enclosing the Graphics2D passed. * * @return the rectangle representing the bounds of the screen. */ public Rectangle2D getScreenBounds() { return screenBounds; } /** * Returns the height of the section, used for rendering the tree. * * @return double height of the section. */ protected double getTreeSectionHeight() { return sectionHeight; } /** * Sets the background paint for the tree. * * @param background paint of the background. */ protected Color getBackgroundColor() { return backgroundColor; } /** /***************************************** /* Settings for Animations. Can be set, * /* even if the tree is a drawing type, * /* but are only used if animating. * /***************************************** */ /** * Gets the NodeSettings for the left node settings for insertion. * * @return NodeSettings for the left node. */ public NodeSettings getInsertNodeLeftSettings() { return insertNodeLeftSettings; } /** * Gets the NodeSettings for the right node settings for insertion. * * @return NodeSettings for the right node. */ public NodeSettings getInsertNodeRightSettings() { return insertNodeRightSettings; } /** * Gets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for insertion. * * @return NodeSettings for the animator node. */ public NodeSettings getInsertAnimatorNodeSettings() { return insertAnimatorNodeSettings; } /** * Gets the KeySettings for the animator key settings for insertion. * * @return KeySettings for the animator key. */ public KeySettings getInsertAnimatorKeySettings() { return insertAnimatorKeySettings; } /** * Gets the NodeSettings for the left node settings for searching. * * @return NodeSettings for the left node. */ public NodeSettings getSearchNodeLeftSettings() { return searchNodeLeftSettings; } /** * Gets the NodeSettings for the right node settings for searching. * * @return NodeSettings for the right node. */ public NodeSettings getSearchNodeRightSettings() { return searchNodeRightSettings; } /** * Gets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for searching. * * @return NodeSettings for the animator node. */ public NodeSettings getSearchAnimatorNodeSettings() { return searchAnimatorNodeSettings; } /** * Gets the KeySettings for the animator key settings for searching. * * @return KeySettings for the animator key. */ public KeySettings getSearchAnimatorKeySettings() { return searchAnimatorKeySettings; } /** * Gets the NodeSettings for the left node settings for selection. * * @return NodeSettings for the left node. */ public NodeSettings getSelectNodeLeftSettings() { return selectNodeLeftSettings; } /** * Gets the NodeSettings for the right node settings for selection. * * @return NodeSettings for the right node. */ public NodeSettings getSelectNodeRightSettings() { return selectNodeRightSettings; } /** * Gets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for selection. * * @return NodeSettings for the animator node. */ public NodeSettings getSelectAnimatorNodeSettings() { return selectAnimatorNodeSettings; } /** * Gets the KeySettings for the animator key settings for selection. * * @return KeySettings for the animator key. */ public KeySettings getSelectAnimatorKeySettings() { return selectAnimatorKeySettings; } /** * Gets the NodeSettings for the root node settings for rotation. * * @return NodeSettings for the root node. */ public NodeSettings getRotateRootNodeSettings() { return rotateRootNodeSettings; } /** * Gets the NodeSettings for the child node settings for rotation. * * @return NodeSettings for the child node. */ public NodeSettings getRotateChildNodeSettings() { return rotateChildNodeSettings; } /** * Gets the NodeSettings for the descendant node settings for rotation. * * @return NodeSettings for the descendant node. */ public NodeSettings getRotateDescendantNodeSettings() { return rotateDescendantNodeSettings; } /** * Gets the NodeSettings for the original node settings for rotation. * * @return NodeSettings for the original node. */ public NodeSettings getRotateOriginalNodeSettings() { return rotateOriginalNodeSettings; } /** * Gets the KeySettings for the animator key settings for rotation. * * @return KeySettings for the animator key. */ public KeySettings getRotateAnimatorKeySettings() { return rotateAnimatorKeySettings; } /** * Gets the KeySettings for the original key settings for rotation. * * @return KeySettings for the original key. */ public KeySettings getRotateOriginalKeySettings() { return rotateOriginalKeySettings; } /** * Gets the Paint for the left line of Paint. * * @return Paint for the left line. */ public PaintSettings getDeleteLeftLinePaintSettings() { return deleteLeftLinePaintSettings; } /** * Gets the Paint for the right line of Paint. *` * @return Paint for the right line. */ public PaintSettings getDeleteRightLinePaintSettings() { return deleteRightLinePaintSettings; } /** * Gets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for traversal. * * @return NodeSettings for the animator node. */ public NodeSettings getTraverseAnimatorNodeSettings() { return traverseAnimatorNodeSettings; } /** * Gets the KeySettings for the animator key settings for traversal. * * @return KeySettings for the animator key. */ public KeySettings getTraverseAnimatorKeySettings() { return traverseAnimatorKeySettings; } /** ******************************************* * DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE Mutator methods * ******************************************* */ /** * Sets the display choice for the tree. * * @param display sets the integer that defines the display choice of the tree. */ public void setDisplay(int display) { this.display = display; } /** * Sets the previous display choice for the tree. * * @param display sets the integer that defines the display choice of the tree. */ public void setPreviousDisplay(int previousDisplay) { this.previousDisplay = previousDisplay; } /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the entire tree from the head down. * These settings are used for drawing the node and the links of each given tree. * * @param s NodeSettings for use in drawing the entire tree. * @param k KeySettings for use in drawing the keys of the entire tree. */ public void setTreeSettings(NodeSettings s, KeySettings k) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; setDrawingNodeSettings(s); setDrawingKeySettings(k); if (!isTreeEmpty()) { ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).setTreeSettings(s,k); } } /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the node of the head, used in creation of new nodes. * * @param s NodeSettings for use in drawing the nodes. */ public void setDrawingNodeSettings(NodeSettings s) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; nodeSettings = (NodeSettings)s.clone(); } /** * Sets the KeySettings for the key of the head, used in creation of new nodes. * * @param k KeySettings for use in drawing the keys. */ public void setDrawingKeySettings(KeySettings k) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; keySettings = (KeySettings)k.clone(); } /** * Sets the node width for the standard node. Generally defined in MakeTree. * * @param width the width of the node. */ protected void setNodeWidth(double width) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; nodeWidth = width; } /** * Sets