#!/bin/bash # ************************************************* # checkstyle-algs4 # Hayk Martirosyan # ------------------- # Easy-to-understand wrapper for using checkstyle. # ************************************************* # This must match the install directory INSTALL=/usr/local/algs4 JAVA=java # Find most recent version of Checkstyle CHECKSTYLE=checkstyle-[0-9].[0-9]* CHECKSTYLE_JAR=$(ls -td ${INSTALL}/${CHECKSTYLE}/${CHECKSTYLE}-all.jar | head -1) # xml files that specify which Checkstyle checks to run or suppress CHECKSTYLE_XML=${INSTALL}/checkstyle-algs4.xml SUPPRESSIONS_XML=${INSTALL}/checkstyle-suppressions.xml # set base directory to current working directory BASEDIR=`pwd -P` # If there are no arguments if [ ! -n "$1" ]; then echo 'Specify .java files as arguments.' echo "Usage: 'checkstyle Test.java'" exit fi # If the first argument is either a .class or .java file that exists, runs findbugs if [ "${1##*.}" = "java" ]; then if [ -e "$1" ]; then echo "Running checkstyle on $*:" $JAVA -cp "${CHECKSTYLE_JAR}" -Dsuppressions="${SUPPRESSIONS_XML}" -Dbasedir="${BASEDIR}" com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.Main -c "${CHECKSTYLE_XML}" $* | sed 's/\[ERROR\] //' else echo "File not found! Make sure you are specifying the path correctly." echo "The filename is case sensitive." fi else echo "Checkstyle needs a .java file as an argument!" echo "The filename is case sensitive." fi