/****************************************************************************** * Compilation: javac InsertionBars.java * Execution: java InsertionBars N * Dependencies: StdDraw.java * * Insertion sort n random real numbers between 0 and 1, visualizing * the results by ploting bars with heights proportional to the values. * * % java InsertionBars 20 * ******************************************************************************/ public class InsertionBars { public static void sort(double[] a) { int n = a.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int j = i; while (j >= 1 && less(a[j], a[j-1])) { exch(a, j, j-1); j--; } show(a, i, j); } } private static void show(double[] a, int i, int j) { StdDraw.setYscale(-a.length + i + 0.8, i + 0.8); StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.LIGHT_GRAY); for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) StdDraw.filledRectangle(k, a[k] * 0.3, 0.25, a[k] * 0.3); StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.BOOK_RED); StdDraw.filledRectangle(j, a[j] * 0.3, 0.25, a[j] * 0.3); StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.BLACK); for (int k = j+1; k <= i; k++) StdDraw.filledRectangle(k, a[k] * 0.3, 0.25, a[k] * 0.3); StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.LIGHT_GRAY); for (int k = i+1; k < a.length; k++) StdDraw.filledRectangle(k, a[k] * 0.3, 0.25, a[k] * 0.3); } private static boolean less(double v, double w) { return v < w; } private static void exch(double[] a, int i, int j) { double t = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = t; } public static void main(String[] args) { int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); StdDraw.setCanvasSize(160, 640); StdDraw.setXscale(-1, n+1); StdDraw.setPenRadius(0.006); double[] a = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) a[i] = StdRandom.uniformDouble(0.0, 1.0); sort(a); } }