the node height for the standard node. Generally defined in MakeTree. * * @param height the height of the node. */ protected void setNodeHeight(double height) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; nodeHeight = height; } /** * Sets the bounds of the screen to which the tree is drawing. Generally, these bounds * are set using getClipBounds on the Graphics2D passed, however, the bounds * can be set in any way. * * @param bounds the rectangle representing the bounds of the screen. */ public void setScreenBounds(Rectangle2D screen) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; screenBounds = screen; } /** * Sets the height of the section, used for rendering the tree. * * @param height of the section, used for drawing the tree. */ protected void setSectionHeight(double height) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; sectionHeight = height; } /** * Sets the background paint for the tree. * * @param background paint of the background. */ protected void setBackgroundColor(Color background) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; backgroundColor = background; } /** /***************************************** /* Settings for Animations. Can be set, * /* even if the tree is a drawing type, * /* but are only used if animating. * /***************************************** */ /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the left node settings for insertion. * * @return NodeSettings for the left node. */ public void setInsertNodeLeftSettings(NodeSettings n) { insertNodeLeftSettings = (NodeSettings)n.clone(); } /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the right node settings for insertion. * * @return NodeSettings for the right node. */ public void setInsertNodeRightSettings(NodeSettings n) { insertNodeRightSettings = (NodeSettings)n.clone(); } /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for insertion. * * @return NodeSettings for the animator node. */ public void setInsertAnimatorNodeSettings(NodeSettings n) { insertAnimatorNodeSettings = (NodeSettings)n.clone(); } /** * Sets the KeySettings for the animator key settings for insertion. * * @return KeySettings for the animator key. */ public void setInsertAnimatorKeySettings(KeySettings k) { insertAnimatorKeySettings = (KeySettings)k.clone(); } /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the left node settings for searching. * * @return NodeSettings for the left node. */ public void setSearchNodeLeftSettings(NodeSettings n) { searchNodeLeftSettings = (NodeSettings)n.clone(); } /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the right node settings for searching. * * @return NodeSettings for the right node. */ public void setSearchNodeRightSettings(NodeSettings n) { searchNodeRightSettings = (NodeSettings)n.clone(); } /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for searching. * * @return NodeSettings for the animator node. */ public void setSearchAnimatorNodeSettings(NodeSettings n) { searchAnimatorNodeSettings = (NodeSettings)n.clone(); } /** * Sets the KeySettings for the animator key settings for searching. * * @return KeySettings for the animator key. */ public void setSearchAnimatorKeySettings(KeySettings k) { searchAnimatorKeySettings = (KeySettings)k.clone(); } /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the left node settings for selection. * * @return NodeSettings for the left node. */ public void setSelectNodeLeftSettings(NodeSettings n) { selectNodeLeftSettings = (NodeSettings)n.clone(); } /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the right node settings for selection. * * @return NodeSettings for the right node. */ public void setSelectNodeRightSettings(NodeSettings n) { selectNodeRightSettings = (NodeSettings)n.clone(); } /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for selection. * * @return NodeSettings for the animator node. */ public void setSelectAnimatorNodeSettings(NodeSettings n) { selectAnimatorNodeSettings = (NodeSettings)n.clone(); } /** * Sets the KeySettings for the animator key settings for selection. * * @return KeySettings for the animator key. */ public void setSelectAnimatorKeySettings(KeySettings k) { selectAnimatorKeySettings = (KeySettings)k.clone(); } /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the root node settings for rotation. * * @return NodeSettings for the root node. */ public void setRotateRootNodeSettings(NodeSettings n) { rotateRootNodeSettings = (NodeSettings)n.clone(); } /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the child node settings for rotation. * * @return NodeSettings for the child node. */ public void setRotateChildNodeSettings(NodeSettings n) { rotateChildNodeSettings = (NodeSettings)n.clone(); } /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the descendant node settings for rotation. * * @return NodeSettings for the descendant node. */ public void setRotateDescendantNodeSettings(NodeSettings n) { rotateDescendantNodeSettings = (NodeSettings)n.clone(); } /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the original node settings for rotation. * * @return NodeSettings for the original node. */ public void setRotateOriginalNodeSettings(NodeSettings n) { rotateOriginalNodeSettings = (NodeSettings)n.clone(); } /** * Sets the KeySettings for the animator key settings for rotation. * * @return KeySettings for the animator key. */ public void setRotateAnimatorKeySettings(KeySettings k) { rotateAnimatorKeySettings = (KeySettings)k.clone(); } /** * Sets the KeySettings for the original key settings for rotation. * * @return KeySettings for the original key. */ public void setRotateOriginalKeySettings(KeySettings k) { rotateOriginalKeySettings = (KeySettings)k.clone(); } /** * Sets the PaintSettings for the left line of Paint. * * @return PaintSettings for the left line. */ public void setDeleteLeftLinePaintSettings(PaintSettings p) { deleteLeftLinePaintSettings = (PaintSettings)p.clone(); } /** * Sets the PaintSettings for the right line of Paint. * * @return PaintSettings for the right line. */ public void setDeleteRightLinePaintSettings(PaintSettings p) { deleteRightLinePaintSettings = (PaintSettings)p.clone(); } /** * Sets the NodeSettings for the animator node settings for traversal. * * @return NodeSettings for the animator node. */ public void setTraverseAnimatorNodeSettings(NodeSettings n) { traverseAnimatorNodeSettings = (NodeSettings)n.clone(); } /** * Sets the KeySettings for the animator key settings for traversal. * * @return KeySettings for the animator key. */ public void setTraverseAnimatorKeySettings(KeySettings k) { traverseAnimatorKeySettings = (KeySettings)k.clone(); } /** **************************************************** * DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE Overiding Methods * **************************************************** */ /** * Makes and places the node into the tree. The node is returned for further manipulation. * * Specific methods for setting the original scheme. * * @param keyInsert comparable object which is added to the tree. * @param valueInsert Object that accompanies keyInsert in the node. * * @return BSTTree that was recently inserted into the tree. * * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the map. */ protected GrowingTreeNode

