* Compilation: javac -cp .:jama.jar PolynomialRegression.java
* Execution: java -cp .:jama.jar PolynomialRegression
* Dependencies: jama.jar
* % java -cp .:jama.jar PolynomialRegression
* 0.01 n^3 + -1.64 n^2 + 168.92 n + -2113.73 (R^2 = 0.997)
import Jama.Matrix;
import Jama.QRDecomposition;
* The {@code PolynomialRegression} class performs a polynomial regression
* on an set of N data points (yi, xi).
* That is, it fits a polynomial
* y = β0 + β1 x +
* β2 x2 + ... +
* βd xd
* (where y is the response variable, x is the predictor variable,
* and the βi are the regression coefficients)
* that minimizes the sum of squared residuals of the multiple regression model.
* It also computes associated the coefficient of determination R2.
* This implementation performs a QR-decomposition of the underlying
* Vandermonde matrix, so it is neither the fastest nor the most numerically
* stable way to perform the polynomial regression.
* @author Robert Sedgewick
* @author Kevin Wayne
public class PolynomialRegression implements Comparable {
private final String variableName; // name of the predictor variable
private int degree; // degree of the polynomial regression
private Matrix beta; // the polynomial regression coefficients
private double sse; // sum of squares due to error
private double sst; // total sum of squares
* Performs a polynomial reggression on the data points {@code (y[i], x[i])}.
* Uses n as the name of the predictor variable.
* @param x the values of the predictor variable
* @param y the corresponding values of the response variable
* @param degree the degree of the polynomial to fit
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the lengths of the two arrays are not equal
public PolynomialRegression(double[] x, double[] y, int degree) {
this(x, y, degree, "n");
* Performs a polynomial reggression on the data points {@code (y[i], x[i])}.
* @param x the values of the predictor variable
* @param y the corresponding values of the response variable
* @param degree the degree of the polynomial to fit
* @param variableName the name of the predictor variable
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the lengths of the two arrays are not equal
public PolynomialRegression(double[] x, double[] y, int degree, String variableName) {
this.degree = degree;
this.variableName = variableName;
int n = x.length;
QRDecomposition qr = null;
Matrix matrixX = null;
// in case Vandermonde matrix does not have full rank, reduce degree until it does
while (true) {
// build Vandermonde matrix
double[][] vandermonde = new double[n][this.degree+1];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <= this.degree; j++) {
vandermonde[i][j] = Math.pow(x[i], j);
matrixX = new Matrix(vandermonde);
// find least squares solution
qr = new QRDecomposition(matrixX);
if (qr.isFullRank()) break;
// decrease degree and try again
// create matrix from vector
Matrix matrixY = new Matrix(y, n);
// linear regression coefficients
beta = qr.solve(matrixY);
// mean of y[] values
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum += y[i];
double mean = sum / n;
// total variation to be accounted for
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
double dev = y[i] - mean;
sst += dev*dev;
// variation not accounted for
Matrix residuals = matrixX.times(beta).minus(matrixY);
sse = residuals.norm2() * residuals.norm2();
* Returns the {@code j}th regression coefficient.
* @param j the index
* @return the {@code j}th regression coefficient
public double beta(int j) {
// to make -0.0 print as 0.0
if (Math.abs(beta.get(j, 0)) < 1E-4) return 0.0;
return beta.get(j, 0);
* Returns the degree of the polynomial to fit.
* @return the degree of the polynomial to fit
public int degree() {
return degree;
* Returns the coefficient of determination R2.
* @return the coefficient of determination R2,
* which is a real number between 0 and 1
public double R2() {
if (sst == 0.0) return 1.0; // constant function
return 1.0 - sse/sst;
* Returns the expected response {@code y} given the value of the predictor
* variable {@code x}.
* @param x the value of the predictor variable
* @return the expected response {@code y} given the value of the predictor
* variable {@code x}
public double predict(double x) {
// horner's method
double y = 0.0;
for (int j = degree; j >= 0; j--)
y = beta(j) + (x * y);
return y;
* Returns a string representation of the polynomial regression model.
* @return a string representation of the polynomial regression model,
* including the best-fit polynomial and the coefficient of
* determination R2
public String toString() {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
int j = degree;
// ignoring leading zero coefficients
while (j >= 0 && Math.abs(beta(j)) < 1E-5)
// create remaining terms
while (j >= 0) {
if (j == 0) s.append(String.format("%.2f ", beta(j)));
else if (j == 1) s.append(String.format("%.2f %s + ", beta(j), variableName));
else s.append(String.format("%.2f %s^%d + ", beta(j), variableName, j));
s = s.append(" (R^2 = " + String.format("%.3f", R2()) + ")");
// replace "+ -2n" with "- 2n"
return s.toString().replace("+ -", "- ");
* Compare lexicographically.
public int compareTo(PolynomialRegression that) {
double EPSILON = 1E-5;
int maxDegree = Math.max(this.degree(), that.degree());
for (int j = maxDegree; j >= 0; j--) {
double term1 = 0.0;
double term2 = 0.0;
if (this.degree() >= j) term1 = this.beta(j);
if (that.degree() >= j) term2 = that.beta(j);
if (Math.abs(term1) < EPSILON) term1 = 0.0;
if (Math.abs(term2) < EPSILON) term2 = 0.0;
if (term1 < term2) return -1;
else if (term1 > term2) return +1;
return 0;
* Unit tests the {@code PolynomialRegression} data type.
* @param args the command-line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
double[] x = { 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 200 };
double[] y = { 100, 350, 1500, 6700, 20160, 40000 };
PolynomialRegression regression = new PolynomialRegression(x, y, 3);
// Use System.out.println() so that it works with either stdlib.jar or algs4.jar version