makeNodeDrawingType(KeyType keyInsert, Object valueInsert) { GrowingTreeNode

newNode = makeNodeTreeType(keyInsert, valueInsert); newNode.setSettings(getDrawingNodeSettings()); if (valueInsert != null) ((DrawableKey)newNode.getValue()).setSettings(getDrawingKeySettings()); return newNode; } /** * Insert the comaparable node to the tree using its natural ordering . * *

Call to insertTreeType * * @param node BSTTree node to be inserted into the tree * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the map. */ protected void insertDrawingType(GrowingTreeNode

node) throws ClassCastException { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) { insertTreeType(node); return; } if (!(node.getValue() instanceof DrawableKey)) throw new ClassCastException(); insertTreeType(node); node.setSettings(getDrawingNodeSettings()); ((DrawableKey)node.getValue()).setSettings(getDrawingKeySettings()); } /** ********************************************************************* * DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE Drawing methods (DrawingTreeHead Interface) * ********************************************************************* */ /** * Makes the entire tree from the null head down. The tree is made using the Graphics2D, * and generally fills the entire Graphics2D parameter. This method allows the tree's * drawing information to be defined without having to render the entire tree. * * @param g2 Graphics2D which the tree is made to fit unto. */ public void MakeTree(Graphics2D g2) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; if (isTreeEmpty()) return; setScreenBounds(g2.getClipBounds()); setBackgroundColor(g2.getBackground()); // Maximum horizontal nodes possible based upon level (2^level) double maxHorizontalNodes = (Math.pow(2.0, getTreeLevel())); /* double sizeModification = (maxHorizontalNodes - 1) / (double)size(); if (sizeModification > 1) { sizeModification *= .5; } if (sizeModification < 1) { sizeModification = 1; } */ AffineTransform scaleTransform; AffineTransform translateTransform; if (getDisplay() == SECTIONAL_DISPLAY) { if (size() == 0) { setNodeWidth(1); } else { setNodeWidth(screenBounds.getWidth() / (size())); } LinkedList> inorder = getInorderTree(); for (int i=0; i< inorder.size(); i++) { inorder.get(i).setInorderCount(i+1); } // Set the height of the node using the ratio and maximum horizontal nodes setNodeHeight((getScreenBounds().getHeight() / getTreeLevel())*.9); if (getNodeWidth() < getNodeHeight()) { setNodeHeight(getNodeWidth()); } if (getNodeWidth() > (2*getNodeHeight())) { setNodeWidth(getNodeHeight() * 2); } scaleTransform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(getNodeWidth(), getNodeHeight()); translateTransform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(getScreenBounds().getX() - scaleTransform.getScaleX(),getScreenBounds().getY()); } else { // Keep nodes from getting too small too quickly double factor = 1; // Set the width of the node using the maximum horizontal nodes //setNodeWidth(screenBounds.getWidth() / (maxHorizontalNodes * .6) * sizeModification ); setNodeWidth(factor * screenBounds.getWidth() / (maxHorizontalNodes * .6) ); // Set the height of the node using the ratio and maximum horizontal nodes //setNodeHeight((getScreenBounds().getHeight() / (maxHorizontalNodes * .6) * sizeModification)/treeNodeWidthToHeightRatio ); setNodeHeight(factor * (getScreenBounds().getHeight() / (maxHorizontalNodes * .6) )/treeNodeWidthToHeightRatio ); scaleTransform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(getNodeWidth(), getNodeHeight()); translateTransform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(getScreenBounds().getX() + getScreenBounds().getWidth()/2.0 - scaleTransform.getScaleX()/2.0,getScreenBounds().getY()); } // Set the section height by dividing the entire height by the amount of levels. setSectionHeight(getScreenBounds().getHeight() / (getTreeLevel())); translateTransform.concatenate(scaleTransform); // Recursive call ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).makeTree(translateTransform, 1); } /** * Draws the entire tree from the null head down. The tree is drawn onto the Graphics2D, * and uses the information defined in the previous call to MakeTree. * * @param g2 Graphics2D which the tree is drawn onto. */ public void DrawTree(Graphics2D g2) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return; if (isTreeEmpty()) return; ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).drawTree(g2); } /** * Finds the node represented by the x-y coordinates given. The (x,y) location represents a location * within the Graphics2D to which the node appears. The recursive method progresses through the entire tree * looking for the proper node. * * @param x x-coordinate to find the node. * @param y y-coordinate to find the node. * * @return DrawingTree representing the x-y coordinates passed or null if no node is found. */ public DrawingTree

findNode(double x, double y) { if (!isDrawingBSTTree()) return null; if (isTreeEmpty()) return null; else return ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).findNode(x, y); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------DRAWING_BST_TREE_TYPE----------------------*/ /*------------------------------------END--------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*/////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*/ /*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////////////////////////////*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE---------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------START-------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*************************************************************************/ /* ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE : Methods and Variables specific to the */ /* ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE. These methods are specificaly used for */ /* animaitng to a Graphics2D. Therefore, do not use this type unless */ /* that is your purpose. */ /*************************************************************************/ /** * The step size of the animations controlled by this AnimatingBSTTreeHead. */ private int animateStepSize; /** * The animators of the entire AnimatingBSTTree, held in the AnimatingBSTTreeHead. */ private LinkedList treeAnimators; /** * Boolean variable whether an animation needs to be removed. */ private boolean remove; /** * Boolean whether the Animation is jumping entire steps. */ private boolean jumpStep; /** * Boolean whether the Animation is pausing at steps. */ private boolean stepPause; /** * Status of the AnimatingBSTTree. */ private String treeStatus; /** * Constructor for the ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE. This constructs and sets all values to defaults * for the ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE. */ public void constructAnimatingBSTTreeHead() { if (treeAnimators == null) { super.constructAnimatingBSTTree(); treeAnimators = new LinkedList(); animateStepSize = 16; setRemove(false); setJumpStep(false); setStepPause(false); setTreeStatus(Animation.PLAY); waitingList = new WaitingActionList

(); } } /** ********************************************* * ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE Accesssor methods * ********************************************* */ /** * Gets whether the AnimatingBSTTreeHead is removing an Animation. * * @return boolean value as to whether the tree is removing an Animation. */ public boolean isTreeRemove() { return remove; } /** * Gets the first Animation in the list of Animations for the Head and null if no * Animations are present. * * @return first Animation in the Animation list. */ public Animation getTreeAnimator() { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return null; } return treeAnimators.getFirst(); } /** * Returns true if the current AnimatingBSTTreeHead is animating (whether the animating list * is empty. * * @return true if the current tree is animating and not empty. */ public boolean isTreeAnimating() { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return false; } return (!treeAnimators.isEmpty() && (!isTreeEmpty())); } /** * Gets the JumpStep of the current tree. * * @return true if the tree is jumpSteping. */ public boolean isJumpStep() { return jumpStep; } /** * Gets the StepPause of the current tree. * * @return true if the tree is pausing at the completion of each step. */ public boolean isStepPause() { return stepPause; } /** * Gets the step size of the Animations of the tree. * * @return integer step size of the tree. */ public int getTreeAnimationStepSize() { return animateStepSize; } /** * Gets the Tree's status, using the String status of Animation. * * @return String status of the Tree, representing the Animation status. */ public String getTreeStatus() { return treeStatus; } /** ******************************************* * ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE Mutator methods * ******************************************* */ public void saveTreeProperties() { if (getChild() != null) ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).saveNodeProperties(); } public void popTreeProperties() { if (getChild() != null) ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).popNodeProperties(); } /** * Sets whether the AnimatingBSTTreeHead is removing an Animation, because * multiple Animations may occur simultaneously. * * @param b boolean value as to whether the tree is removing an Animation. */ protected void setRemove(boolean b) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } remove = b; } /** * Clears the Animations from the list of Animations for the Head. */ public void clearAnimators() { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } treeAnimators.clear(); } /** * Adds the Animation to the list of Animations for the Head. The method does * not add the tree as a listener to the Animation. That must be accomplished by * the client. * * @param a Animation added to the Animation list. */ public void addTreeAnimator(Animation a) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } treeAnimators.add(a); } /** * Quickly removes all Animations within the Tree. The method sets the Status of all the * Animations to Animation.FINISH so that all listeners of the Animations will * receive the AnimationEvent. */ public void removeTreeAnimation() { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } setTreeAnimationStatus(Animation.FINISH); setTreeAnimationStatus(Animation.PLAY); } /** * Sets the JumpStep of the current tree to the boolean value. The jumpStep determines whether * the Animation skips through an entire step at each AnimateTree call. * * @param b sets the jumpStep to the value b. */ public void setJumpStep(boolean b) { jumpStep = b; if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } } /** * Sets the StepPause of the current tree to the boolean value. The stepPause determines whether * the Animation pauses after each step of the Animation completes. * * @param b sets the stepPause to the value b. */ public void setStepPause(boolean b) { stepPause = b; if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } if (stepPause) { // Pauses the current Tree. setTreeAnimationStatus(Animation.PAUSE); } else { // Restarts the Tree. setTreeAnimationStatus(treeStatus); } } /** * Sets the step size of the Animations of the tree. The integer value * is passed to every Animation's setStepTime method. * * @param t integer step size setting. */ public void setTreeAnimationsStepSize(int t) { animateStepSize = t; if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } ListIterator animateList = treeAnimators.listIterator(0); while(animateList.hasNext()) {; } } /** * Sets the Status of the entire tree, using the status of Animation class. * * @param s String status to set the Tree's Status. */ public void setTreeStatus(String s) { treeStatus = s; if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } if ((treeStatus == null) || (!treeStatus.equals(s))) { setTreeAnimationStatus(s); } } /** * Sets the TreeStatus, and resets the status of all Animations within the current Tree. * * @param cmd String Status which sets the treeStatus and the entire list of Animations currently * controlled by he tree. */ private void setTreeAnimationStatus(String cmd) { treeStatus = cmd; ListIterator animateList = treeAnimators.listIterator(0); while(animateList.hasNext()) { // Reset all values. Animation animator =; animator.setStep(isJumpStep()); animator.setStatus(getTreeStatus()); } } /** ********************************************* * ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE Overiding methods * ********************************************* */ /** * Inserts the comaparable node to the tree using its natural ordering . * *

Call to insertDrawingType * * @param node BSTTree node to be inserted into the tree * @throws ClassCastException key cannot be compared with the keys * currently in the map. */ protected void insertAnimatingType(GrowingTreeNode

node) throws ClassCastException { if ((!isAnimatingBSTTree()) || (isTreeEmpty())) { insertDrawingType(node); return; } // If Animation is occuring, add ROTATE_UP to the waitingList. if (isTreeAnimating() && !(treeAnimators.getFirst() instanceof InsertBSTAnimation)) { waitingList.add(AnimatingTreeHead.INSERT_NODE, new ActionElementType

(node)); return; } Animation insertAnimator = makeInsertAnimation(node); // Add animation and recieve listening events. this.addTreeAnimator(insertAnimator); insertAnimator.addAnimationListener(this); // Add animation to the inserting node. node.addAnimator(insertAnimator); insertAnimator.addAnimationListener(node); // Super call insertDrawingType(node); // Add the final location, after the tree is built. ((InsertBSTAnimation

)insertAnimator).add(node); } /** * Searches for the Tree in the entire tree. * *

Call to searchTreeType * * @param keySearch the comparable key which is searched for within the tree. * @return Tree the Tree found or null if keySearch was not present within the tree. */ protected Tree

searchAnimatingType(KeyType keySearch) throws ClassCastException { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return searchTreeType(keySearch); } // If Animation is occuring, add ROTATE_UP to the waitingList. if (isTreeAnimating()) { waitingList.add(AnimatingTreeHead.SEARCH, new ActionElementType

(keySearch)); return null; } Animation searchAnimator = makeSearchAnimation(keySearch); // Add tree animator. this.addTreeAnimator(searchAnimator); searchAnimator.addAnimationListener(this); return searchTreeType(keySearch); } /** * Selects for the Tree in the entire tree. * *

Call to selectTreeType * * @param keySelect integer key selecting the count item. * @return Tree the Tree found or null. */ protected Tree


node, int keySelect) throws ClassCastException { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return selectTreeType(node, keySelect); } // If Animation is occuring, add ROTATE_UP to the waitingList. if (isTreeAnimating()) { waitingList.add(AnimatingTreeHead.SELECT, new ActionElementType

(new NodeAndKey

(node, keySelect))); return null; } Animation selectAnimator = makeSelectionAnimation(node , keySelect); // Add tree animator. this.addTreeAnimator(selectAnimator); selectAnimator.addAnimationListener(this); return selectTreeType(node, keySelect); } /** * Selects for the Tree in the entire tree. * *

Call to selectTreeType * * @param keySelect integer key selecting the count item. * @return Tree the Tree found or null. */ protected Tree


node, int keySelect) throws ClassCastException { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return selectTreeType(node, keySelect); } // If Animation is occuring, add ROTATE_UP to the waitingList. if (isTreeAnimating()) { waitingList.add(AnimatingTreeHead.SWAP, new ActionElementType

(new NodeAndKey

(node, keySelect))); return null; } Animation selectAnimator = makeSwapNodesAnimation(node , keySelect); // Add tree animator. this.addTreeAnimator(selectAnimator); selectAnimator.addAnimationListener(this); return selectTreeType(node, keySelect); } private int rank(KeyType key, GrowingTreeNode

n) { if (n.getKey() == null) return 0; int cmp = key.compareTo(n.getKey()); if (cmp < 0) return rank(key, n.getLeftNodeInternal()); else if (cmp > 0) return 1 + n.getLeftNodeInternal().size() + rank(key, n.getRightNodeInternal()); else return n.getLeftNodeInternal().size(); } protected void swapNodes(GrowingTreeNode

n1, GrowingTreeNode

n2) { int rank = rank(n2.getKey(), n1); this.swapNodes(n1, rank); } /** * Rotates the node up in the BSTTree. * * @param node BSTTree node that is rotated up. */ protected void rotateUpAnimatingType(GrowingTreeNode

node) { boolean oldDisplayChange = false; if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { rotateUpTreeType(node); return; } if (getDisplay() != BINARY_DISPLAY) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = true; } // Get the parent for rotation. GrowingTreeNode

nodeParent = node.getParentTree(); /*if (nodeParent == this) { return; }*/ // If Animation is occuring, add ROTATE_UP to the waitingList. if (isTreeAnimating()) { waitingList.add(AnimatingTreeHead.ROTATE_UP, new ActionElementType

(node)); if (oldDisplayChange) { oldDisplayChange = false; changeDisplay(); } return; } Animation rotateUpAnimator = makeRotationAnimation(node); // Add animation and receive listening events. this.addTreeAnimator(rotateUpAnimator); rotateUpAnimator.addAnimationListener(this); if (oldDisplayChange) { changeDisplay(); } } /** * Double Rotates the node up in the BSTTree. * * @param node BSTTree node that is rotated up twice. */ protected void rotateUpDoubleAnimatingType(GrowingTreeNode

node) { boolean oldDisplayChange = false; if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { rotateUpDoubleTreeType(node); return; } if (getDisplay() != BINARY_DISPLAY) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = true; } // If Animation is occuring, add ROTATE_UP to the waitingList. if (isTreeAnimating()) { waitingList.add(AnimatingTreeHead.ROTATE_UP_DOUBLE, new ActionElementType

(node)); if (oldDisplayChange) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = false; } return; } Animation rotateUpDoubleAnimator = makeRotationDoubleAnimation(node); // Add animation and recieve listening events. this.addTreeAnimator(rotateUpDoubleAnimator); rotateUpDoubleAnimator.addAnimationListener(this); if (oldDisplayChange) { changeDisplay(); } } /** * Splays the node up in the BSTTree. * * @param node BSTTree node that is splayed. */ protected void splayAnimatingType(GrowingTreeNode

node) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { splayTreeType(node); return; } boolean oldDisplayChange = false; if (getDisplay() != BINARY_DISPLAY) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = true; } // If Animation is occuring, add SPLAY_CLICK to the waitingList. if (isTreeAnimating()) { waitingList.add(AnimatingTreeHead.SPLAY_NODE, new ActionElementType

(node)); if (oldDisplayChange) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = false; } return; } messageAction("*-----Splaying "+node.getKey().toString()+ "-----*"); if (waitingList.isEmpty()) { if ( (node.getLevel() != 2) && ( (node.getLevel() % 2) == 0) ) { messageAction("Start with a single rotation"); // If the amount of nodes is odd, do a single rotation first rotateUp(node); rotateUpDouble(node, node.getLevel()/2); } else { // No single rotation necessary rotateUpDouble(node, node.getLevel() / 2); } } // If Animation is occuring, add ROTATE_UP to the waitingList. else { if ( (node.getLevel() != 2) && ( (node.getLevel() % 2) == 0) ) { // This is done because it is assumed it will return here before the rotation completes (Grandparent which is future parent) for (int i = 0; i < node.getLevel()/ 2; i++) { waitingList.addFirst(AnimatingTreeHead.ROTATE_UP_DOUBLE, new ActionElementType

(node)); } // If the amount of nodes is odd, do a single rotation first waitingList.addFirst(AnimatingTreeHead.ROTATE_UP, new ActionElementType

(node)); } else { // If Animation is occuring, add ROTATE_UP to the waitingList. for (int i = 0; i < node.getLevel()/ 2; i++) { waitingList.addFirst(AnimatingTreeHead.ROTATE_UP_DOUBLE, new ActionElementType

(node)); } } } if (oldDisplayChange) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = false; } } /** * Rotates to top the node in the BSTTree. * * @param node BSTTree node that is splayed. */ protected void rotateToTopAnimatingType(GrowingTreeNode

node) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { rotateToTopTreeType(node); return; } boolean oldDisplayChange = false; if (getDisplay() != BINARY_DISPLAY) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = true; } // If Animation is occuring, add SPLAY_CLICK to the waitingList. if (isTreeAnimating()) { waitingList.add(AnimatingTreeHead.ROTATE_TO_TOP_NODE, new ActionElementType

(node)); if (oldDisplayChange) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = false; } return; } messageAction("*-----Rotating To Top "+node.getKey().toString()+ "-----*"); if (waitingList.isEmpty()) { rotateUp(node, node.getLevel()); } else { // If Animation is occuring, add ROTATE_UP to the waitingList. for (int i = 0; i < node.getLevel(); i++) { waitingList.addFirst(AnimatingTreeHead.ROTATE_UP, new ActionElementType

(node)); } } if (oldDisplayChange) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = false; } } /** * Removes the node in the BSTTree. The method is overiden to allow for animation of the deletion. * After the DeleteBSTAnimation is built, using the node, the super remove method is called. * * @param node BSTTree node that is deleted. */ protected void removeAnimatingType(GrowingTreeNode

node) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { removeTreeType(node); return; } boolean oldDisplayChange = false; if (getDisplay() != BINARY_DISPLAY) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = true; } // If Animation is occuring, add REMOVE_UP to the waitingList. if (isTreeAnimating()) { waitingList.add(AnimatingTreeHead.REMOVE_NODE, new ActionElementType

(node)); if (oldDisplayChange) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = false; } return; } assert(!node.getLeftNodeInternal().inTree() || !node.getRightNodeInternal().inTree()); Animation removeAnimator = makeDeletionAnimation(node); // Add tree animator. this.addTreeAnimator(removeAnimator); removeAnimator.addAnimationListener(this); if (oldDisplayChange) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = false; } } /** * Partitions from the given node the keySelect value. Replacing the reference in the * Tree to the given node, to the keySelectth item. * *

Call to selectTreeType * * @param Tree which the partition occurs at. * @param keySelect integer key selecting the count item. * @return Tree that is the reference to the newly partitioned tree (Using selectTreeType). */ protected Tree


node, int keySelect) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return partitionTreeType(node, keySelect); } boolean oldDisplayChange = false; if (getDisplay() != BINARY_DISPLAY) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = true; } // If Animation is occuring, add REMOVE_UP to the waitingList. if (isTreeAnimating()) { waitingList.add(AnimatingTreeHead.PARTITION_NODE, new ActionElementType

(new NodeAndKey

(node, keySelect))); if (oldDisplayChange) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = false; } return null; } Animation partitionAnimator = makePartitionAnimation(node, keySelect); // Add tree animator. this.addTreeAnimator(partitionAnimator); partitionAnimator.addAnimationListener(this); if (oldDisplayChange) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = false; } return selectTreeType(node, keySelect); } /** * Balances the tree from the given node, recursively rotating the median to the top. * The method is overiden to allow for animation of the balancing, simply calling balanceTREE * if no waiting action appears. * * @param node BSTTree that is balanced from. */ public void balanceAnimatingType(GrowingTreeNode

node) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { balanceTreeType(node); return; } boolean oldDisplayChange = false; if (getDisplay() != BINARY_DISPLAY) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = true; } if (node.size() <= 2) return; // If Animation is occuring, add REMOVE_UP to the waitingList. if (isTreeAnimating()) { waitingList.add(AnimatingTreeHead.BALANCE_NODE, new ActionElementType

(node)); if (oldDisplayChange) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = false; } return; } Animation balanceAnimator = makeBalanceAnimation(node); this.addTreeAnimator(balanceAnimator); balanceAnimator.addAnimationListener(this); if (oldDisplayChange) { changeDisplay(); oldDisplayChange = false; } } /** * Traverses the tree in the given traversal type. * * @param traverseType int defining the given traversal type. * */ public LinkedList> traverseAnimatingType(int traverseType) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return traverseTreeType(traverseType); } if (isTreeAnimating()) { waitingList.add(AnimatingTreeHead.TRAVERSE, new ActionElementType

(traverseType)); return traverseTreeType(traverseType); } LinkedList> traversal; if (traverseType == PREORDER_TRAVERSAL) { messageAction("*-----Preorder Traversal-----*"); messageAction("1) Visit the node"); messageAction("2) Visit the left child"); messageAction("3) Visit the right child\n"); traversal = getPreorderTree(); } else if (traverseType == INORDER_TRAVERSAL) { messageAction("*-----Inorder Traversal-----*"); messageAction("1) Visit the left chiild"); messageAction("2) Visit the node"); messageAction("3) Visit the right child\n"); traversal = getInorderTree(); } else if (traverseType == POSTORDER_TRAVERSAL) { messageAction("*-----Postorder Traversal-----*"); messageAction("1) Visit the left child"); messageAction("2) Visit the right child"); messageAction("3) Visit the node\n"); traversal = getPostorderTree(); } else if (traverseType == LEVELORDER_TRAVERSAL) { messageAction("*-----Levelorder Traversal-----*"); messageAction("Visit all nodes on each level, in order.\n"); traversal = getLevelorderTree(); } else { traversal = new LinkedList>(); } Animation traverseAnimator = makeTraverseAnimation(traversal); this.addTreeAnimator(traverseAnimator); traverseAnimator.addAnimationListener(this); return traversal; } /** * Change Display of the BSTTree. */ public void changeDisplayAnimatingType() { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { changeDisplayTreeType(); } if (isTreeAnimating()) { waitingList.add(AnimatingTreeHead.CHANGE_DISPLAY); return; } Animation changeDisplayAnimator = makeChangeDisplayAnimation(); this.addTreeAnimator(changeDisplayAnimator); changeDisplayAnimator.addAnimationListener(this); } /** **************************************************** * ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE Constructing Animations * **************************************************** */ /** * Makes an insert Animation using the given node. The Animation adds no listeners, making * the client have to add the listeners. * * @param insertNode BSTTree node that the insert Animation is built for. * @return Animation that represents the insertAnimation. */ public Animation makeInsertAnimation(GrowingTreeNode

insertNode) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return null; } // Head node (backup test). if (insertNode == this) return null; // Construct animation for Insert. InsertBSTAnimation

newAnimator = new InsertBSTAnimation

(insertNode,getInsertNodeLeftSettings(),getInsertNodeRightSettings(),getInsertAnimatorNodeSettings(), getInsertAnimatorKeySettings(), getTreeStatus(), getTreeAnimationStepSize()); insertNode.saveNodeProperties(); // Starting Animation. //AffineTransform a = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(getScreenBounds().getWidth() * .35, getScreenBounds().getHeight() * .35); // Add initial animation. //newAnimator.add(a); // Recursive call to insert the tree, starting at the head level. ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).makeInsertAnimation(insertNode, newAnimator); return newAnimator; } /** * Makes a search Animation using the given keySearch. The Animation adds no listeners, making * the client have to add the listeners. * * @param keySearch the comparable object which is search for within the tree. */ public Animation makeSearchAnimation(KeyType keySearch) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return null; } SearchBSTAnimation

newAnimator = new SearchBSTAnimation

(keySearch, this, getSearchNodeLeftSettings(),getSearchNodeRightSettings(),getSearchAnimatorNodeSettings(), getSearchAnimatorKeySettings(), getTreeStatus(), getTreeAnimationStepSize()); // Recursive call to insert the tree, starting at the head level. ((GrowingTreeNode

)getChild()).makeSearchAnimation(keySearch, newAnimator); return newAnimator; } /** * Makes a select Animation using the given keySelect. The Animation adds no listeners, making * the client have to add the listeners. * * @param keySelect the int which is selected for within the tree. */ public Animation makeSelectionAnimation(GrowingTreeNode

node, int keySelect) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return null; } SelectionBSTAnimation

newAnimator = new SelectionBSTAnimation

(keySelect, getSelectNodeLeftSettings(),getSelectNodeRightSettings(),getSelectAnimatorNodeSettings(), getSelectAnimatorKeySettings(), getTreeStatus(), getTreeAnimationStepSize()); // Recursive call to insert the tree, starting at the head level. node.makeSelectionAnimation(keySelect, newAnimator); return newAnimator; } public Animation makeSwapNodesAnimation(GrowingTreeNode

node, int keySelect) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return null; } //SelectionBSTAnimation

newAnimator = new SwapNodesBSTAnimation

(keySelect, getSelectNodeLeftSettings(),getSelectNodeRightSettings(),getSelectAnimatorNodeSettings(), getSelectAnimatorKeySettings(), getTreeStatus(), getTreeAnimationStepSize()); // Recursive call to insert the tree, starting at the head level. //node.makeSelectionAnimation(keySelect, newAnimator); SwapBSTAnimation

newAnimator = new SwapBSTAnimation

(node, (GrowingTreeNode

), getTreeAnimationStepSize()); return newAnimator; } public Animation makeFreezeAnimation(double lengthMult) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return null; } FreezeAnimation

newAnimator = new FreezeAnimation

(this, getTreeAnimationStepSize(), lengthMult); return newAnimator; } /** * Makes a rotation Animation using the given node. The Animation adds no listeners, making * the client have to add the listeners. * * @param node BSTTree node that the rotation Animation is built from. * @return Animation that represents the rotationAnimation. */ public Animation makeRotationAnimation(GrowingTreeNode

node) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return null; } // Get parent. GrowingTreeNode

nodeParent = node.getParentTree(); // Make a new animation. RotationBSTAnimation

newAnimator; // Check if node is left or right subtree. if (node == nodeParent.getLeftNodeInternal() ) { newAnimator = new RotationBSTAnimation

(nodeParent, node, RotationBSTAnimation.RIGHT_ROTATION, getRotateRootNodeSettings(), getRotateChildNodeSettings(), getRotateDescendantNodeSettings(), getRotateOriginalNodeSettings(), getRotateAnimatorKeySettings(), getRotateOriginalKeySettings(), getTreeStatus(), getTreeAnimationStepSize()); } else { newAnimator = new RotationBSTAnimation

(nodeParent, node, RotationBSTAnimation.LEFT_ROTATION,getRotateRootNodeSettings(), getRotateChildNodeSettings(), getRotateDescendantNodeSettings(), getRotateOriginalNodeSettings(), getRotateAnimatorKeySettings(), getRotateOriginalKeySettings(), getTreeStatus(), getTreeAnimationStepSize()); } return newAnimator; } /** * Makes a deletion Animation using the given node. The Animation adds no listeners, making * the client have to add the listeners. * * @param node BSTTree node that the deletion Animation is built from. * @return Animation that represents the deleteAnimation. */ public Animation makeDeletionAnimation(GrowingTreeNode

node) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return null; } // If this is the node to be deleted (precautionary check). if (node == this) return null; // New deletion animation. DeleteBSTAnimation

newAnimator = new DeleteBSTAnimation

(node, getDeleteLeftLinePaintSettings(), getDeleteRightLinePaintSettings(), getTreeStatus(), getTreeAnimationStepSize()); return newAnimator; } /** * Makes a partition Animation using the given node and given keySelect. The Animation adds no listeners, making * the client have to add the listeners. * * @param node BSTTree node that the deletion Animation is built from. * @param keySelect finds the keySelectth node and rotates it to the top. * @return Animation that represents the deleteAnimation. */ public Animation makePartitionAnimation(GrowingTreeNode

node, int keySelect) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return null; } // If this is the node to be deleted (precautionary check). if (node == this) return null; // New deletion animation. PartitionBSTAnimation

newAnimator = new PartitionBSTAnimation

(node, keySelect, getTreeStatus(),getTreeAnimationStepSize()); return newAnimator; } /** * Makes a balance Animation using the given node. The Animation adds no listeners, making * the client have to add the listeners. * * @param node BSTTree node that the balance Animation is built from. * @return Animation that represents the balanceAnimation. */ public Animation makeBalanceAnimation(GrowingTreeNode

node) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return null; } // If this is the node to be deleted (precautionary check). if (node == this) return null; // New balance animation. BalanceBSTAnimation

newAnimator = new BalanceBSTAnimation

(node, getTreeStatus(), getTreeAnimationStepSize()); return newAnimator; } /** * Makes a rotationDouble Animation using the given node. The Animation adds no listeners, making * the client have to add the listeners. * * @param node BSTTree node that the doubleRotation Animation is built from. * @return Animation that represents the balanceAnimation. */ public Animation makeRotationDoubleAnimation(GrowingTreeNode

node) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return null; } // If this is the node to be deleted (precautionary check). if (node == this) return null; // New balance animation. RotationDoubleBSTAnimation

newAnimator = new RotationDoubleBSTAnimation

(node, getTreeStatus(), getTreeAnimationStepSize()); return newAnimator; } /** * Makes a traverse Animation using the given LinkedList. The Animation adds no listeners, making * the client have to add the listeners. * * @param nodeList the LinkedList containing the nodes that are the path of the traversal. */ public Animation makeTraverseAnimation(LinkedList> nodeList) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return null; } TraverseBSTAnimation

newAnimator = new TraverseBSTAnimation

(getTraverseAnimatorNodeSettings(),getTraverseAnimatorKeySettings(), getTreeStatus(), getTreeAnimationStepSize()); int listSize = nodeList.size(); for (int i =0; i newAnimator = new DisplayChangeAnimation

(this, newDisplay, getDrawingNodeSettings(), getDrawingKeySettings(), getTreeStatus(), getTreeAnimationStepSize()); return newAnimator; } /** **************************************************** * ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE Implements AnimatingTree * **************************************************** */ /** * Animates the entire BSTTree. The animation is drawn to the Graphics2D passed. * This method is called repeatedly and for each Animation within the list, the drawAnimation * method is called. Within this method, checks for removing a Animation are made, as are checks * for Waiting Actions. * * @param g2 Graphics2D to which the Animations are drawn. */ public void AnimateTree(Graphics2D g2) { // Not an animatingBSTTree if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { if (treeAnimators == null) return; if (treeAnimators.isEmpty()) return; // Set status to FINISH setTreeAnimationStatus(Animation.FINISH); int size = treeAnimators.size(); for (int i = 0; (i < size); i++) { //Gets the next Animation Animation animator = treeAnimators.get(i); // Draws the Animation with FINISH status animator.drawAnimation(g2); } // Removes the Animation. treeAnimators.clear(); if (waitingList == null) return; // Clear waitingList while (!waitingList.isEmpty()) { waitingList.nextAction(this); } return; } // Is an animatingBSTTree // Sets the remove status to false. setRemove(false); // Counting variables. i Counts the current Animation, and removingNode keeps the node to // be removed. int i, removingNode; int size = treeAnimators.size(); for (i = 0; (i < size); i++) { //Gets the next Animation Animation animator = treeAnimators.get(i); // Draws the Animation. animator.drawAnimation(g2, getTreeStatus()); // If remove is set if (isTreeRemove()) { // Store the node to be removed. removingNode = i; i++; // Continue through the Animations, Pausing the other Animations and drawing them paused. for ( ; (i < treeAnimators.size()); i++) { animator = treeAnimators.get(i); animator.setStatus(Animation.PAUSE); animator.drawAnimation(g2, getTreeStatus()); animator.setStatus(getTreeStatus()); } // Removes the Animation. treeAnimators.remove(removingNode); } } // If the Animations complete while (!isTreeAnimating()) { if (waitingList.isEmpty()) { return; } // WaitingActions are performed. else { messageAction(Animation.REDRAW); waitingList.nextAction(this); } } } /** * Sets the status of the AnimatingBSTTree to play. */ public void play() { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } setTreeAnimationStatus(Animation.PLAY); } /** * Sets the status of the AnimatingBSTTree to stop. */ public void stop() { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } setTreeAnimationStatus(Animation.STOP); } /** * Sets the status of the AnimatingBSTTree to rewind. */ public void rewind() { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } setTreeAnimationStatus(Animation.REWIND); } /** * Sets the status of the AnimatingBSTTree to pause. */ public void pause() { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { return; } setTreeAnimationStatus(Animation.PAUSE); } /** ******************************************************** * ANIMATING_BST_TREE_TYPE Implements AnimationListener * ******************************************************** */ /** * Implements AnimationListener which requires the following method. * The only status of animation it listens for is Animation.FINISH, to remove * the animation from the animators list and Animation.STEP, to possible pause * the animation if stepPause is true. * * @param e AnimationEvent that represents the information of the Animation. */ public void animationEventPerformed(AnimationEvent e) { if (!isAnimatingBSTTree()) { if (e.getStatus().equals(Animation.ANIMATION_MESSAGE)) { messageAction(e.getAnimationDescription(), e.getSource()); } return; } if (e.getStatus().equals(Animation.FINISH)) { setRemove(true); if (e.getID() == AnimationEvent.BALANCE_BST_ANIMATION) { if (waitingList.isEmpty()) { balance((GrowingTreeNode


)e.getSource()).getReplacingNode().getLeftNodeInternal()); balance((GrowingTreeNode


)e.getSource()).getReplacingNode().getRightNodeInternal()); } else { // If Animation is occuring, add ROTATE_UP to the waitingList. waitingList.addFirst(AnimatingTreeHead.BALANCE_NODE, new ActionElementType


)((BalanceBSTAnimation)e.getSource()).getReplacingNode().getRightNodeInternal())); waitingList.addFirst(AnimatingTreeHead.BALANCE_NODE, new ActionElementType


)((BalanceBSTAnimation)e.getSource()).getReplacingNode().getLeftNodeInternal())); } } } if (e.getStatus().equals(Animation.STEP)) { if(isStepPause()) { ((Animation)e.getSource()).setStatus(Animation.PAUSE); } } if (e.getStatus().equals(Animation.ANIMATION_MESSAGE)) { messageAction(e.getAnimationDescription(), e.getSource()); } } }